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eB AlexDinica

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Everything posted by eB AlexDinica

  1. * Raport de Activitate ~~~~ Activity Report * 17 - 23 - martie 2025 Director (Leader) Shaggy - 0 Assistant Director - Rank 6 Scooby69 - 6 Nicolae.Adrian - 0 rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 Section Chief - Rank 5 Shadoz - 8 Eric. - 31 florynn_fly - 10 musiQQ - 15 Snowye - 7 JohnMeister. - 15 .Ady - 25 MorGhuL - 50 AlexGG.eXe - 24 Arhix - 17 rpg2_ORION. - 6 Doncrazy. - 15 trozzy1337 - 10 Predator - 25 FortuNN - 34 Drenk - 30 Special Agent in Charge - Rank 4 Telecom - 53 Septaru777 - 50 _Monst3R_ - 4 TheMax - 51 Quind - 51 BelmondoRS7 - 41 Malai.Interzisrob - 27 Sonierelo - 93 xSile.Primaru - 30 Mury - 61 Supervisory Special Agent - Rank 3 TonyCipriani. - 66 Karinaaa - 88 Kaelen - 141 Press2pnick - 32 AlbertoANTITERO - 5 Bahrain - 0 MarvinZEW. - 90 Only.EGIPTEANU - 85 Darius[x] - 47 Special Agent - Rank 2 Eduard23AVTM. - 35 15Razvan15 - 17 7eveN - 12 MariusCuc - 26 Professional Staff - Rank 1 Inspirs - 61 DeIonSenzatye - 40 NamTigari - 13 Kled. - 0 Stoper - 23 Kaelen primeste $200.000 in aceasta saptamana pentru best. Felicitari!
  2. * Raport de Activitate ~~~~ Activity Report * 03 - 09 martie 2025 Director (Leader) Shaggy - 0 Assistant Director - Rank 6 Scooby69 - 11 Nicolae.Adrian - 6 rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 Section Chief - Rank 5 Shadoz - 11 Eric. - 119 florynn_fly - 15 musiQQ - 7 Snowye - 15 JohnMeister. - 20 .Ady - 0 MorGhuL - 60 AlexGG.eXe - 16 Arhix - 5 rpg2_ORION. - 15 Doncrazy. - 17 trozzy1337 - 15 Starter - 17 FortuNN - 87 Moscow - 25 Special Agent in Charge - Rank 4 Nick02 - 77 DreNK - 50 Telecom - 26 Septaru777 - 72 _MONst3R_ - 0 BelmondoRS7 - 61 Quind - 65 Malai.Interzisrob - 32 Bahrain - 33 Supervisory Special Agent - Rank 3 TheMax - 74 Mury - 60 xSile.Primaru - 60 TonyCipriani. - 35 CalinGeorgescu - 35 Sonierelo - 73 AlbertoANTITERO - 74 Karinaaa - 70 Special Agent - Rank 2 KlaauU - 12 Kaelen - 134 Press2pnick - 27 Darius[x] - 128 Only.EGIPTEANU - 47 7even - 10 MarvinZEW. - 232 15Razvan15 - 41 Maddox - 62 Professional Staff - Rank 1 Eduard23AVTM. - 29 MariusCuc - 40 MarvinZEW. primeste $200.000 in aceasta saptamana pentru best. Felicitari!
  3. * Raport de Activitate ~~~~ Activity Report * 17 - 23 - februarie 2025 Director (Leader) Shaggy - 0 Assistant Director - Rank 6 Scooby69 - 6 Nicolae.Adrian - 0 rpg2_AlexDinica - 1 Section Chief - Rank 5 Shadoz - 8 Eric. - 17 florynn_fly - 19 musiQQ - 15 Snowye - 15 JohnMeister. - 16 .Ady - 16 MorGhuL - 30 AlexGG.eXe - 25 Arhix - 15 rpg2_ORION. - 15 Starter - 30 Doncrazy. - 22 trozzy1337 - 18 ForTuNN - 25 Special Agent in Charge - Rank 4 Moscow - 25 Cosmin03 - 26 Nick02 - 56 Aerozen. - 25 Telecom - 46 Supervisory Special Agent - Rank 3 Septaru777 - 19 TheMax - 100 _MONst3R_ - 40 Malai.Interzisrob - 49 Mury - 30 BelmondoRS7 - 32 Bahrain - 31 quind - 55 xSile.Primaru - 78 Special Agent - Rank 2 AlbertoANTITERO - 36 TonyCipriani. - 27 CalinGeorgescu - 26 Sonierelo - 93 damiaan - 25 klauu - 20 Karinaaa - 61 Press2pnick - 20 Globalelitemaje - 20 Professional Staff - Rank 1 Kaelen - 38 S1xty[]. - 3 7eveN - 20 TheMax primeste $200.000 in aceasta saptamana pentru best. Felicitari!
