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El Loco Cartel - Anunțuri / Announcements

El eXtesY

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Warurile vor trece la ora de vara 14:00 - 16:00 dupa cum a iesit rezultatul sondajului. Atacurile pe website se vor da intre orele 16:05 si 16:59.Incepand de astazi se vor da atacuri de la ora 16:05 pana la 16:59 pentru warurile de Luni

Edited by South fearleS
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A fost adaugata urmatoarea regula la regulamentele generale pentru categoria Blacklist: Pentru actiunile de DM/DB jucatorul va putea fi pus pe blacklist doar daca acesta nu a fost deja sanctionat prin [/emergency] sau reclamat in cadrul factiunii si sanctionat pentru asta, pentru a evita sanctionarea dubla a jucatorilor. (sanctiuni: Faction Warn prima abatere, Rank Down daca continua).




The following rule has been added to the general rules for the Blacklist category: For DM/DB actions, a player can be placed on the blacklist only if they have not already been sanctioned through [/emergency] or reported within the faction and punished for it, in order to avoid double punishment of players. (sanctions: Faction Warn for the first offense, Rank Down if it continues).

Edited by South fearleS
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Pentru ganguri, warurile au fost trecute la intervalul de toamna 20:00 - 22:00. Atacurile pentru Luni se dau Duminica intre 22:05 si 22:59. Warurile pentru 2-16 Septembrie sunt optionale.



For the gangs, please remember that the wars have been moved to the the fall interval from 20:00 to 22:00. Attacks for Monday should be made on Sunday between 22:05 and 22:59. The wars from September 2-16 are optional.


Edited by South fearleS
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Salut s-a introdus o regula noua! https://rules.b-zone.ro/factions/gang-rules/#reguli-waruri-obligatorii a fost introdusa regula 10.2.10 vizavi de coordonarea in timpul warurilor si neascultarea indicatiilor oferite. Regula noua poate fi aplicata de Luni.





New gang rule https://rules.b-zone.ro/en/factions/gang-rules/#mandatory-wars-rules we added rule 10.2.10 regarding wars coordination and disobeying received indications. You can start applying it from Monday.

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