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PlayStation 4 | Play Station 4 Pro | PlayStation 3 Calitati: (+)Poveste captivantă cu personaje noi (+)Locaţie familiară, redată de un motor grafic modern (+)Dialoguri excelente în limba japoneză (detine si dublaj în engleză) (+)Sisteme împrumutate din jocuri adventure (+)Lupte fluente cu multiple procedee situaţionale (+)Upgrade de frigider la nivel „badass” Defecte: (-)Ruleaza doar in 30 de cadre pe secunda Caracteristici: Mod: SinglePlayer Data Lansarii: 13 Decembrie 2018 (Japonia) 25 Iunie 2019 (Global) Seria: Yakuza Descriere si Informatii: Judgment este produs de echipa din spatele cunoscutei serii "Yakuza", acţiunea având loc în acelaşi univers, în oraşul "Tokyo" al zilelor noastre. Firul poveştii din "Judgement" îl urmăreşte pe Takayuki Yagami, un detectiv particular ce încearcă să desluşească misterul unei serii de crime. Judgment este primul joc modern plasat în cadrul universului Yakuza care beneficiază de o localizare completă în engleză. SEGA a optat pentru reînregistrarea tuturor dialogurilor în engleză, rolul personajului principal Takayuki Yagami fiind interpretat de actorul Greg Chun. Poze / Trailer: Trailer: Poze: Alte informatii: Din pacate nu am reusit sa fac rost de niste cerinte de sistem exacte. Puteti incerca jocul. Nu pot sa ma afirm daca nu sunt sigur. Am gasit niste cerinte de sistem dar nu sunt sigur ca sunt bune asa ca am luat decizia sa nu le public. Sursele din care m-am inspirat: Go4it | Wikipedia | YouTube . Sper sa nu fi facut greseli gramaticale, etc. Recunosc ca m-am grabit putin cu acest topic. Succes!
Defence of the Ancients (DotA) este un scenariu pentru jocul de strategie Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos și pachetul de expansiune, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, bazat pe harta de StarCraft "Aeon of Strife". Obiectivul Scenariului pentru fiecare echipă este să distrugă Anticul adversarului, structuri foarte bine apărate în fiecare colț al hărții. Jucătorii folosesc unități puternice cunoscute ca eroi, și sunt ajutați de eroii aliați și de luptători controlați de Inteligentul Artificial, numiți "creeps". La fel ca în RPG-uri (Role Playing Games, Joc video de rol pentru calculator) jucătorii avansează în level cu eroii lor și folosesc gold (aur) pentru a cumpăra artefacte (itemi/echipament) în timpul misiunii. Scenariul a fost creat cu ajutorul World Editor-lui din Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, și a fost updatat odată cu apariția pachetului de expansiune, The Frozen Throne. Au fost multe variații de la versiunea originală; cel mai popular fiind DotA Allstars, care a fost simplificat la DotA cu publicarea versiunii 6.68. Acest scenariu a fost păstrat de mai mulți autori în timpul creației lui, iar în prezent developer-ul anonim cunoscut sub numele de "IceFrog" se ocupă de joc din 2005. De la apariția originală, DotA a devenit o categorie la mai multe competiții la nivel mondial, inclusiv BlizzCon (Blizzard Entertainment), Asian World Cyber Games, precum și Cyberathlete Amateur și CyberEvolution leagues. Gamasutra a declarat că DotA este probabil cel mai popular joc gratuit din lume. Corporația Valve a lansat Dota 2 gratuit pe steam.
