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CBN Toriino

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CBN Toriino last won the day on November 16 2023

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About CBN Toriino

  • Birthday 02/15/1996

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    Getting to know other people's culture
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    Mohamed Chekhar
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  1. The end of an era :(  It's sad but C'est la vie

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. South Max

      South Max

      Ar trebui să le spui şi celor din staff-ul actual că funcţia virtuală nu este eternă şi nimeni nu este de neînlocuit.. :)

    3. Elena


      Talibanu meu preferat.

    4. David.


      Mult succes toriino in viata reala si spor in toate cele! 

  2. Nick: Toriino Rank: Mixt Manager Membrul sancționat și rankul său: SollaS(rank 3) Sancțiunea primită: x3 FW Motivul: Fraudare raport Data: 16.07.2023 Dovezi (dacă este cazul): Mai multe dovezi, la cerere si nevoie
  3. Dragi Ascultatorii, Radio B-Zone este BACK IN BUSINESS si pe serveriile de SA:MP cu playlisturi si reclame proaspte! Cu ajutorul lui @ eB BishopHeahmund Botul Radio B-Zone in Discordu comunitatii a fost imbunatatit si are o optiunea noua. Acum daca va place o piesa pusa de un DJ sau AutoDJ puteti afla cum se numeste si cine este artistul in canalul #Songs-Played pe Discord B-Zone. In urmatoarea perioada vom vom organiza mai multe evenimente pentru voi si vom asculta in continuare de la voi pentru a aduce noutati! Nu uitati sa ne contactati pe: radiostaff@b-zone.ro pentru reclamatii/propuneri Radio B-Zone Manager @ CBN Toriino
  4. Dragi ascultatori, Am revenit cu mai multe informatii si vesti bune! Radio-ul a fost relansat din nou cu playlisturi noi si system nou! De acum, nu mai avem o perioada anume a zilei unde puteti asculta manele ci va fi amestecat cu alte gusturi muzicale iar DJ vor fi mult mai antrenati sa asculta de la voi si sa aiba emisii echilibrate intre manele si alte gusturi muzicale! Momentan pe AutoDJ, cele mai frecvente melodii vor fi Pop/Trap dar si manelele este prezent si o sa-l auziti ascultandu-ne! Aceste schimbarii le am facut dupa ce am ascultat feedback din partea voastra si voi continua sa fac pasi necessari ca sa ma asigur ca va place alaturi de noi! Multumim pentru toate mailuri de propuneri si idei! De aiba astept sa primesc mai multe! Radiostaff@b-zone.ro Radio-ul inca este oprit pe SAMP deoarce trebuie sa primeasca serverul un restart ca sa mearga dinnou si din pacate momentan nu avem timp cand o sa aiba loc un update/restart dar sperem sa fie in curand! Pana atunci, ne puteti asculta pe Discord B-Zone sau pe browser aici: https://bzone.radioca.st/index.html?sid=1 Radio B-Zone Manager @ CBN Toriino
  5. Dragi jucatori, luna sfanta a Ramadanului a luat sfarsit si pentru asta musulmanii sarbatoresc Eid Al Fitr. Asadar, activitatea tuturor o sa fie iar cum a fost in trecut. Prezenta la waruri si activitati sunt obligatorii. De acum inainte, trebuie sa faceti prezenta 4/4 la waruri, in caz contrar veti fi sanctionati de catre lideri. Eid Moubarak pentru toti musulmani Dear Players, The holy month of Ramadan is over and as a result of this, Muslims celebrate Eid Al Fitr. This being said, The activity will be restored to its previous state. War presence and all activities will be mandatory. From now, you have to attend 4/4 wars otherwise, you risk punishment from the leaders. Eid Moubarak Everyone
  6. Dragi ascultatori, Din pacate, am fost anuntati de firma de hosting ca platforma noastra de Radio B-Zone a avut un **outage** care a cauzat o pierde de date cat si probleme technice in hosting-ul/streaming-ul de radio in data de 11.04.2023. De atunci pana acum eu fiind in vacanta, nu mi am dat seama de notificarea lor dar vorbind cu bobo astazi, am reusit sa reluam streaming-ul insa vom fi absenti inca cateva zille deoarce ar trebuie sa reconstruiesc post-ul si incarc playlisturile/melodiile si mai multe date! Vom reveni in cel mai curand! Asteptam propuneriile voastre de melodii/altele pe Discord B-Zone la sectia Radio sau prin mail pe: radiostaff@b-zone.ro Radio B-Zone Manager @ CBN Toriino
  7. O noua platforma de dedicatii a fost lansata pentru dedicatiile! Acesta fiind Google Forms! Platforma va fie in continuare acessata prin acest link: http://b-zone.ro/dedicatii Si va arata asa: Pe Langa asta avem un nou logo si fundal official a postului de Radio Va multumim ca ne sunteti alaturi! Ascultare placuta! Echipa Radio B-Zone
