Nick: Lucifer.GLOBAL
Rank: 2
From what are you missing(meeting/training/activities/war : 2 WARs
Date: 8/10/2021
Reason: I have something to do
Number of requests from this week: 0
Number total of requests : 0
Other specifications: No
Nick: Oze
Rank: 1From what are you missing(meeting/training/activities/war : war Date: 8/20/2021
Reason: my pc dont work
Number of requests from this week: Just this one
Number total of requests :Its my first
Other specifications: No
Nume: Oze
Rank: 2
Actiuni namecover:
Numarul de actiuni namecover: /frisk - /su - /frisk in prison (i didnt found drugs when he died )
Alte precizari: No Thanks
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