Borderlands este un joc video, mai exact un shooter, având de asemenea și câteva caracteristici de RPG, creat de Gearbox Software, și publicat de 2K Games. A fost anunțat pentru prima oară în numărul din Septembrie 2007 al revistei Game Informer. Versiunile pe consolă au fost lansate pe 20 Octombrie 2009, în America de Nord, iar în restul lumii, pe 23 Octombrie. Pe piața japoneză a intrat destul de târziu, pe 10 Februarie 2010. Versiunea pe Windows a fost lansată internațional pe 29 octombrie 2009. Continuarea acestui joc, Borderlands 2, a fost lansată în întreaga lume pe 21 septembrie 2012. Gameplay La începutul jocului, jucătorii își aleg unul din patru caractere, fiecare având câte o abilitate unică, și diferite avantaje pentru anumite arme. Cele patru caractere sunt: Roland (Soldier), Mordecai (Hunter), Lilith (Siren), și Brick (Berserker).
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim este un action role playing game dezvoltat de Bethesda Game Studios și publicat de Bethesda Softworks. Este al cincilea joc din seria The Elder Scrolls fiind precedat de The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Data de lansare a jocului a fost 11 noiembrie 2011, fiind publicat pe platformele Microsoft Windows, Play Station 3 și Xbox 360. Skyrim a primit trei expansiuni (DLC-uri) -Dawnguard, Hearthfire, și Dragonborn- ce au fost reîmpachetate în The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Legendary Edition lansat în data de 4 iunie 2013. Povestea principală gravitează în jurul lui Dragonborn (sau Dovahkiin în limba dragonilor) și a eforturilor sale de a-l înfrânge pe Alduin Devoratorul de Lumi, lider al dragonilor , zeu al distrugerii și fiu al lui Akatosh. Acțiunea jocului se desfășoară la 200 de ani distanță față de evenimentele din Oblivion și este plasată în provicia fictivă Skyrim. Jocul continuă tradiția open world a predecesorilor acestuia prin permiterea jucătorului de a călători oriunde în lumea jocului în orice moment și având posibilitatea de a ignora complet sau de a amâna povestea principală în favoara misiunilor și a lanțurilor de misiuni secundare. Adițional, asemenea jocurilor precedente, creatorii au permis instalarea modificărilor create de cominitate pentru ca jucătorii să se bucure de o experiență mult mai vastă și mai personală. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim a fost bine primit de critici care l-au numit drept unul dintre cele mai bune jocuri video din toate timpurile. Jocul a fost expediat în peste șapte milioane de exemplare către magazinele retail în prima săptămâna de la lansare și a fost vândut până acum în peste 20 de milioane de exemplare pe toate cele trei platforme.
Sniper Elite III este un joc video tactical shooter, dezvoltat de Rebellion Developments și publicat de 505 Games pentru platformele Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 și Xbox One. Jocul este un prequel al lui Sniper Elite V2 (2012) și este cel de-al treilea titlu din seria Sniper Elite. Acțiunea din Sniper Elite III are loc cu câțiva ani în urmă față de V2, avându-l în prim-plan pe ofițerul Karl Fairburne, de la Office of Strategic Services. El participă la conflictul Nord-African din timpul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial, unde află de construirea unei arme minune de către ofițerii naziști. Gameplay Jocul păstrează mecanicile jocului Sniper Elite V2. Jucătorul călătorește prin câmpurile de luptă din Africa de Nord. Luneta este arma principală a jucătorului, iar armele adiționale includ mitraliera și pistoalele, cu sau fără amortizor. Pe lângă grenade, jucătorul poate amplasa bombe, mine și dinamită. Binoclul poate fi folosit pentru a depista inamicii din câmpul vizual, dezvăluindu-le poziția și mișcările. Jucătorul-personaj trebuie să-și țină respirația pentru a trage în linie dreaptă. O iconiță roșie va apărea prin lentilă, marcând punctul de impact. Pe tot parcursul jocului, se află părți de arme; acestea pot