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Everything posted by MaRvinZEW.

  1. Nume: MaRvinZEW. Rank: 3 Actiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/gallery/nc-G0KAJuL Numarul de actiuni namecover: x1 Posesie / Folosire droguri Saptamana: 24.03.2025 - 30.03.2025 Alte precizari: -
  2. Discord ID: marvinzew8803 Rank(s) wanted: Department Member RPG profile link: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/MaRvinZEW.
  3. Name: MaRvinZEW. Rank: 2 Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/gallery/undercover-GdgetBc Number of namecover actions: 1x Drugs posession/use Week: 17.032025-23.03.2025 Other specifications?: Bafta!
  4. Nume: MaRvinZEW. Rank: 2 Actiuni namecover: Click Numarul de actiuni namecover: x1 Posesie / Folosire droguri Saptamana: 10.03.2025-16.03.2025 Alte precizari: Bafta!
  5. Display Name: MaRvinZEW. I want (Avatar/Avatar Discord/Signature/Userbar/Logo/Cover Profile): Signature Picture (requested in case of signatures): - Theme (Nature, girls, landscapes, sunset, sunrise, cars, vintage, b&w, abstract, textures, animals, etc.): - Text (optional): MaRvinZEW Sizes (optional): potrivite pentru o semnatura Other details (optional): i want it with the name MaRvinZEW and after that FBI and if there any elements to add be free and impress me, thanks!
  6. Name: MaRvinZEW. Record beaten: ➤ Most Hours Played Per Month Proof: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/stats/topGoldRewards Additional information: New Record 314H
  7. Nume: MaRvinZEW. Rank:LV Supervisor (4) Data testului:18/02/2025 Numele candidatului: [AIM]WhiteBeard Rezultat (x/3):3/3 Alte precizări: Next time!
  8. Nume: MaRvinZEW. Rank:LV Supervisor (4) Data testului:18/02/2025 Numele candidatului: GardaNationala Rezultat (x/3):1/3 Alte precizări: Good luck!
  9. Nume: MaRvinZEW. Rank:LV Supervisor (4) Data testului:17/02/2025 Numele candidatului: iMpeRadoR Rezultat (x/3):2/3 Alte precizări: Good luck!
  10. Nume: MaRvinZEW. Rank:LV Supervisor (4) Data testului:17/02/2025 Numele candidatului: [F4L].RazvanR26 Rezultat (x/3):2.5/3 Alte precizări: Good luck! Nume: MaRvinZEW. Rank:LV Supervisor (4) Data testului:17/02/2025 Numele candidatului: LuPiTo Rezultat (x/3):1.5/3 Alte precizări: Good luck!
  11. Nume: MaRvinZEW. Rank:LV Supervisor (4) Data testului:17/02/2025 Numele candidatului: antwerp Rezultat (x/3):0/3 Alte precizări: Welcome!
  12. Nume: MaRvinZEW. Rank:LV Supervisor (4) Data testului:17/02/2025 Numele candidatului: [YKZ]Kobra.SANGERECE Rezultat (x/3):1/3 Alte precizări: Welcome!
  13. Nume: MaRvinZEW. Rank:LV Supervisor (4) Data testului:17/02/2025 Numele candidatului: [TLG].BogdanDLP Rezultat (x/3):0/3 Alte precizări: Welcome!
  14. Nume: MaRvinZEW. Rank:LV Supervisor (4) Data testului:16/02/2025 Numele candidatului: [420]ZeCo Rezultat (x/3):3/3 Alte precizări: good luck next time!
  15. Nume: MaRvinZEW. Rank:LV Supervisor (4) Data testului:14/02/2025 Numele candidatului: [420]To[N]inooo_ Rezultat (x/3):3/3 Alte precizări: good luck next time!
  16. @ Soulrayne Thats so nice, i like it and i like the idea of the point for "i" and .ro, thank you
  17. Nume: MaRvinZEW. Rank:LV Supervisor (4) Data testului:14/02/2025 Numele candidatului: patronu1[rTx] Rezultat (x/3):1.5/3 Alte precizări: felicitari!
  18. Display Name: MaRvinZEW. I want (Avatar/Avatar Discord/Signature/Userbar/Logo/Cover Profile): Signature Picture (requested in case of signatures): - Theme (Nature, girls, landscapes, sunset, sunrise, cars, vintage, b&w, abstract, textures, animals, etc.): - Text (optional): MaRvinZEW Sizes (optional): potrivite pentru o semnatura Other details (optional): i want it with the name MaRvinZEW and after that LVSI and if there any elements to add be free and impress me, thanks!
  19. @ RW YuukiKING Nice work, that white cover is perfect for me, thank you ❤️
  20. @ Soulrayne I just asked politely i didint say anything wrong, and if you cant understund what means in right postion so could ask me, dont make it personal and if i deserve to be in blacklist go for it
  21. @ Soulrayne I asked for a white background and the text in right postion not in middel, i dont see that in your work, Thank you!
  22. Display Name: MaRvinZEW. I want (Avatar/Avatar Discord/Signature/Userbar/Logo/Cover Profile): Cover Picture (requested in case of signatures): - Theme (Nature, girls, landscapes, sunset, sunrise, cars, vintage, b&w, abstract, textures, animals, etc.): I would like to have a cover the oppposite of my avatar, my avatar devil i want a cover with Angel and White back ground Text (optional): Big "Welcome To Heaven!" with a gold color or somthing like that in right position of the pic Sizes (optional): - Other details (optional): Thank you !
  23. Discord ID: marvinzew8803 Rank(s) wanted: Donator, Peacful faction member RPG profile link: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/MaRvinZEW.
  24. Nume: MaRvinZEW. Rank: LV Supervisor (4) Data testului:31/01/2025 Numele candidatului: RancoUraganu Rezultat (x/3):0/3 Alte precizări:Felicitari!
  25. Nume: MaRvinZEW. Rank: LV Supervisor (4) Data testului:31/01/2025 Numele candidatului: xQzme Rezultat (x/3):0/3 Alte precizări:Felicitari!
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