  8. Dear Players, Unlike Christians and Easter, Muslims celebrate the holy month of Ramadan from 23.03.2023 to 22.04.2023. This means that they will have to abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and all sexual activities from dawn(05:00 AM) till dusk(20:00 PM). Ramadan is celebrated by Muslims every year to get closer to God as well as experience the feeling of all the poor people around the world who do not have access to all the gifts we take for granted every day. This being mentioned, for the Muslim community on the server, they will have to break their fast everyday between 20:30-21:30 PM It's the time of day when they are allowed to start eating. The staff has, hereby, decided to automatically allow those players absence from wars or any further faction activities in that time interval without having to post it on the forum. Before or after that, they will have to receive the leaders' approval. To avoid abuse, Leaders can at anytime request from the admins to check the IP addresses of those players. This also goes to say that if you are a Muslim, inform your leaders about it beforehand and allow them time to confirm it before they come back to you. For any further questions or concerns please refer to me or your leader who will contact the relevant staff members. Ramadan Kareem everyone Dragi jucători, Spre deosebire de creștini și de Paște, musulmanii sărbătoresc luna sfântă a Ramadanului din 23.03.2023 până la 22.04.2023. Acest lucru înseamnă că vor trebui să a se abține din mâncare, băut, fumat și toate activitățile sexuale din zori (05:00 AM) până la amurg (20:00). Ramadanul este sărbătorit de musulmani în fiecare an pentru a se apropia de Dumnezeu, precum și pentru a experimenta sentimentul tuturor oamenilor săraci din întreaga lume care nu au acces la toate darurile pe care le luăm pentru fiecare dată. Acest lucru fiind menționat, pentru comunitatea musulmană de pe server, va trebui să își mananca între 20:30-21:30 PM. Este momentul zilei când li se permite să înceapă să mănânce. Prin prezenta, Stafful a decis să le învoiască automat jucătorilor aceștia de la waruri în acest interval de timp, fără a fi nevoie să-l posteze pe forum. Înainte sau după aceea, vor trebui să primească aprobarea liderilor. Pentru a evita abuzurile, Liderii pot solicita oricând de la admin-uri să verifice adresele IP ale acestor jucători. Acest lucru înseamnă, de asemenea, că, dacă sunteți musulman, informați-i liderii în prealabil și lăsați-i timp să o confirme înainte de a vă întoarce. Pentru orice alte întrebări sau nelămuriri, vă rugăm să vă adresați mie sau conducătorului dvs. care va contacta membrii stafful în cauză. Ramadan Kareem tuturor RPG2 Administration Team, B-Zone Staff
  9. Titlul clipului: S2E1 B-Vlog| Coletul Gen: B-Vlog Data: 25.01.2023 Scurta prezentare: Nea Firel revine cu episodul 2 din sezonul 2 B-Vlog! Link:
  10. Titlul clipului: Semnat, Nea Mirel Gen: B-Vlog Data: 24.12.2022 Scurta prezentare: Teaser-ul si povestea de revenirea B-Vlog in seazon-ul 2 Link: https://youtu.be/MDmOm9TePGI
  11. [19.12.2022] RADIO PLAYLIST UPDATE Au fost adăugate piese și urmează pe parcursul acestei periodei să se mai adauge. Playlist-ul are numele de "B-Christmas" și conține melodii specifice acestui anotimp cu rotatia generala. Dacă dorești să ne ajuți și să îți adaugi piesele tale preferate pe radio, atunci poți face pe Discord B-Zone in canalul specific, după model.
  12. da deoarce sunt anumite chestii exact la fel fiind factiunea de acelesi tip. spune-ne si noua care sunt si ma uit trist
  13. Oare ati facut sekma emagului? Crestere de preturile o saptamana inainte de black Friday apoi reducere atunci?
  14. Content: Chapter 1 - General provisions Chapter 2 - Motorcycle theft Chapter 3 - Player Extortion Chapter 4 - Faction Vehicles Chapter 5 - Activity Chapter 1 - General provisions 1.1. Sons of Anarchy members must be familiar with the general mixed faction rules as well as the server rules. 1.2. If you ever have concerns, suggestions or problems, you can talk to the leader or sub-leaders. 1.3. Members will be promoted when the leader deems it necessary, asking to be promoted or beating around the bush is only accepted if done in a respectful way otherwise a sanction may be in order. (penalty: faction warn) 1.3.1. The same applies to faction warn clear. 1.4. You are not allowed to use faction commands for personal purposes or for fun (penalty: faction warn). 1.5. You are not allowed to have multiple accounts in Sons of Anarchy. Depending on the logs checked by the admins, you risk being dismissed on the account that joined the faction most recently. 1.5.1. If the players share the same IP, but are not the same person (e.g. siblings, couple, etc.), they must make a ticket and get permission from a level 4 admin who will be an in-game witness to the fact that the 2 accounts are not used by the same person. 1.6. If you receive complaints on RPG, you must come with explanations and evidence within 24 hours after the complaint date. If the 24 hours passes, the leader can respond to the complaint without having to wait for your proofs or explanation from you. 1.6.1. You are required to behave appropriately when responding to a complaint. 