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B-Zone Roll The Dice.


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Roll the Dice










Evenimentul se va desfasura pe editii. Fiecare editie va aduce cu ea numerele extrase si potentialii castigatorii. Editiile nu se vor desfasura in functie de o data fixa. Va aparea cate o editie odata la 3 zile. Fiecare editie va fi postata in acest topic sub forma unui videoclip incarcat pe Youtube, in care extragerea va fi filmata. Extragerea va avea loc in joc, pe serverul RPG.B-Zone.Ro.





Totul se va desfasura aici, pe forum. Trebuie sa alegeti 6 numere, de la 1 pana la 6. Vor fi 6 numere "extrase", iar voi trebuie sa ghiciti aceste numere. Numerele trebuie ghicite in ordinea in care ies si in ordinea in care sunt scrise pe bilet. (adica in postul de pe forum). De exemplu:


Pe biletul vostru ati pus asa:

1 2 3 4 5 6

Iar numerele extrase sunt:

2 2 1 1 4 6

Numerele castigatoare de pe bilet sunt 2 si 6:

1 2 3 4 5 6


Daca ati ghicit 5 numere din 6, veti castiga 60% din premiu.

Daca ati ghicit 6 numere din 6, veti castiga 80% din premiu.

ATENTIE: Acelasi numar poate fi repetat de cate ori vreti. Puteti face un bilet intreg din acelasi numar, daca doriti. (ex 2/2/2/2/2/2)






Pentru a va inscrie, trebuie sa faceti un post aici pe forum si sa aveti o dovada valita a platii facute in game.






- Pretul unui bilet este de 30,000$.

- Puteti sa puneti maxim 3 bilete pe o editie.

- Banii trebuie transferati prin banca, nu prin /pay, in contul lui House.



Dupa ce ati transferat banii si ati facut poza, postati dupa modelul urm

Nickname: Abcd



Factiune/level: PD/32

Bilet 1: 1/2/3/4/5/6

Bilet 2: 1/2/3/4/5/6

Bilet 3: -

Screenshot transfer: www.imgur.com


Premiul si ridicarea premiului


Premiul initial este de 10,000,000$. La fiecare editie, banii stransi din "vinderea" biletelor vor fi adaugati la premiu. Voi verifica toate biletele la fiecare editie si daca va exista un posibil castigator o sa fie spus in videoclip-ul respectivei editii. Acesta are la dispozitie 7 zile pentru a ridica premiul, daca nu va fi raportat la urmatoarea editie. Va uram mult succes!



Alte situatii


- Daca 2 sau mai multi jucatori castiga acelasi POT (de ex. fiecare au 5 numere ghicite), se vor aduna toate numerele de pe biletele castigatoare. Cel mai mare numar castiga.

- Daca 2 sau mai multi jucatori castiga acelasi POT, si adunarea numerelor de pe bilete este aceeasi, cel care a facut primul postul pe forum castiga.





About the game



The event will be held editions. Each edition brings with it potential winners and numbers drawn. Editions will not take place according to a fixed date. Will appear as an edition every 3 days. Each edition will be posted in this topic as a video uploaded on YouTube, the draw will be filmed. Draw will take place in the game, RPG.b-zone.ro server.





Everything will take place here on the forum. You must choose 6 numbers from 1 to 6. 6 numbers will be "extracted", and you have to guess the numbers. Numbers must be guessed in order that out in the order they are written on the ticket. (eg. in the forum post). For example:


You put it on your ticket:

1 2 3 4 5 6

And the numbers drawn are:

2 2 1 1 4 6

Winning numbers on the ticket are 2 and 6:

1 2 3 4 5 6


If you guessed 5 out of 6 numbers, you will win 60% of the prize.

If you guessed 6 out of 6 numbers, you will win 80% of the prize.

NOTE: The same number can be repeated as many times you want. You can make a note of the same whole number, if desired. (ie 2/2/2/2/2/2) .



Buy a ticket



To register, you must make a post here on the forums and have proof of payment made ??valita ingame.





- The price of a ticket is $ 30,000.

- You can put up to 3 tickets per edit.

- Money must be transferred by bank, not through / pay, in House's account.



After you have transferred the money and did pic, post the model below:



The prize



The initial award is $10,000,000. Every edition, the money raised from "selling" tickets will be added to the prize. I'll check all binetele every edition and if there is a potential winner will be said in the video that edition. It is available seven days to pick up the prize, if not reported in the next edition. We wish you much success!


EDIT: Premiul sa marit de la 5,000,000$ la 10,000,000$

Edited by oF House
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