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Română Datorita faptului ca banii in joc in general se tot multiplica, nu prea poti sa dai faliment, iar circulatia banilor nu este inca suficient de dezvoltata in timp ce proprietatile sunt pe termen scurt limitate, s-a ajuns la o inflatie pe server. Ce inseamna inflatie ? Inflatie prin moneda = emisiunea excesivă de monedă peste oferta reală de bunuri și servicii Problema Consideram ca economia este un modul destul de important pe server si apreciem faptul ca in acest moment economia este facuta de catre jucatori prin circulatia banilor si a bunurilor, vanzari, cumparari, schimburi precum si preturi stabilite de catre jucatori, lucru ce ajuta serverul sa isi mentina o economie stabila. Din statisticile pe care le-am analizat, multi jucatori au trecut deja de limita de cifre permisa de catre GTA San Andreas Multiplayer si in acest moment daca vor sa isi transfere toate bunurile in cash le este imposibil. De asemenea am observat ca ultimele 2 cifre ale sumelor tranzactionate pe server in general sunt neimportante si jucatorii cand vorbesc de preturi incep de la o suma minima de 1k = 1000. Solutie Solutia la care ne-am gandit este denominarea. Ce inseamna denominarea ? Denominarea este procedeul prin care se reduce valoarea nominală a unor însemne monetare. Procedeul este numit popular și „tăierea zerourilor”. Acest lucru se practică atunci când sumele de bani devin foarte mari în valoare absolută, datorită inflatiei. Asadar prin taierea ultimelor doua zero-uri din sumele existente se va ajunge la niste sume mult mai reale si la eliminarea problemei limitarii curente a sumelor cash detinute. Spre exemplu daca pentru un serviciu sau proprietate acum platiti 7.000.000, dupa denominare suma va fi 70.000. Taierea ultimelor doua zerouri se face pentru absolut toate sumele (atat incasari cat si cheltuieli), astfel ca nu se va pierde nimic. Valoarea banului va fi aceeasi! Acest proces va da nastere unor mici schimbari si in ceea ce priveste unele preturi setate in acest moment in mod eronat. Totul va fi gandit pentru a imbunatati economia iar cei ce ar putea avea de suferit datorita modificarilor vor fi despagubiti inainte ori dupa modificari, dupa caz, asa cum s-a intamplat in diferite randuri in care am adus modificari cu implicatii asupra economiei. Poll Dorim sa aflam si parerea jucatorilor legata de aceasta posibila modificare. Asadar am creat un poll care va fi activ timp de o luna. English Because of the fact that money ingame keeps multiplying, you can't really go bankrupt, and cash flow isn't yet developed enough while short term properties are limited, we have reached an inflation on the server. What does inflation mean? Inflation by currency = excessive emission by currency over the real offer of goods and services. The problem We consider economy to be an important aspect on the server and we appreciate the fact that at this moment the economy is done by players by money and goods circulation, sales, shopping, exchanges and also prices set by players, fact that helps the server maintain a stable economy. From the statistics which we have analyzed, a lot of players already surpassed the figure limit allowed by GTA San Andreas Multiplayer and at this moment it is impossible for them to transfer all their goods into cash. We have also observed that the last two figures from the trdable sums on the server are generally not important and when players speak about prices they start with the minimum sum of 1k = 1000. Solution The solution we thought of is denomination. What does denomination mean? Denomination is the process by which the nominal value of currency is reduced. The process is also known as ”cutting of the zeros”. This is done when sums of money become too high, because of inflation. Thus by cutting the last two zeros from the existing sums we will reach more realistic sums of money and we will eliminate the current limitation problem with cash sums. For example if for a service or property you pay now 7.000.000$, after the denomination you will pay 70.000$. The cutting of the two zeros is done for absolutely every sum of money (both gains and expenses), thus you will not lose anything. Goods value will remain the same! This process will give birth to some small changes as regards to some changeable prices from this moment that are wrong. Everything will be thought in order to improve the economy and those that might suffer from these changes will be compensated before or after the changes, depending on the case, like each it happened each time when we brought modifications to the economy. Poll We also want to see what players think about this possible modification. Thus we made a poll which will be active for one month. Translated by Kelton
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