fi găsite prin prădarea morților, și pot fi folosite în meniul dinaintea începerii unei misiuni; meniul îți permite și să îți alegi echipamentul. Mecanicile de stealth au fost refăcute. O iconiță cu un ochi se închide sau se deschide pentru a arăta nivelul de detecție al jucătorului. Soldații inamici vor avea și un cerc deasupra capetelor pentru a indica starea de alertă. Jucătorii sunt forțați să se mute pentru a preveni detecția, iar o imagine cu o fantomă albă va marca ultima poziție în care a fost văzut personajul, inamicul fiind nevoit să caute o zonă mai vastă. Ca și în jocul anterior, zgomotele puternice pot fi folosite pentru a masca tragerile cu luneta. Un sistem cu puncte a fost implementat pentru asasinările stealth sau cu luneta, iar acumularea de puncte va duce la avansarea în grad. Jucătorii pot cerceta harta pentru a colecta diferite iteme speciale, precum carduri de colectori, sau pentru a debloca cuiburi pentru lunetiști. Paginile de jurnal furnizează informații despre evenimentele poveștii jocului. Sistemul bullet cam cu raze X al lui V2 a fost păstrat și el. Noul joc arată și restul sistemelor muscular, scheletic și cardiovascular, pe când jocul anterior arăta doar structura internă a organismului. Jucătorul poate trage în continuare în vehicule, iar acum poate avea șansa de a ținti motorul și, în acest fel, să distrugă vehiculul respectiv. Modul multiplayer Modul multiplayer al lui Sniper Elite III le permite jucătorilor să intre în luptă cu alți jucători. Există 5 tipuri de bătălii: Team deathmatch, Deathmatch, Distance King, No Cross și Capture the flag. Jucătorul poate alege dintr-o gamă largă de hărți cu medii deschise.
Mad Max este un joc video de acțiune-aventură, a cărui acțiune are loc într-un mediu open world și care este bazat pe universul seriei Mad Max. Dezvoltat de Avalanche Studios și publicat de Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, a fost lansat pentru Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 și Xbox One în septembrie 2015. Feral Interactive a publicat versiunile pentru OS X și Linux. Are loc într-un ținut postapocaliptic, ce constă în deșerturi, canioane și peșteri. Jucătorii îl controlează pe Max Rockatansky prin ținut în timp ce acesta caută răzbunare împotriva unui grup de raideri, conduși de Scabrous Scrotus, care i-a furat lucrurile, și împreună cu ajutorul său, Chumbucket, dorește să construiască mașina supremă: Magnum Opus. Jocul pune accent pe lupta între vehicule, în care jucătorii se folosesc de armură și arme pentru a se lupta cu inamicii, pe lângă tehnicile de wrestling și box ce pot fi folosite în afara mașinii. Jocul conține și un ținut numit „The Big Nothing”, ținut teoretic nesfârșit, pe care jucătorul îl poate explora. Alte două jocuri Mad Max, dezvoltate de Cory Barlog și Interplay Entertainment respectiv, erau în stadiul de producție înainte de anunțarea acestui joc, dar niciunul nu a fost lansat. Cu toate că Mad Max nu are la bază filmele seriei, se inspiră din universul acestora, iar creatorul francizei, George Miller, a fost consultat în timpul pre-producției jocului. Avalanche Studios a găsit dezvoltarea unui joc cu lupte între vehicule o provocare, din cauza lipsei de experiență în domeniul jocurilor de acest fel. Anunțat la Electronic Entertainment Expo 2013, jocul a fost refăcut în timpul dezvoltării, iar versiunile pentru PlayStation 3 și Xbox 360 au fost anulate din cauza limitărilor hardware. Lansarea sa a fost programată inițial pentru anul 2014, însă a fost amânată pentru septembrie 2015, la câteva luni după lansarea filmului Mad Max: Fury Road, al patrulea film din serie. Mad Max a primit recenzii mixte spre pozitive din partea criticilor. Laudele au fost adresate cadrului și mediului jocului, graficii, dar și luptelor între vehicule, în timp ce criticile au fost îndreptate spre designul obiectivelor jocului și poveste. Jocul a devenit al optulea cel mai vândut joc din SUA în luna septembrie 2015.
