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Luni( Azi ) 10/02/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Monday( Today ) 10/02/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.

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Marti( Azi ) 11/02/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Tuesday( Today ) 11/02/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.

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Miercuri( Azi ) 12/02/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Wednesday( Today ) 12/02/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.

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Joi( Azi ) 13/02/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Thursday( Today ) 13/02/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.

NOTA*: Incercati sa fiti cat mai buni si cat mai disciplinati, de acest war o sa depinda multe lucruri. Saptamana viitoare va aduce o mare schimbare asupra gang-ului nostru, fiindca nu se poate face treaba cand multe lucruri sunt luate in ras.

NOTE*: Try to be the best at this war and disciplined, of this war will depend many things. The next week will bring a big change in our gang, because we can't do anything when many things are taken as jokes.

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Mâine, in ziua de Duminica, pe data de 16.02.2014, la ora 14:00 va avea loc ședința săptămânală în cadrul facțiunii. Prezența este obligatorie, iar cine va lipsi fără cerere de învoire făcută cu un motiv bine întemeiat va fi sancționat cu faction warn. În această ședință vom discuta niște aspecte importante legate de war, de organizare și nu numai, iar membrii prezenți vor primi salariu.

Edited by Zarzare
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Luni( Azi ) 17/02/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Monday( Today ) 17/02/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.

NOTA : Sper ca ati inteles tot ce am spus la sedinta, o sa repet si in-game ca sa nu aud discutii ca de ce am luat FW aiurea.

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Marti( Azi ) 18/02/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Tuesday( Today ) 18/02/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.

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Luni( Maine ) 17/02/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Monday( Tomorrow ) 17/02/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.

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Marti( Astazi) 17/02/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Tuesday( Today ) 17/02/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.

De asemenea, va reamintesc faptul ca trebuie sa postati evidenta warurilor, cine nu posteaza primeste Faction Warn.

Mai aveti timp pana la terminarea warurilor din aceasta seara.

Edited by 4FS CrazyFrog
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Miercuri( Azi ) 26/02/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Wednesday( Today ) 26/02/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.

Edited by 4FS CrazyFrog
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Joi( Azi ) 27/02/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Thursday( Today ) 27/02/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.

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Luni( Azi ) 03/03/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Monday( Today ) 03/03/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.

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Marti( Azi ) 04/03/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Tuesday( Today ) 04/03/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.

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Luni( Azi ) 10/03/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Monday( Today ) 10/03/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.

Edited by 4FS CrazyFrog
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Marti( Azi ) 11/03/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Tuesday( Today ) 11/03/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.


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Miercuri( Azi ) 12/03/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Wednesday( Today ) 12/03/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.

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Joi( Azi ) 13/03/2014 ora 19:45 sa fiti in HQ pentru war, cine lipseste fara cerere de invoire va primi Faction Warn !

Thursday( Today ) 13/03/2014 time 19:45 be in HQ for war, who wont come and don't make a pass request will get Faction Warn !

Note: The time( 19:45 ) is the server time shown in-game in the right corner. For other countries( not Romania ), it might vary.

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Mâine, pe data de 30.03.2014, la ora 13:30 voi susține o ședință în cadrul facțiunii pentru a discuta diverse probleme ale facțiunii și pentru a interacționa cu membrii.

Prezența este obligatorie, cine lipsește fără cerere de învoire va fi sancționat cu faction warn!

Edited by Zarzare
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