  4. * Raport de Activitate ~~~~ Activity Report * 03 -09 februarie 2025 Director (Leader) Shaggy - 0 Assistant Director - Rank 6 Scooby69 - 8 Nicolae.Adrian - 0 rpg2_AlexDinica - 12 Section Chief - Rank 5 Shadoz - 9 Eric. - 138 florynn_fly - 30 musiQQ - 18 Snowye - 23 JohnMeister. - 18 Mouse.BULIBASA - 8 .Ady - 18 MorGhuL - 29 AlexGG.eXe - 35 darky - 15 Arhix - 17 rpg2_ORION. - 0 Predator - 35 Razvan.Voda - 15 Pepe - 15 trozzy1337 - 41 Special Agent in Charge - Rank 4 Doncrazy. - 55 D.Andreii - 0 Moscow - 26 FortunN - 0 Supervisory Special Agent - Rank 3 Septaru777 - 23 Cosmin03 - 26 TheMax - 36 Nick02 - 25 _MONst3R_ - 30 Telecom - 20 Ezeq - 41 BelmondoRS7 - 30 Malai.Interzisrob - 42 Bahrain - 80 Special Agent - Rank 2 Bogdyyy.y - 29 quind - 49 .Smurf - 2 Zlatan - 26 xSile.Primaru - 193 Mury - 26 TonyCipriani. - 32 CalinGeorgescu - 20 Sonierelo - 229 damiaan -29 AlbertoANTITERO - 36 Professional Staff - Rank 1 Karinaaa - 67 klauU -3 GlobalEliteMaje - 0 Press2pnick - 108 Sonierelo primeste $200.000 in aceasta saptamana pentru best. Felicitari!
  5. * Raport de Activitate ~~~~ Activity Report * 20 - 26 ianuarie 2025 Director (Leader) Shaggy - 0 Assistant Director - Rank 6 Scooby69 - 8 Nicolae.Adrian - 9 rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 Section Chief - Rank 5 Starter - 23 Shadoz - 9 Eric. - 72 florynn_fly - 15 musiQQ - 17 Snowye - 6 JohnMeister. - 74 Mouse.BULIBASA - 26 .Ady - 20 MorGhuL - 37 AlexGG.eXe - 24 darky - 15 Arhix - 16 rpg2_ORION. - 1 Razvan.Voda - 0 Pepe - 15 Predator - 25 Special Agent in Charge - Rank 4 Doncrazy. - 47 trozzy1337 - 31 D.Andreii - 9 ForTuNN - 31 Moscow - 32 Supervisory Special Agent - Rank 3 Ezeq - 39 Cosmin03 - 25 Nick02 - 56 Telecom - 30 Special Agent - Rank 2 Septaruu777 - 24 deel - 27 _MONst3R_ - 27 TheMax - 74 Hirako. - 0 xSile.PRIMARU - 108 BeLmOnDoRS7 - 25 MALAI.INTERZISROB - 94 Bahrain - 31 .Smurf - 201 Zlatan - 41 Mury - 20 Cosmynn_cn - 94 quinD.BETANO - 121 Bogdyidolafemei - 20 Professional Staff - Rank 1 _ShaQ -0 MagicJackpot -0 TonyCipriani. - 4 EA7 - 78 Sonierelo - 97 .Smurf primeste $200.000 in aceasta saptamana pentru best. Felicitari!
  6. * Raport de Activitate ~~~~ Activity Report * 13 - 19 ianuarie 2025 Director (Leader) Shaggy - 1 Assistant Director - Rank 6 Scooby69 - 15 Nicolae.Adrian - 6 rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 Section Chief - Rank 5 MaxiM - 25 Shadoz - 2 Eric. - 82 florynn_fly - 18 musiQQ - 19 Snowye - 7 JohnMeister. - 26 Mouse.BULIBASA - 23 .Ady - 17 MorGhuL - 25 Zalmoxis - 10 AlexGG.eXe - 17 darky - 16 Arhix - 15 rpg2_ORION. - 0 Razvan.Voda - 0 Pepe - 15 Special Agent in Charge - Rank 4 Doncrazy. - 65 trozzy1337 - 50 Predator - 25 D.Andreii - 10 ForTuNN -22 Supervisory Special Agent - Rank 3 Ezeq - 32 Cosmin03 - 27 Nick02 - 35 Telecom - 29 Moscow - 0 Special Agent - Rank 2 Septaruu777 - 46 Lightshot - 25 deel - 48 _MONst3R_ - 25 TheMax - 114 Hirako. - 27 xSile.PRIMARU - 77 BeLmOnDoRS7 - 20 MALAI.INTERZISROB - 53 Bahrain - 20 Professional Staff - Rank 1 .Smurf - 162 Zlatan - 27 Mury - 43 Cosmynn_cn - 138 quinD.BETANO - 131 Bogdyidolafemei - 10 .Smurf primeste $200.000 in aceasta saptamana pentru best. Felicitari!