Risk of Rain 2 is an upcoming third-person shooter roguelike video game being developed by Hopoo Games. It is a sequel to Risk of Rain, and is being supported by Gearbox Publishing. The game was released in an early access version in March 2019, with Hopoo Games anticipating about a year of work before they push a final release. Gameplay Risk of Rain 2 follows a similar approach as the first title, in which one to four players must progress through ten levels while avoiding attacks from alien creatures. On each level the goal is to locate a teleporter, randomly located on the level; once activated, the players must defend themselves from an onslaught of aliens, including boss characters until the teleporter is fully active. Killing aliens gains experience and currency; the currency can be used to purchase various upgrades from automated stations on the level. Upgrades offer a wide range of boosts to the players carrying them, and provide both synergistic effects and the potential to stack to if multiple copies of the same upgrades are acquired. However, the strength, difficulty, and numbers of aliens increase every five minutes, thus making the game harder the longer the players stay on any level. In the metagame, players unlock access to new playable characters, upgrades, and game modifiers by completing certain in-game achievements; once unlocked, new characters or modifiers are available to select from at the start of the game, or the new upgrades can start appearing randomly in-game. Risk of Rain 2 features most of the same creatures and items from the first game, but transitions the game from a 2D platformer to a 3D environment. Sistem requirements Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 7 or newer, 64-bit Processor: Intel Core i3-6100/AMD FX-8350 Memory: 4 GB Ram Graphics: GTX 580/AMD HD 7870 DirextX: Version 11 Network: Broadband Internet connection Storage: 4 GB available space
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Description: Imagine that you are in the Middle Ages. It’s the time of castles, knights and the Crusades. Now imagine that you are a brilliant military leader with your own troops. What could prevent you from conquering the world? Perhaps just a lack of free time. Get ready to spend hours glued to your computer, capturing the enemy fortresses and the surrounding land, and forming militias! This game is a unique genre to the world of casual games, but combines classic elements of strategy, simulator, and resource management games. Get ready to play forty five gripping levels in the woods, in the desert, the snow and even on the lava covered moon! Three different difficulty modes will challenge even the best strategy experts. Indeed you’ll need to master various tactics and strategy. Unlike all traditional strategies, LandGrabbers is very bright and cheerful. Try it – we're sure you'll get hooked! Free Game features: - Addictive and unique gameplay; - Gorgeous graphics; - Three gameplay modes; - More than 40 levels; - Funny achievements; - Entertaining music. Source:
Description: In a fantasy kingdom, men, elves and dwarves have lived peacefully together for generations. But their carefree way of life has long been a source of envy among the creatures of darkness. After decades of preparation, an army of orcs, goblins and trolls have launched an invasion, and are threatening to bring ruin to the once peaceful world. Shadow Kings allows the players to set up own cities and the first challenge will be produce resources and building up their settlement and the next one have to build up and army against dark forces of evil. Decide about fate of your town and inhabitans, their fate is in your hands. You will have to conquer enemy outposts and fight epic battles. Shadow Kings is a MMO building strategy game. Playing together in alliances and navigating complex diplomatic possibilities demand strategic skill, while regular events and new content ensure lasting enjoyment. Everything what I say with beautiful and cute graphics. Sounds like awesome experience, isn't it? Game Requirements:- File Size: 1 Mb; - Microsoft Windows operating system; - Easy game removal through the Windows Control Panel. Source:
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Exodus Wars Fractured Empire (PC/ENG/2015) English | PC | 2015 | 874 MB Genre: Indie, Strategy Exodus Wars: Fractured Empire is a 3D turn-based strategy wargame that puts you in brigade-level control of futuristic infantry and armored companies, as well as huge super-vehicles. This is warfare on a massive scale that will appeal to those who enjoy games that provide both a strategic and tactical challenge, such as the Total War PC game series or tabletop games like Warhammer 40,000. Featuring a unique, streamlined command system for fast-paced battles with Chess-style alternating activations, customizable armies, and simple–yet deep–strategic and tactical play, the game tells a story from the Exodus Wars, a bloody civil war fought between the Guild and the Royal Empire of Man.Game Features An engaging and fully realised sci-fi universe set in a period of interstellar civil war — Play your part in the Exodus Wars. The Royal Empire of Man against the Guild Legions — Each faction has an extensive roster of units, from infantry and medium armour up to the Empire's Baron small behemoth and the Guild’s Elektra and Enforcer heavy tanks, and with more units being added over time. Deep strategy via army building — What you bring to the battle is every bit as important as the tactics you employ. Manoeuvre warfare — Gameplay that rewards solid tactics. Easy-to-learn, difficult to master — The intuitive user interface enhances the game's depth and balance. Chess-style, interleaving activation-based play that enables quick games — Give your formations their orders and see these executed on the battlefield; no long waits like you find in typical "You Go, I Go" games. Cover — Use cover to reduce your opponent's effectiveness. Overwatch — Achieve superior positioning and control the battlefield. Campaign play — Play a single-player campaign titled "The Ties That Bind", which can be experienced from either the Guild or Royal Empire of Man perspective for a different view of the story's events. High replayability — Given the large array of units and the formation combinations possible via the Force Selector interface, not to mention the multiple tactical options available for inflicting your will upon your opponent, every battle offers new challenges and experiences. Source:
Shiver 4 The Lilys Requiem Collectors Edition(PC/ENG/2015) English | PC | 2015 | 885 MB Genre: Quest, Hidden Object Terrible things are happening in the small town Blackwill insidious Siren steals all red-haired girls! One local doctor R. Thompson, Beatrice found redhead lying unconscious in front of his house, and drove to the hospital.::System Requirements:: * OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 * CPU: 2.0 GHz or faster Processor * RAM: 1024 MB * DirectX: 9.0 or higher * HDD: 920 MB free space ::Shiver: The Lily's Requiem Collector's Edition Includes:: < Bonus gameplay and built passage < Wallpaper and desktop wallpaper < Soundtrack and concept art Source:
Beast Boxing Turbo Publisher: Goodhustle Studios, Inc. Developer: Goodhustle Studios, Inc. Genre: Action, Indie, Sports Size: 116.79 MB An artfully designed first-person boxing game with freestyle arcade action in which you punch a turkey in the face. Beast Boxing Turbo is a challenging first-person boxing game with fast-paced freestyle boxing action. You play a secret human boxer in a beastly world. She's outmuscled, undersized, and in way over her head. Can she master the skills needed to get to the top of the legendary boxing leagues of Beasthalla? Source:
Lord of the Dark Castle - (PC/ENG/2015) English | PC | 2015 | 167 MB Genre: Adventure | Strategy | RPG | Casual Lord of the Dark Castle is a casual turn-based retro style roguelike dungeon crawler with elements of strategy in the same dark gothic mood as the Diablo series. Creator's Visions & Goals with this game: - Casual, Fast & Easy to get started. Have 30 minutes on the bus/train? Give it a go and see how far you get. If you have a good round and play well, it is possible to beat the game within 1-2 hours. - This is STRATEGIC dungeon crawler - NOT a no-brain-dungeon-brawler! Casual does NOT mean easy! Normal mode is pretty difficult, and you may have to try many times before you win the game. - Big replay value! Every new game is a new experience. Level randomness, monster spawns and different skill choices makes up for lots of variety. - Flat Skill Tree where no skill is dependent on any other. Each skill provides an important strategic advantage on its own. - Every hit counts! It is not wise to make a move that ends next to a monster, because then, the monster may hit first! - All monsters have unique strengths. Not even the rats are "safe kills". - The majority of monsters can wear EXACTLY what YOU can wear. If you drop something, they might pick it up and use it against you! Features: - 7 levels, all with their unique environments and graphics. - Randomized level