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F4L Carter.

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Everything posted by F4L Carter.

  1. Nick: [F4L]Carter Chosen contract: https://imgur.com/RKIh9DH
  2. Nume in joc: [F4L]Carter. Contract: https://imgur.com/5V1vRFG
  3. https://imgur.com/IlJ3G70 -Nume in joc: [F4L]Carter. -Contract:
  4. Nume in joc: [F4L]Carter. Contract: https://imgur.com/2TkURIk
  5. Nume in joc: [F4L]Carter. Contract: https://imgur.com/ebW0MXp
  6. Nume in joc: [F4L]Carter. Contract: https://imgur.com/ETtwQW1
  7. Nume: [F4L]Carter. Contract: https://imgur.com/f6xOYzS
  8. Nume in joc: [F4L]Carter. Contract: https://imgur.com/1SfD38s
  9. Nume în joc: [F4L]Carter. Contractul ales: https://imgur.com/FT2Xz5b
  10. https://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=4223 - Cumpara de aici gold 

  11. https://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=4223 - Cumpara de aici gold 

  12. Nume in joc: [F4L]Carter. Contract: https://imgur.com/5skYHcW
  13. https://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=4223 - Cumpara de aici gold 

    1. F4L Carter.

      F4L Carter.

      https://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=4223 - Cumpara de aici gold 

  14. Nume in joc: [F4L]Carter. Contractul ales: https://imgur.com/BFWDl55
  15. https://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=4223 - Cumpara de aici gold 

  16. https://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=4223 - Cumpara de aici gold 

  17. https://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=4223 - Cumpara de aici gold 

  18. https://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=4223 - Cumpara de aici gold 


  19. Nume in joc: [F4L]Carter. Contract: https://imgur.com/S1HEaOK
  20. Nume in joc: [F4L]Carter. Contract: https://imgur.com/gyTa2Iv
  21. Nume: - Linkul catre profilul de website / RPG bar: [url="https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/[F4L]Carter."][img]https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/bar/[F4L]Carter..png[/img][/url] - Tipul de pachet dorit: 4 - Dovada cu plata în contul liderului / subliderului: https://imgur.com/yLnmmKo - Anunțul dorit: Ai chef de un barbut? /gps - Business - ID 115 te asteapta la un zar. - Numărul de pachete de care am beneficiat saptămâna asta: 0/2 - Am luat la cunoștință regulile prezentate pe prima pagină: Da - Sunt de acord ca tipul pachetului și anunțul să fie modificate dacă este cazul: Da - Alte precizări: Da
  22. Nume in joc: [F4L]Carter. Contract: https://imgur.com/2n15Z66
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