  7. Nick: rpg2_AlexDinica Rank: 6 Am dat test cu: MalaiRevenirea Data: 04/01/2024 Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3 Rezultat proba armelor: 5/6 Rezultat proba practica: 0/3 Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis Observator test: - Alte menţiuni: Felicitări, bun venit!
  8. Nick: rpg2_AlexDinica Rank: 6 Am dat test cu: Hirako. Data: 26/12/2024 Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3 Rezultat proba armelor: 4/6 Rezultat proba practica: 0/3 Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis Observator test: - Alte menţiuni: Felicitări, bun venit!
  9. * Raport de Activitate ~~~~ Activity Report * 16 decembrie - 22 decembrie 2024 Director (Leader) Shaggy - 0 Assistant Director - Rank 6 Scooby69 - 0 Nicolae.Adrian - 1 rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 Section Chief - Rank 5 Dragon.NSA - 27 MorGhuL - 31 florynn_fly - 15 Radael01 - 24 Zalmoxis - 9 darky - 17 Arhix. - 22 Snowye - 15 Maxim - 44 Razvan.Voda - 9 k1Nd. - 12 Eric. - 31 Pepe - 15 Paul_ - 0 .Ady - 16 rpg2_ORION. - 15 Shadoz - 1 musiQQ - 15 Maior -27 JohnMeister. - 19 AlexGG.eXe - 35 MoSSaN - 25 Special Agent in Charge - Rank 4 Predator -30 trozzy1337 - 60 Mouse.BULIBASA - 34 Supervisory Special Agent - Rank 3 D.Andreii - 31 Moscow.PALESTINE - 31 skipper.exe - 25 Doncrazy. - 62 ForTuNN - 3 Special Agent - Rank 2 RiNNeZeuMERUNDO - 26 Telecom - 30 Ezeq - 21 Vasea - 43 TarZi.rTx - 20 Professional Staff - Rank 1 Lightshot - 7 .Paul - 44 TheMostWanted.V1 - 218 Nick02 - 34 Luis - 24 MogosuDinCT - 22 Xoomer - 44 TheMostWanted.V1 primeste $200.000 in aceasta saptamana pentru best. Felicitari!
  10. * Raport de Activitate ~~~~ Activity Report * 18 noiembrie - 24 noiembrie 2024 Director (Leader) Shaggy - 1 Assistant Director - Rank 6 Scooby69 - 42 Nicolae.Adrian - 4 rpg2_AlexDinica - 12 Section Chief - Rank 5 Paul_ -15 rpg2_ORION. - 23 Arhix. - 16 Snowye - 9 florynn_fly - 23 Razvan.Voda - 15 Shadoz - 9 _MONsT3R_ - 19 JohnMeister. - 0 MorGhuL - 20 IoNNuT.EXE. - 3 Pepe - 8 Zalmoxis - 22 darky - 65 Manevraa - 25 .Eminem - 1 Special Agent in Charge - Rank 4 k1Nd. - 39 .Dan.ZEW. - 1 Septaruu777 - 25 ByTzAa.95 - 3 Rafael01 - 136 MaxiIM - 28 Deedoo - 25 musiQQ - 25 Mouse.BULIBASA - 29 TOLOgood - 25 .Ady - 26 Eric. - 21 Dragon.NSA - 33 Maior - 25 AlexGG.eXe - 64 MoSSaN - 44 Supervisory Special Agent - Rank 3 Amenadiel - 83 Predator - 36 ForTuNN - 0 LauUr - 15 trozzy1337 - 107 Special Agent - Rank 2 MeThod - 38 Doncrazy. - 185 D.Andreii - 25 V4s1 - 29 Wayde - 65 Moscow.PALESTINE - 20 Professional Staff - Rank 1 Ulukmanapo - N/A RiNNeZeuMERUNDO - N/A Doncrazy. primeste $200.000 in aceasta saptamana pentru best. Felicitari! (premiu acordat 26.11.2024)
