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Everything posted by GoNNNyLEGEND

  1. Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:.vidaL. Motiv: (Acumulare x2AV) Sanctiune:Faction Warn
  2. Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:.vidaL. Motiv: Evidenta wars Sanctiune:Avertisment Verbal Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:sF]rdc.ANTIPEDO Motiv: Evidenta wars Sanctiune:Avertisment Verbal
  3. Evidenta war 08.03.2021 Banati:- Invoiti:- Inactivitati:[TLG]Daryl War 1 :.vidaL. Absent War 2 :[sF]rdc.ANTIPEDO Absent Sanctiuni:.vidaL. AV + amenda 30k [sF]rdc.ANTIPEDO AV + amenda 30k Daca sesizati vreo greseala astept PM!
  4. Evidena war 05.03.2021 Banati:- Invoiti:[TLG]Daryl .vidaL. Trifan.HYENA [RW]Bebino.AntiPedo [sF]rdc.ANTIPEDO [AIM]PitbullSPORTIVU [oS]Cristi.ANTIPEDO War 1 :-- War 2 :[BW]Car8 delew0w.ANTIPEDO[F4L] Absenti War 3 :-- War 4 : Evidenta pe acest war nu se face deoarece a fost spawn kill! Sanctiuni:[BW]Car8 Amenda 15k delew0w.ANTIPEDO[F4L] Amenda 15k Daca sezisati vreo greseala astept PM!
  5. Astazi 05.03.2021 avem 4 war uri | Prezenta maxima | Cine lipseste fara invoire va fi sanctionat! Evidenta se face pe 700 secunde LS si 300 sec LV/SF.
  6. Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:[BW]ANDREiKOV[] Motiv: (Acumulare x2AV) Sanctiune:Faction Warn
  7. Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:[BW]ANDREiKOV[] Motiv: Evidenta wars Sanctiune:Avertisment Verbal
  8. Evidenta war 04.03.2021 Invoiti:Trifan.HYENA [AIM]PitbullSPORTIVU .vidaL. Banati:scottKIA War 1 :[BW]ANDREiKOV[] Absent War 2 : -- Sanctiuni:[BW]ANDREiKOV[] AV + amenda 30k Daca sesizati vreo greseala astept PM!
  9. Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:.vidaL. Motiv: Evidenta wars Sanctiune:Avertisment Verbal Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:Trifan.HYENA Motiv: Evidenta wars Sanctiune:Avertisment Verbal
  10. Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:[DF]CrosserMcQueen Motiv: Evidenta wars Sanctiune:Faction Warn Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:[BW]ANDREiKOV[] Motiv: Evidenta wars Sanctiune:Avertisment Verbal
  11. Evidenta war 03/03/2021 Invoiti:[1948]Make Banati:scottKIA War 1 : [DF]CrosserMcQueen [BW]ANDREiKOV[] Absenti War 2 : [DF]CrosserMcQueen .vidaL. Trifan.HYENA War 3 : [DF]CrosserMcQueen Trifan.HYENA Sanctiuni: [DF]CrosserMcQueen FW [BW]ANDREiKOV[] AV .vidaL. AV Trifan.HYENA AV + amenda 30k Daca sesizati vreo greseala astept PM!
  12. Astazi 03.03.2021 avem 3 war uri | Prezenta maxima! | Cine lipseste fara invoire va fi sanctionat. Evidenta se face pe 700 secunde LS respectiv 300LV/SF.
  13. Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:[DF]CrosserMcQueen Motiv: Evidenta wars Sanctiune: Faction Warn Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:[TL]xSire Motiv: Evidenta wars Sanctiune:Avertisment Verbal Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:[LPH].Andrey. Motiv: Evidenta wars Sanctiune:Avertisment Verbal
  14. Evidenta war 02/03/2021 Invoiti:[RW]BebinoVIDRUTA [BW]ANDREiKOV[] Banati:scottKIA War 1 : [DF]CrosserMcQueen Absent War 2 : [DF]CrosserMcQueen [LPH].Andrey. Absenti War 3 : [TL]xSire [DF]CrosserMcQueen [LPH].Andrey. Absenti Sanctiuni:[DF]CrosserMcQueen FW [LPH].Andrey. AV + amenda 30k [TL]xSire AV Daca sesizati vreo greseala astept PM!
  15. Nume: [TLG]GoNNNyftww Rank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Nume candidat: [CBN].vidaL. Proba teoretica: - Proba practica: - Rezultat (Admis/Respins) Admis Alte precizari:Welcome!
  16. Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat: [AIM]PitbullSPORTIVU Motiv:Statistica Februarie Sanctiune: Faction Warn
  17. Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:[1948]Make Motiv:Reclamatie RPG Sanctiune: Faction Warn Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:[1948]Make Motiv:Parasire turf Sanctiune: Faction Warn
  18. Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:kpnKIA Motiv:(Acumulare x2AV) Sanctiune: Faction Warn Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:[BW]estebanKIA Motiv:Evidenta wars Sanctiune: Faction Warn
  19. Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:[BW]estebanKIA Motiv:Evidenta wars Sanctiune: Faction Warn Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:Trifan.HYENA Motiv:Evidenta wars Sanctiune:Avertisment Verbal Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:kpnKIA Motiv:Evidenta wars Sanctiune:Avertisment Verbal
  20. Evidenta war 23/02/2021 Invoiti:xSire AzaiN PinkVIDRUTA Inactivitate:[AIM]PitbullSPORTIVU Banati:- War 1 :[BW]estebanKIA Absent War 2 :[BW]estebanKIA Trifan.HYENA scottKIA Absent War 3 :Trifan.HYENA [BW]estebanKIA kpnKIA Absent War 4 :[BW]ASAP Trifan.HYENA kpnKIA [BW]estebanKIA Absent Sanctiuni: [BW]estebanKIA FW , Trifan.HYENA AV + amenda 30k , scottKIA Amenda 15k , kpnKIA AV , [BW]ASAP Amenda 15k Daca sesizati vreo greseala astept PM!
  21. Evidenta din data de 22.02.2021 nu se face datorita problemelor de conectare pe server.
  22. Nick: GoNNNyftwwRank: Supreme Chief (Leader) Membrul sanctionat:kpnKIA Motiv:Evidenta war Sanctiune: Faction Warn
  23. Evidenta war 19/02/2021 Invoiti:Trifan.HYENA estebanKIA [WG]xSire [LORD]delew0w1948 [RW]BebinoVIDRUTA Banati:scottKIA War 1 : kpnKIA Absent Sanctiuni:kpnKIA Faction Warn
  24. Astazi 19.02.2021 avem 1 war | Prezenta maxima! | Cine lipseste fara invoire va fi sanctionat! Evidenta se va face pe 700 sec LS si 300 sec LV/SF!
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