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  1. Nick: ElChapo.VFV Rank: 1 Activitatea la care te invoiesti (Sedinta / Antrenament / War / Alta activitate): War Motivul invoirii: voi fi plecat Data activitatii la care nu poti veni:11.01.2023 Numarul de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana (x/2): 1/2 Alte precizari: mersi
  2. Nick :ElChapo.VFV Rank: 2 Motivul absentei : nu sunt acasa Data warului: 12.12.2022 Alte precizari: :bafta ! Numarul total de invoiri 1/2
  3. Nick :ElChapo.VFV Rank: 2 Motivul absentei : nu sunt acasa Data warului: 09.12.2022 Alte precizari: :bafta ! Numarul total de invoiri 2/2
  4. Nick :ElChapo.VFV Rank: 2 Motivul absentei : nu sunt acasa Data warului: 06.12.2022 Alte precizari: :bafta ! Numarul total de invoiri 1/2
  5. Nick : ElChapo.VFV Rank: 2 Motivul absentei : Nu sunt acasa Data warului: 30.11.2022 Alte precizari?: - Numarul total de invoiri: 1/2
  6. Nick : ElChapo.VFV Rank: 1 Motivul absentei : nu sunt acasa Data warului: 21.11.2022 Alte precizari?:- Numarul total de invoiri: 1/2
  7. Nickname: ElChapo.VFV Rank: Lider Membrul sanctionat: xRevenge Data sanctiunii: 10.11.2022 Motiv: Evidenta war Sanctiune: FW Nickname: ElChapo.VFV Rank: Lider Membrul sanctionat: [B4L]OneManArmySmurf Data sanctiunii: 10.11.2022 Motiv: Evidenta war Sanctiune: AV
  8. Sollow, ov1delius, azze, moraru si k3njr invoiri acceptate, dymacs invoire respinsa ai fost la war, smurf invoire respinsa sunt mai mult de maxim de 5 invoiri cat imi permite sa accept.
  9. Evidenta war: 10.11.2022 Membrii invoiti:solow0w, [oC]ov1delius, [zL]Moraru.KROKODILU [oC]KennJrr_MANEVRA .Azze. Membri cu inactivitate : - Membri banati: Green Street Bloods 3 - 12 Verdant Family Turf: Docks II LS Time interval: 20:00-20:30 End time: 10.11.2022 20:29 Attack time: 09.11.2022 22:08 Sanctiuni:xRevenge Absent 1/4 [B4L]OneManArmySmurf Absent 1/4 Green Street Bloods 0 - 15 Verdant Family Turf: Grove Street LS Time interval: 20:30-21:00 End time: 10.11.2022 20:59 Attack time: 09.11.2022 22:08 Sanctiuni: xRevenge Absent 2/4 Verdant Family 14 - 1 Green Street Bloods Turf: GSB LS Time interval: 21:00-21:30 End time: 10.11.2022 21:29 Attack time: 09.11.2022 22:10 Sanctiuni: Drax2Glory Absent 1/4 [B4L]OneManArmySmurf Absent 2/4 xRevenge Absent 3/4 Azerbaijan Absent 1/4 Verdant Family 14 - 1 Green Street Bloods Turf: East Beach LS Time interval: 21:30-22:00 End time: 10.11.2022 21:59 Attack time: 09.11.2022 22:11 Sanctiuni: [B4L]OneManArmySmurf Absent 3/4 xRevenge Absent 4/4 FW.
  10. Nume: ElChapo.VFV  Rank: Lider Nume candidat:Drax2Glory Proba teoretică: 0/3 Proba practică: 5-2 El Rezultat (Admis/Respins): Admis
  11. Toate invoirile au fost acceptate jamal si sollow respinse ati fost la war.
  12. Evidenta war: 7.11.2022 Membrii invoiti: xRevenge ,Azerbaijan . .Azze. [oC]ov1delius [zL]Utu Membri cu inactivitate : - Membri banati: Verdant Family 4 - 11 Green Street Bloods Turf: Mats Get LS Time interval: 20:00-20:30 End time: 07.11.2022 20:29 Attack time: 06.11.2022 22:09 Sanctiuni: - Verdant Family 8 - 7 Green Street Bloods Turf: Grove Street LS Time interval: 20:30-21:00 End time: 07.11.2022 20:59 Attack time: 06.11.2022 22:09 Sanctiuni: [B4L]OneManArmySmurf Absent 1/4 AMENDA 25K Green Street Bloods 1 - 14 Verdant Family Turf: Unity Station LS Time interval: 21:00-21:30 End time: 07.11.2022 21:29 Attack time: 06.11.2022 22:05 Sanctiuni: - Green Street Bloods 0 - 15 Verdant Family Turf: Racing LS Time interval: 21:30-22:00 End time: 07.11.2022 21:59 Attack time: 06.11.2022 22:05 Sanctiuni: -
  13. Nickname: ElChapo.VFV Rank: Lider Membrul sanctionat: AardeiKARAMEL Data sanctiunii: 5.11.2022 Motiv: Neplata amenda Sanctiune: FW
  14. Nickname: ElChapo.VFV Rank: Lider Membrul sanctionat: [NC]Antisocial Data sanctiunii: 4.11.2022 Motiv: Reclamatie website Sanctiune: FW Nickname: ElChapo.VFV Rank: Lider Membrul sanctionat: [NC]Antisocial Data sanctiunii: 4.11.2022 Motiv: Reclamatie website Sanctiune: FW x2 Nickname: ElChapo.VFV Rank: Lider Membrul sanctionat: [ToV]EvoqueHAZE Data sanctiunii: 4.11.2022 Motiv: Reclamatie website Sanctiune: FW Nickname: ElChapo.VFV Rank: Lider Membrul sanctionat: [ToV]EvoqueHAZE Data sanctiunii: 4.11.2022 Motiv: Reclamatie website Sanctiune: FW x2 Nickname: ElChapo.VFV Rank: Lider Membrul sanctionat: [ToV]EvoqueHAZE Data sanctiunii: 4.11.2022 Motiv: Reclamatie website Sanctiune: FW x3
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