  11. * Raport de Activitate ~~~~ Activity Report * 04.11.2024 - 10.112024 Director (Leader) Shaggy - 1 Assistant Director - Rank 6 rpg2_AlexDinica - 1 Scooby69 - 4 Nicolae.Adrian - 0 Section Chief - Rank 5 Razvan.Voda - 3 Snowye - 28 MorGhuL - 111 Pepe - 8 IoNNuT.ExE. - 2 Paul_ - 15 rpg2_ORION. - 22 _MONsT3R_ - 15 JohnMeister - 18 Shadoz - 9 Arhix. - 0 florynn_fly - 28 Special Agent in Charge - Rank 4 MoSSaN - 52 Septaruu777 - 27 .Eminem - 12 ByTzAa.95 - 7 musiqq - 25 Deedoo - 25 darky - 32 Rafael01 - 110 Manevraa - 25 Zalmoxis - 25 AlexGG.eXe - 17 TOLOgood - 25 .Ady - 32 Dragon.NSA - 26 Maior - 32 MaxiV25 - 50 Mouse.BULIBASA - 30 k1Nd. - 0 .Dan.ZEW. - 0 Eric. - 44 Supervisory Special Agent - Rank 3 Amenadiel - 41 Special Agent - Rank 2 LauUr - 14 ForTuNN - 14 StarScream - 29 trozzy1337 - 32 MeThod - 37 V4s1 - 26 Doncrazy. - 55 Crazy. - 132 Professional Staff - Rank 1 D.Andreii - 21 cowS - 40 beniZeW - 25 Moscow.PALESTINE - 12 Crazy. primeste $200.000 in aceasta saptamana pentru best. Felicitari! (Premiu acordat)
  12. * Raport de Activitate ~~~~ Activity Report * 21 octombrie - 27 octombrie 2024 Director (Leader) Shaggy - 2 Assistant Director - Rank 6 rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 Scooby69 - 1 Nicolae.Adrian - 2 Section Chief - Rank 5 Razvan.Voda - 13 Snowye - 2 _MONsT3R_ -1 Paul_ - 18 BigBossIon - 32 IoNNuT.ExE. - 1 Arhix. - 15 JohnMeister. - 19 rpg2_ORION. - 15 Pepe - 21 Shadoz - 8 florynn_fly - 23 MorGhuL - 33 Special Agent in Charge - Rank 4 Eminem - 25 FacTOT - 0 Zalmoxis - 28 Manevraa - 25 ByTzAa.95 - 20 TOLOgood - 25 Deedoo - 20 darky - 38 MoSSaN - 36 musiQQ - 30 Rafael01 - 36 Septaruu777 - 31 AlexGG.eXe - 20 Supervisory Special Agent - Rank 3 k1Nd. - 1 Mouse.BULIBASA - 31 Eric. - 33 .Dan.ZEW. - 1 .Ady - 0 TheMostWanted.V1 -2 MaxiV25 - 30 rpg2_Dumitruuu - 4 Dragon.NSA - 37 Maior - 30 Amenadiel - 25 Special Agent - Rank 2 LauUr - 20 Predator_ - 32 ForTuNN - 25 Professional Staff - Rank 1 trozzy1337 - 53 D.Andreii - N/A Cloudiex - 24 Doncrazy. - N/A Crazy. - N/A V4s1 - N/A trozzy1337 primeste $200.000 in aceasta saptamana pentru best. Felicitari!
  13. * Raport de Activitate ~~~~ Activity Report * 07.10.2024 - 13.10.2024 Director (Leader) Shaggy - 2 Assistant Director - Rank 6 rpg2_AlexDinica - 7 Scooby69 - 19 Nicolae.Adrian - 0 Section Chief - Rank 5 JohnMeister - 21 Paul_ - 15 Shadoz - 8 ByTzAa.95 - 6 BigBossIon - 33 florynn_fly - 11 Snowye - 22 Razvan.Voda - 8 IoNNuT.ExE. - 1 Re[ven]ger - 15 rpg2_ORION. - 15 Arhix. - 16 Pepe - 11 _MONsT3R_ - 26 Special Agent in Charge - Rank 4 MorGhuL - 25 darky - 26 Zalmoxis - 25 FacTOT - 8 Manevraa - 33 qDark. - 30 TOLOgood - 30 Deedoo - 30 RMC. - 0 Supervisory Special Agent - Rank 3 Septaru777 - 30 TheMostWanted.V1 - 0 AlexGG.eXe - 17 Rafael01 - 2 .Ady - 34 Dragon.NSA - 0 musiQQ - 2 DraZoX - 22 MoSSaN - 57 Maior - 25 Noah. - 0 rpg2_Dumitruu - 25 .Dan.ZEW. - 6 Maxi. - 32 k1Nd. - 31 Eric. - 44 Mouse.BULIBASA - 25 Special Agent - Rank 2 Amenadiel - 25 Professional Staff - Rank 1 LauUr - 0 Predator_ - 10 ForTuNN - 25 MoSSaN primeste $200.000 in aceasta saptamana pentru best. Felicitari!
