Mastertrap21 Posted February 17, 2013 Share Posted February 17, 2013 (edited) RomânăLa ultimul update a fost introdus un sistem de referrals (evidenta jucatorilor adusi de catre alti jucatori) pe care am observat ca multi nu l-au inteles, asadar voi explica aici.Astazi a fost lansat si pe UserPanel pagina pentru referrals, asadar de astazi totul este functional.Ce este sistemul de referrals?Sistemul de referrals este un sistem care tine evidenta in mod automat jucatorilor adusi pe server de catre un alt jucator. Astfel daca aveti prieteni, colegi sau alte cunostinte pe care doriti sa le introduceti in lumea SA:MP pe serverul nostru este indicat ca acesta sa va treaca drept referralul lui atat pentru evidenta cat si pentru bonusurile pe care le primiti in functie de cat de activ este jucatorul adus de dumneavoastra.Cum functioneaza?La inregistrarea unui cont dupa introducerea parolei si primul login serverul va va intreba daca doriti sa specificati un referral. Selectand Yes intrati in meniul in care serverul va cere id-ul persoanei ce v-a adus pe server. Referral id-ul il gasiti pe User Panel la sectiune Referrals si coincide cu idul contului dumneavoastra. Odata introdus acest referral id, serverul va cere confirmarea jucatorului ca referral afisand numele dumneavoastra. Odata confirmat referralul se va continua inregistrarea in mod normal.Fiecare jucator adus va poate aduce bonusuri in functie de cat de activ este. Nu incercati sa faceti conturi clona deoarece totul ramane in istoric si la un moment dat tot veti fi prinsi.Puteti vedea lista jucatorilor pe care i-ati adus pe server precum si bonusurile acumulate pe User Panel la sectiunea Referrals.BonusuriIn acest moment exista doua bonusuri, bani si respect. La fiecare /buylevel al unui cont pe care l-ati adus pe server primiti 200% din valoarea achitata de catre acel jucator pentru level up precum si 15% din numarul de respect points necesar jucatorului pentru a trece la nivelul urmator*.In functie de cum va evolua serverul si de rezultatele acestui sistem bonusuri aditionale pot fi adaugate.*Valoarea procentajului se calculeaza prin rotunjire prin lipsa (ex: 10% din 8 inseamna 0)Colectarea bonusurilorBonusurile primite prin acest sistem trebuiesc colectate manual. Pentru colectare trebuie sa intrati pe User Panel la sectiunea Referrals. In dreptul fiecarui jucator adus veti vedea valoarea totala a bonusului primit si valoarea totala a bonusului colectat. Daca valoarea bonusului colectat si valoarea bonusului total este diferita si sunteti deconectati de pe server va va aparea un link "Collect" pentru a colecta bonusul.EnglishAt the last update we introduced a referrals system (records of players brought by other players) which most of you didn't understand, so we will explain it here.Today we have also launched on the User Panel the referral page, so starting from today everything is functional.What is the referral system?It is a system that keeps automatic records of players brought on our server by other players. So if you have friends, colleagues or any other people that want to get introduced to the world of SA:MP on our server, it is indicated that this person make you his/her referral, both for records and for the bonuses you will get according to how active the player you have brought is.How does it work?At the registration of an account, after you introduce the password and log in for the first time on the server, you will get asked if you want to specify a referral. By selecting Yes you will enter the menu in which the server will ask for the ID of the person that brought you on the server. The referral ID can be found on User Panel at the section Referrals and it is the same as your account's ID. Once you introduced this referral ID, the server will request the confirmation of the player as a referral by showing your name. Once confirmed, the referral can continue the registration normally.Each player you bring can provide you with bonuses depending on how active he/she is. Don't try to make multiple accounts because this is forbidden and you will eventually get caught and punished.You can see the list of players that you have brought to the server as well as bonuses on User Panel in the section for Referrals.BonusesAt this time there are two bonuses: money and respect. At each /buylevel of an account that you have brought on the server you receive 200% of the value paid by that player for his level up as well as 15% of the number of respect points that were necessary for that player to pass to the next level*.Depending on how this system works and the results it may bright, additional bonuses may be added.*The parentage value is calculated by rounding down (ex. 10% from 8 means 0).Collecting bonuses Bonuses received by this system have to be collected manually. To collect them you need to enter the User Panel at the Referrals section. Right to each player that you have brought you will see the total value of the bonus you get and the total value of the bonus you have collected. If the value of the collected bonus and the total bonus is different, and if you are disconnected from the server you will see a link with ”Collect” in order to collect the bonus. Edited November 20, 2014 by Bobo actualizare 29 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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