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SNNECK mondialu

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SNNECK mondialu's Achievements


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  1. * Nick: spadasinul * Rank:4 * Echipa:SWAT * Invoire [sedinta / antrenament / activitate]: Activitate * Data/Ora: 8.11.2019 / 19:50 * Lipsesc din motivul: plec vineri seara si ma intorc luni dimineata, merg la o bauta cu prietenii * Alte precizari?: N/A
  2. Nick:SNNECK * Rank:2 * Echipa:SWAT * Invoire [sedinta / antrenament / activitate]:Activitate * Data/Ora: 07.08.2019 la orele 13:20-13:59/14:20-14:59 * Lipsesc din motivul:O sa fiu la munte * Alte precizari?:
  3. Nick: SNNECK Rank: 2 Motiv:Vreau sa fac wanted. Alte precizari: Salut!
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