  14. * Raport de Activitate ~~~~ Activity Report * 23.09.2024 - 29.09.2024 Director (Leader) Shaggy - 3 Assistant Director - Rank 6 rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 Scooby69 - 22 Nicolae.Adrian - 0 Section Chief - Rank 5 BigBossIon - 22 Pepe - 15 RMC. - 10 Razvan.Voda - 16 Snowye - 18 Shadoz - 11 ByTzAa.95 - 16 Paul_ - 15 JohnMeister. - 18 florynn_fly - 0 .BogdanN - 15 IoNNuT.EXE - 16 Arhix. - 15 rpg2_ORION. - 16 Raul - 31 Special Agent in Charge - Rank 4 Risuu - 25 MorGhuL - 58 _MONsT3R_ - 33 Re[ven]ger - 27 FacTOT - 9 Zalmoxis - 30 Supervisory Special Agent - Rank 3 Manevraa - 78 MoSSaN - 111 musiQQ - 30 FlavyDUBITARU - 34 DraZoX - 79 qDarK. - 0 darky - 47 TOLOgood - 31 Deedoo - 30 Rafael01- 130 Dragon.NSA - 37 Septaruu777 - 40 AlexGG.eXe - 73 TheMostWanted.V1 - 25 Special Agent - Rank 2 Maxi. - 28 .Dan.ZEW. -0 Mouse.BULIBASA - 28 .Ady - 25 Noah. - 25 Amenadiel - 76 k1Nd. - 54 Maior - 36 Eric. - 57 rpg2_Dumitruuu - 27 Rafael01 primeste $200.000 in aceasta saptamana pentru best. Felicitari! Rafael01 receives $200.000 this week for achieving the best raport. Congratulations!
  15. * Raport de Activitate ~~~~ Activity Report * 09.09.2024 - 15.09.2024 Director (Leader) Shaggy - 1 Assistant Director - Rank 6 rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 Scooby69 - 36 Nicolae.Adrian - 0 Section Chief - Rank 5 Pepe - 8 Mar1aN. - 67 IoNNuT.ExE. - 8 BigBossIon - 10 Snowye - 13 Arhix. -18 ByTzAa.95 - 10 JohnMeister. - 52 rpg2_ORION. - 12 Paul_ - 8 Razvan.Voda - 8 Shadoz - 2 florynn_fly - 17 .BogdanN - 39 Special Agent in Charge - Rank 4 RMC. - 13 MorGhuL - 89 _MONsT3R_ - 89 Re[ven]ger - 13 Raul - 0 Risuu - 16 Supervisory Special Agent - Rank 3 TOLOgood - 16 Zalmoxis - 18 FlavyDUBITARU - 16 darky - 45 FacTOT - 3 Edgar- 5 Rafael01 - 139 Manevraa - 13 Deedoo - 27 Special Agent - Rank 2 Septaruu777 - 158 DraZoX - 38 musiQQ - 18 AlexGG.eXe - 23 qDark. - 16 Dragon.NSA - 50 MoSSaN - 79 Noah. - 38 TheMostWanted.V1 - 26 Maior - 14 .Ady - 14 Professional Staff - Rank 1 rpg2_Dumitruuu - 35 Eric. - 130 Amenadiel - 191 Maxi. - 26 k1Nd. - 53 .Dan.ZEW. - 0 Mouse.BULIBASA - 26 Amenadiel- primeste 200.000$ pentru cele mai multe puncte acumulate, felicitari!
  16. * Raport de Activitate ~~~~ Activity Report * 26.08.2024 - 01.09.2024 Director (Leader) Shaggy - 0 Assistant Director - Rank 6 rpg2_AlexDinica - 1 Scooby69- 37 Nicolae.Adrian - 2 Section Chief - Rank 5 Bogdann - 144 Snowye - 9 Arhix. - 15 BigBossIon - 190 Shadoz - 10 ByTzAa.95 - 20 florynn_fly - 24 Paul_ - 17 rpg2_ORION. - 30 JohnMeister. - 42 Razvan.Voda - 0 Pepe - 15 IoNNuT.ExE. - 0 Mar1aN. - 50 Special Agent in Charge - Rank 4 Raul - 49 MorGhuL - 58 RMC. - 25 Re[ven]ger - 35 _MONsT3R_ - 71 Supervisory Special Agent - Rank 3 Risuu - 0 FlavyDUBITARU - 28 FacTOT - 18 TOLOgood - 26 TheCop - 73 Zalmoxis - 0 Special Agent - Rank 2 darky - 62 Dragon.NSA - 46 qDark. - 58 MoSSaN - 98 Manevraa - 0 Rafael01 - 101 Deedoo - 32 DraZoX - 45 musiQQ - 30 Professional Staff - Rank 1 Septaru777 - 167 AlexGG.eXe - 42 Noah. - 26 .Ady - 2 Maior N/A BigBossIon primeste $200.000 in aceasta saptamana pentru best. Felicitari!
  17. Raport de activitate / Activity report 12.08.2024 - 18.08.2024 Rank 7 (Leader) - Director shaggy - 0 Rank 6 - Director rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 rpg2_NicolaeAdrian - 0 Scooby69 - 1 Rank 5 - Section Chief Razvan.Voda - 3 rpg2_ORION. - 10 Arhix. - 16 Shadoz - 10 JohnMeister. - 51 IoNNuT.ExE. - 17 ByTzAa.95 - 9 Snowye - 13 DropZZ - 0 florynn_fly - 35 Bogdan1 - 10 Pepe - 15 BigBosslon- 29 BeBeX. - 45 Paul_ - 12 Rank 4 - Special Agent in Charge Keisenkov - 25 Mar1aN. - 28 Re[ven]ger - 26 RMC.- 17 Raul - 33 Rank 3 Supervisory Special Agent CosminC0s - 30 _MONsT3R_ - 0 MorGhuL - 0 HOUSTON. - 31 Risuu - 31 Edwin - 26 Rank 2 - Special Agent FlavyDUBITARU - 29 Manevraa - 12 TOLOgood - 26 .AlexUKT - 0 FacTOT - 16 Joric - 28 Zalmoxis - 25 kiwo - 37 MoSSaN - draky - 72 Rank 1 - Professional Staff DraZoX - 29 RPG2_Rafael01 - 80 qDark. - 26 Dragon.NSA - 126 musiQQ -14 DeeDoo - 22 Dragon.NSA - primeste 200.000$ in aceasta saptamana pentru best! Felicitari!
  18. Raport de activitate / Activity report 29.07.2024 - 04.08.2024 Rank 7 (Leader) - Director shaggy - 0 Rank 6 - Director rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 rpg2_NicolaeAdrian - 0 Scooby69 - 1 Rank 5 - Section Chief Razvan.Voda - 25 rpg2_ORION. - 15 Arhix. - 15 NicoWilliams - JohnMeister. - 16 IoNNuT.ExE. - 2 ByTzAa.95 - 15 Snowye - 18 DropZZ - 2 florynn_fly - 9 Bogdan1 - 104 Pepe - 33 CaT - 6 BigBosslon- 31 Rank 4 - Special Agent in Charge Keisenkov - 25 Mar1aN. - 30 BeBeX. - 107 Paul_ - 22 15Razvan15 - 0 Re[ven]ger - 30 RMC.- 19 Rank 3 Supervisory Special Agent CosminC0s - 17 _MONsT3R_ - 30 MorGhuL - 67 kerix- 0 Raul - 19 HOUSTON. - 37 Rank 2 - Special Agent Edwin - 30 Horia.ZeW - 26 .ZECKER - 1 Risuu - 25 FlavyDUBITARU - 23 Manevraa - 22 Rank 1 - Professional Staff TOLOgood - 34 .AlexUKT - 10 FacTOT - 5 Joric - 20 TheCop - 95 Zalmoxis - 55 kiwo - 92 draky - 78 DraZoX - N/A MoSSaN - 9 RPG2_Rafael01 - N/A qDark. - N/A BeBeX. - primeste 200.000$ in aceasta saptamana pentru best! Felicitari!
  19. Raport de activitate / Activity report 08.07.2024 -14.07.2024 Rank 7 (Leader) - Director shaggy - 0 Rank 6 - Director rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 rpg2_NicolaeAdrian - 0 Scooby69 - 12 Rank 5 - Section Chief Razvan.Voda - 10 rpg2_ORION. - 10 Arhix. - 30 NicoWilliams -8 JohnMeister. - 21 IoNNuT.ExE. - 9 ByTzAa.95 - 7 15Razvan15 - 15 Snowye - 1 Ripper - 26 DropZZ - 16 X1oR - 15 florynn_fly - zGg. - 0 Sir.Shaman - 15 Bogdan1 - 31 Pepe - 0 Rank 4 - Special Agent in Charge Kletchkovski - 26 BeBeX. - 26 CaT - 39 BigBosslon- 0 Paul_ - 66 Rank 3 Supervisory Special Agent mar1aN. - 59 Re[ven]ger - 41 BeLmOnDo - 34 Keisenkov - 16 RMC.- 33 kerix- 28 Raul- 28 Rank 2 - Special Agent CosminC0s -34 SmiLeONFiRE.- 45 Raed[iSiS] - 101 _MONsT3R_ - 25 Edwin - 53 HOUSTON. - 23 .ZECKER - 89 Rank 1 - Professional Staff TOLOgood - 20 EVO - 166 Osky. - 20 .AlexUKT - 22 FacTOT - 47 Horia.ZeW - 0 Joric - 26 EVO - primeste 200.000$ in aceasta saptamana pentru best! Felicitari!
  20. Raport de activitate / Activity report 01.07.2024 -07.07.2024 Raportul de activitate din saptamana 01.07.2024 - 07.07.2024 a fost optional.
  21. Raport de activitate / Activity report 17.06.2024 -23.06.2024 Rank 7 (Leader) - Director Beebita - 0 shaggy - 0 Rank 6 - Director rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 rpg2_NicolaeAdrian - 0 Scooby69 - 2 Ozzie - 0 Rank 5 - Section Chief Razvan.Voda - 8 rpg2_ORION. - 15 Arhix. - 16 Shadoz - 47 JohnMeister. - 31 IoNNuT.ExE. - 0 ByTzAa.95 - 5 15Razvan15 - 2 Snowye - 16 Ripper - 0 DropZZ - 15 X1oR - 15 florynn_fly - 1 HypeX.- 13 Leonidas - 0 DAn.ZEW - 1 zGg. - 16 Sir.Shaman - 25 Bogdan.l - 25 Rank 4 - Special Agent in Charge Bogdan1 - 26 Pepe - 0 Kletchkovski - 28 BeBeX. - 91 CaT - 1 BigBosslon- 34 Rank 3 Supervisory Special Agent Paul_ - 0 mar1aN. - 65 Re[ven]ger - 39 BeLmOnDo - 27 Keisenkov - 29 AlexUK - 79 Rank 2 - Special Agent RMC.- 13 kerix- 34 Rank 1 - Professional Staff SmiLeONFiRE.- 20 Raed[iSiS] - 120 Raul- 25 _MONsT3R_ - 0 Edwin - 0 CosminC0s -38 HOUSTON. - N/A Raed[iSiS] - primeste 200.000$ in aceasta saptamana pentru best! Felicitari!
  22. Raport de activitate / Activity report 03.06.2024 - 09.06.2024 Rank 7 (Leader) - Director Beebita -1 shaggy - 0 Rank 6 - Director rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 rpg2_NicolaeAdrian - 3 Scooby69 - 1 Ozzie - 0 Rank 5 - Section Chief Razvan.Voda - 4 rpg2_ORION. - 0 SportLine.LeL - 15 Arhix. - 15 Shadoz - 65 JohnMeister. - 21 IoNNuT.ExE. - 0 ByTzAa.95 - 7 Trebor - 5 15Razvan15 - 15 Snowye - 18 Ripper - 16 DropZZ - 18 X1oR - 7 florynn_fly - 1 DJmix -33 HypeX.- 9 Juvinho - 0 Leonidas - 0 DAn.ZEW - 0 zGg. - 38 Rank 4 - Special Agent in Charge Sir.Shaman - 0 Bogdan.l - 0 Bogdan1 - 14 Pepe - 13 Kletchkovski - 25 BeBeX. - 66 Rank 3 Supervisory Special Agent CaT - 85 BigBosslon- 30 Paul_ - 32 G.UniT - 4 .Gabriel - 8 Rank 2 - Special Agent Re[ven]ger - 29 mar1aN. - 49 BeLmOnDo - 69 Keisenkov - 30 AlexUK - 121 Rank 1 - Professional Staff Kompot.SAPOWER - 20 RMC.- 20 kerix- N/A AlexUK - primeste 200.000$ in aceasta saptamana pentru best! Felicitari!
  23. Raport de activitate / Activity report 20.05.2024 - 26.05.2024 Rank 7 (Leader) - Director Beebita - 2 shaggy - 0 Rank 6 - Director rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 rpg2_NicolaeAdrian - 5 Scooby69 - 40 Ozzie - 5 Rank 5 - Section Chief Razvan.Voda - 15 rpg2_ORION. - 15 SportLine.LeL - 15 Arhix. - 7 Shadoz - 10 JohnMeister. - 25 IoNNuT.ExE. - 1 ByTzAa.95 - 15 Trebor - 25 15Razvan15 - 1 Snowye - 15 Ripper - 20 DropZZ - 0 X1oR - 6 florynn_fly - 16 DJmix - 20 Obito. - 15 HypeX.- 28 Juvinho - 20 Leonidas - 18 DAn.ZEW - 8 Rank 4 - Special Agent in Charge zGg. - 33 Sir.Shaman - 1 Bogdan.l - 27 Rank 3 Supervisory Special Agent Kletchkovski - 50 Bogdan1 - 39 Pepe - 30 BeBeX. - 31 CaT - 59 BigBosslon- 38 Rank 2 - Special Agent Paul_ - 59 rpg2_Nick02 - 0 G.UniT - 27 seezyn - 0 .Gabriel - 15 Salman - 0 Rank 1 - Professional Staff BeLmOnDo - 45 mar1aN. - 29 Keisenkov - 40 Re[ven]ger - 47 AlexUK - 169 Friez - 20 AlexUK - primeste 200.000$ in aceasta saptamana pentru best! Felicitari!
  24. Raport de activitate / Activity report 06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024 Rank 7 (Leader) - Director Beebita - 0 shaggy - 0 Rank 6 - Director rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 rpg2_NicolaeAdrian - 1 Scooby69 - 4 Ozzie - 2 Rank 5 - Section Chief Razvan.Voda - 15 rpg2_ORION. - 15 SportLine.LeL - 0 Arhix. - 8 Shadoz - 9 JohnMeister. - 39 IoNNuT.ExE. - 0 ByTzAa.95 - 17 Trebor - 0 MBM - 19 15Razvan15 - 16 Snowye - 10 Ripper - 30 DropZZ - 15 X1oR - 5 florynn_fly - 21 DJmix - 17 Obito. - 9 HypeX.- 10 Juvinho - 27 Leonidas - 0 Rank 4 - Special Agent in Charge DAn.ZEW - 8 Daniel - 72 zGg. - 39 Sir.Shaman - 30 Crysty.Jupanu - 31 Bogdan.l - 0 Rank 3 Supervisory Special Agent Kletchkovski - 106 Nikita009 - 3 Bogdan1 - 30 Pepe - 22 BeBeX. - 68 Rank 2 - Special Agent CaT - 28 BigBosslon- 31 Paul_ - 24 rpg2_Nick02 - 22 Rank 1 - Professional Staff seezyn - 20 Sejwall - 10 G.UniT - 20 .Gabriel - 22 Salman - 29 Kletchkovski - primeste 200.000$ in aceasta saptamana pentru best! Felicitari!
  25. Raport de activitate / Activity report 22.04.2024 - 28.04.2024 Rank 7 (Leader) - Director Beebita - 0 shaggy - 0 Rank 6 - Director rpg2_AlexDinica - 0 rpg2_NicolaeAdrian - 1 Scooby69 - 6 Ozzie - 2 Rank 5 - Section Chief Razvan.Voda - 10 rpg2_ORION. - 15 SportLine.LeL - 22 Arhix. - 7 Shadoz - 20 JohnMeister. - 16 IoNNuT.ExE. - 0 Versace - 22 ByTzAa.95 - 9 Trebor - 8 MBM - 0 15Razvan15 - 4 Snowye - 0 Ripper - 31 AsQuel - 19 DropZZ - 15 Ali - 8 X1oR - 7 florynn_fly - 6 DJmix - 19 Obito. - 27 Rank 4 - Special Agent in Charge blood.diamond - 0 Joker[Z] - 0 Shady - 28 HypeX.- 15 Juvinho - 24 Leonidas - 50 DAn.ZEW - 12 Daniel - 44 zGg. - 13 Rank 3 Supervisory Special Agent Bogdan.l - 30 Kletchkovski - 92 Crysty.Jupanu - 11 Nikita009 - 31 Sir.Shaman - 34 Bogdan1 - 37 Rank 2 - Special Agent Pepe - 33 BeBeX. - 35 Rank 1 - Professional Staff IonPeCal - 67 seezyn - 1 CaT - 27 Paul_ - 3 rpg2_Nick02 - 36 Kletchkovski - primeste 200.000$ in aceasta saptamana pentru best! Felicitari!
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