1.7. Members are allowed to use any job, whether legal or illegal. The only time members need to hold a specific job is when a Rank 3+ member asks them to for a special activity (penalty: faction warn if they disobey the Rank 3+ member). Chapter 2 - Motorcycle theft 2.1. Sons of Anarchy members can use [/work] and [/picklock] to steal personal and police motorcycles. Motorcycle models that can be stolen are: Freeway, PCJ-600, Sanchez, Quad, FCR-900, NRG-500, BF-400, Wayfarer, Faggio, Pizzaboy, Police HPV-1000, Police NRG-500. 2.1.1. Personal and police engines can be stolen without Sons of Anarchy getting wanted. The following conditions must be met: - Rank 1: won't get wanted if there isn't at least 1 player within 300m of the steal - Rank 2: won't get wanted if there isn't at least 1 player within 250m of the steal - Rank 3: won't get wanted if there isn't at least 1 player within 200m of the steal - Rank 4: won't get wanted if there aren't at least 2 players within 150m of the steal - Rank 5/6: won't get wanted if there aren't at least 2 players within 100m of the steal 2.2. Stolen engines can be delivered to Sons of Anarchy garages in each city. The locations are as follows: - Los Santos physical location, map location - Las Venturas physical position, map position - San Fierro physical position, map position 2.3. You are not allowed to ask players to allow you to steal their motorcycles (penalty: faction warn). 2.3.1. If this act is repeated several times, it can be considered fraud report (penalty: dismissal). 2.4. You are not allowed to ask players to help you report in any way (penalty: faction warn or dismissal as the case may be). Two examples of situations that are not allowed: - ask players to spawn their bikes so you can steal them; - ask players to move their motorcycles somewhere further so you can steal them without getting wanted; 2.5. You are not allowed to attack players you steal bikes from. The heist can be successfully completed without DMing (penalty: faction warn). Chapter 3 - Player Extortion 3.1. Sons of Anarchy members can use [/extort] or [/ext] on any civilian that wears one of the faction's skins to steal their money, materials and drugs. 3.2. You're not allowed to ask players to allow you to extort them. (sanction: faction warn) 3.2.1. You're not allowed to extort faction colleagues on secondary accounts. (sanction: faction warn for the one who extorts, and also for the one who is extorted if the proof allows it) Chapter 4 - Faction Vehicles 3.1. Faction vehicles can be used by members whenever they need, either for business reporting or personal reasons. 3.2. If you've completed your faction vehicle chores, they must respawn (either by exploding, being thrown into water, or begging a teammate for [/fvr]). 3.3. You are not allowed to park your personal vehicles in places where faction vehicles spawn or in a place that confuses faction activity (penalty: verbal warning on first offense, faction warn on repeat). Chapter 5 - Activity 4.1. Each member must meet a minimum of 15 REAL hours (on [/goldaward]) played each month to avoid being penalized. Sanctions are granted as follows: - for a number of actual hours played between 8 and 15: -- the first offense will be sanctioned with a faction warning -- the second offense will be sanctioned with rank down -- the third offense will be sanctioned with dismissal - for a number of actual hours played less than 8: dismissal 4.1.1 If 6 months pass since the last penalty for low activity, then the violations will be reset. For example, if a member receives a faction warning for poor activity in January, being on their first offense, and then has a second offense in September, they will still receive a faction warning because the offenses reset 6 months after the first offense, i.e. in July. 4.2. Members must tally their points for the weekly report without help from players. Any fraud or attempted fraud may result in dismissal, depending on the case and evidence. Chapter 5 - Faction Skins 5.1. Faction skins are based on Rank and can be found in the picture below: 5.2. It is not allowed to wear skins of a higher Rank than yours (e.g. a Rank 2 is not allowed to wear a Rank 5 skin;). (penalty: verbal warning first offense, faction warn if repeated) 5.2.1. It is allowed to wear skins of a lower Rank than yours (e.g. a Rank 5 is allowed to wear the skins of Rank 1, 2, 3 and 4, in addition to the one of Rank 5). Chapter 6 - Faction Chat 6.1. Rank 5+ members are not allowed to spam the commands [/fvr] and [/fvs] (penalty: faction warn or rank down depending on the severity / multiple issues). 6.2. Members of Rank 5+ are required to inform members on [/f] at least 10 seconds before using the command [/fvr] (penalty: verbal warning). 6.3. You may not spam or use caps lock on faction chat (penalty: check the fines topic). 6.4. The command [/ftalkpower] will only be used for good reasons (e.g. activities, stopping a conflict on [/f], etc.). (penalty: faction warn first offense, rank down if repeated). 6.5. Tog can be used in the faction chat only with the consent of a subleader or the leader (penalty: faction warn).
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