builder. Randomization gives each new game a completely new gaming experience, including random monster, treasure and item spawns. - 45 Unique Skills (E.g. First Strike, Charge, Pick Lock, Giant Health, etc) - 18 Unique Monsters + Elite versions - 15 Unique Weapon types - 3 Full Sets of Armor: Cloth / Leather / Plate - Jewelry Pieces: Rings and Amulet - 7 Effects/Spells (Poison, Disease, Fire, Cold, Life Drain, Fear, Web) - 6 Enchantments/Spells: Invisibilty, Regeneration, Speed, Freeze Time, Summon, Teleport - Enchanted items: weapons and armor can be enchanted with skills and spells. - 25 x Unlockable Achievements per account. Achievement gives bonus gold when starting new games. Source:
Leviathan The Last Day of the Decade (PC/ENG/2014) English, Russian, German | PC | 2015 | 522 MB Genre: Adventure, Quests Leviathan: The Last Day of the Decade - is a detective story, told by a man who grew up in a dark, affected by the epidemic, a world where power is held five clans, and on top of a huge tower sits eternally living dead in the corona. Features RePack'a 1. Do not cut; 2. Nothing is converted; 3. Game Version: 1.32.2 4. Installation time ~ 45 seconds; 5. RePack by R.G. Freedom OC: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 Processor: 1.5 Ghz RAM: 512 MB RAM Video: 128 mb Video Memory Free space: 2.3 GB of free space Source:
Corto Maltese Secrets Of Venice- (PC/ENG/2014) English | PC | 2014 | 830 MB Genre: Adventure Along Venice's canals and narrow alleys, fight against a poison that ravages you, avoid bullets and explosions, face the unknown, and eventually open the doors of knowledge. This video game unravels a thrilling quest based on a point and click riddle-driven gameplay within the worlds of Corto Maltese, the main character created by Hugo Pratt, the genius of graphic novels (more than 5 Million hardcopies sold worldwide). Searching for a fabulous emerald, you may find a magical balance and finally, utopia. Key Features An intimate experience with one of the most charismatic graphic literature's figures : the iconic Corto Maltese for the first time in a video game An original story featuring existing characters from Corto Maltese's comic books, as well as brand-new characters Gorgeous artworks combining: original settings based upon sceneries and places in Venice, cutscenes using stunning photographic work of Marco d'Anna, and animated comic strips from Corto Maltese's adventures all over the world. A mysterious compass and a gazette full of stories and hints will help you throughout the adventure. Source:
Description: Screencheat is a chaotic online and offline split-screen multiplayer shooter that forces players to rethink the way they approach conventional multiplayer games. In the Screencheat arena, fast reaction times aren't enough to keep you alive. When everyone is invisible, players will have to master the art of taking a not-so sneaky look at their opponent's screens and working out where they are based on uniquely coloured areas of the map and distinctive landmarks. Screencheat pays homage to iconic competitive first-person shooters such as Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Halo, by blending the elements everyone loves about those games and shaking it up with its own unique take on the genre. When everyone's used to playing by the rules, can you adapt to unconventional gaming quick enough to get the upper hand? Features: Eight unique weapons - You won't find any iron sights here, just weapons of chaos like the Blunderbuss, grenade launcher and the Chefolet pulse cannon.Six colourful maps - Each map in Screencheat has been handcrafted to feature distinctive areas and landmarks to help you hunt down your opponents.Six game modes - Take well known modes, add in a healthy serve of crazy and you've got yourself a ton of fun.Four player split-screen local multiplayer, or four player split-screen online multiplayerController supportSteam achievements + Trading CardsMay or may not be Lance Armstrong's favourite game Publisher: Samurai Punk Developer: Samurai Punk Genre: Action, Indie Release Name: Screencheat.v2.2.0.4.Retail-CORE + MacOSX Size: 219.43 MB / 253.61 MB Source:
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Christmas Eve Midnights Call Collectors Edition (PC/ENG/2014) English | PC | 2014 | 778 MB Genre: Hidden Object, Adventure, Puzzle Snow Hill is a magical town that preserves the Spirit of Christmas for the whole world. But now an evil sorceress threatens to plunge Snow Hill into eternal darkness! Do you have what it takes to save Christmas? Play the Bonus game and battle the ancient evil of the Black Swan! Replay hidden-object puzzles and mini-games. Collect Extras like original music, concept art and videos. Get the available strategy guide, screensavers, and wallpaper. Game System Requirements: OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 CPU: 1.4 GHz RAM: 1024 MB DirectX: 9.0 Hard Drive: 823 MB Source:
Elegy for a Dead World (2014) 2014 | PC | Developer: Dejobaan Games, LLC, Popcannibal Publisher: Dejobaan Games, LLC | 117MB Language: English Genre: Adventure, Indie Explore dead civilization, write about what you find, and share their stories with the universe: a game about writing fiction. Features of release Elegy for a Dead World Do not cut Do not recoded Archives of the game is not affected Game Version: 1.0 System requirements: Operating System: Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 @ 2.2GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+ @ 2.8 GHz RAM: 1 GB Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT / ATI Radeon HD 3600 Sound Card: Compatible with DirectX Hard disk space: 1 GB Source:
Assetto Corsa 2014 (PC/MULTI/2014) Multi | PC | 2014 | 4.23 GB Genre: Racing Assetto Corsa a new racing simulator company Kunos Simulazioni. Among the main features Assetto Corsa appear on modern graphics engine with full DirectX 11 support, realistic physics, officially licensed cars and tracks, recreated with the help of laser scanning, open architecture that allows simreyserov community to create and implement various modifications to the game and much more. ::System Requirements:: ? Operating System: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 ? Processor: AMD Six-Core CPU, Intel Quad-Core CPU ? RAM: 6 GB ? Video Card: AMD Radeon HD 7870, Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 ? Free Space on the Hard Disk: 19 GB ? it's important : Before installing disable Anti-Virus and Firewall Source:
Haunted Hotel Death Sentence Collectors Edition-(PC/ENG/2014) English | PC | 2014 | 1.33 GB Genre: Adventure | Hidden Object | Puzzle Along with your friend James you opened a lot of supernatural mysteries, but this case, it seems, can be his last. Late at night you get a letter written by his own hand, James, stating that he had died, and that the hotel is "Holy Mountain" will provide answers to questions. Leaving the hotel, you will find that it is in complete ruins. This is a special Collector's Edition release full of exclusive extras you won't find in the standard version. ::System Requirements:: OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 CPU: 2.5 GHz RAM: 1792 MB DirectX: 9.0 or higher HDD : 1495 MB free Source:
Octodad Dadliest Catch Shorts-(PC/ENG/2014) English | PC | 2014 | 1.08 GB Genre: Action Octodad: Dadliest Catch is a game about destruction, deception, and fatherhood. The player controls Octodad, a dapper octopus masquerading as a human, as he goes about his life. Octodad's existence is a constant struggle, as he must master mundane tasks with his unwieldy boneless tentacles while simultaneously keeping his cephalopodan nature a secret from his human family. After completing the story of Octodad: Dadliest Catch you might be hungry for more. Maybe you're curious how Octodad and Scarlet got along after their fateful meeting aboard the sailing ship "Cod of War?" Perhaps you'd like to know what shenanigans Stacy and Tommy get up to with their lavish amounts of free time? You can explore both of these questions in the Octodad Shorts "Dad Romance" and "Medical Mess!" Source:
Dungeon of the Endless (PC/MULTI/2014) Multi | PC | 2014 | 507 MB Genre: Adventure A few hundred condemned criminals were being shipped to the Auriga system on board the prison hulk "Success . While this was presented as a chance to earn back their place in society by working hard for the common good, they understood that in fact they would be slave labour, sent to colonize an unexplored planet. All they knew about Auriga Prime was what the probes told them: it had water, temperate zones, plant life, and plenty of metals in the crust. In fact, the planet Auriga once hosted a major settlement of the galaxy-travelling ancestors known as the Endless. In addition, the planet was still orbited by a functioning (and well cloaked) defensive system, which sprang eagerly to life upon the arrival of the Success. Within a few minutes, the ship was nothing but a few large chunks of metal falling toward the planet. Source:
Magical Battle Festa (2014) Platform: PC | Developers: Fly System | Publisher: AGM PLAYISM | 557 - 218 MB Languages:English, Japanese | Genre: Action | Release Date: 21 Nov, 2014 Extra: Magical Battle Festa RIP In the near future, humanity has discovered a new element in their search for renewable energy: Magicore. Using "cauldrons" to refine the element, humans successfully create magic, and mages are born. All is not well, though. As magic becomes more widespread, new creatures dubbed 'spectres' begin to appear. In hopes of training mages to fight spectres and form an army of Holy Mages, TEOS, the ruling magic agency, hosts a high stakes tournament: The Magical Battle Festa. Gameplay Magical Battle Festa is an arena-based fighting game with support for up to 4 players. Use devastating combos, special moves and incredible super moves to pummel your foes into submission. Easy to learn but challenging to master, Magical Battle Festa relies on your ability to dodge enemy attacks and use your attacks at the right time without sapping all your mana. Key Features * Gain the edge in battle by using the magibots that follow you into battle. Order them into formations to give you higher attack, higher defense, and more! Proper use of both your magical abilities and your magibots are the key to victory. * Play intimate 1v1 matches arena matches against talented opponents, or take the game to the next level with four player. Play in teams or against unfair odds to test your skills. The sky's the limit when magic is involved. * Choose from a wealth of unique characters, each with their own attacks, weapons and special moves. * An all-star voice cast, including voice talent from all over the anime industry. * Zoom around the arena to avoid fire or make subtle sway movements to dodge attacks without ever giving up ground. System Requirements Minimum: OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 Processor: Core 2 Duo or faster Memory: 1 GB RAM Graphics: GeForce 8800 or better (or comparable AMD card) Source:
BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend 2014 | PC | Developer: Arc System Works Co., Ltd. | Publisher: H2 Interactive Co., Ltd.| 7.45GB Languages:English, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese Genre: Action The second entry in the critically acclaimed BlazBlue franchise, BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend adds a number of game play modes, story scenarios, new moves, and an all-new playable character to further enhance the BlazBlue experience and solidify its status as one of the all-time great 2D fighters. Several years after the end of the Second War, multiple branches of the Librarium reputed to command a force as powerful as an entire nations army were suddenly and utterly destroyed. Inexplicably, the hidden cauldrons within each branch were also completely decimated. The few survivors spoke in hushed, shaken tones of a single man who had appeared out of nowhere, cutting down all in his path. Main Game Features Expanded Character Roster: In addition to the downloadable characters offered for the previous entry in the series (Makoto, Valkenhyn, and Platinum the Trinity), EXTEND introduces Relius Clover, the mad puppeteer and Carl's father, as a playable character. Master a whole new way of fighting with Relius as he uses his marionette, Ignis, to turn the tide of battle. Enhanced Story Mode: Relive and rediscover the events that took place in BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger or venture forth into one of four all new story scenarios! New and Revised Game Modes: Take on the strongest of foes in Unlimited Mars Mode or fight your way to the bottom of Abyss Mode! Fully Revised Combat System: All characters, new and old, have been thoroughly rebalanced and armed with all new strategies and combos to take your game to the top! Improved Online Multiplayer: Battle it out in BlazBlues acclaimed online mode with all new multiplayer features, such as online team battles! System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 Processor: Intel Core2 Duo Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: nVidia GeForce 7900 GT or better / AMD Radeon X1900 / nVidia GeForce GT 620 (Windows 8.1) DirectX: Version 9.0c Network: Broadband Internet connection Hard Drive: 10 GB available space Sound Card: Direct Sound RECOMMENDED: OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 Processor: Intel Core i5 / i7 Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: nVidia GeForce 8800 GT or better / AMD Radeon HD3700 / nVidia GeForce GT 650 (Windows 8.1) DirectX: Version 9.0c Network: Broadband Internet connection Hard Drive: 10 GB available space Sound Card: Direct Sound Source: