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Mda...sper sa mio schimbe pana diseara....da se schimba singura no??


Uite versurile la melodie....si pt cei care nu stiu engelza


Do you know what's worth fighting for(Sti care este valoarea ptr care lupti)

When it's not worth dying for?(Cand moartea nu valoreaza nimic)

Does it take you breath away(Iti taie respiratia?)

And you feel yourself suffocating?(Si simti ca te sufoci?)

Does the pain weight out the pride?(Cantareste durerea mai mult decat mandria?)

And you look for a place to hide?(Si cauti un loc in care sa te ascunzi?)

Did someone break your heart inside?(Tia rupt cineva inima pe dinauntru?)

You're in ruins(Esti distrusa)


One, 21 guns(Unu,21 de gloante)

Lay down your arms(Iti strapung bratele)

Give up the fight(Renunti la lupta)

One, 21 guns(Unu,21 de gloante)

Throw up your arms into the sky(Iti arunca bratele pana la cer)

You and I(Tu si cu mine)


When you're at the end of the road(Cand esti la sfarsitul drumului)

And you lost all sense of control(Si tiai pierdut tot controlul)

And your thoughts have taken their toll(Si gandurile tale siau luat taxa)

When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul(Cand mintea ta rupe spiritul sufletului tau)

Your faith walks on broken glass(Credinta ta merge pe cioburi de sticla)

And the hangover doesn't pass(Si......nu vrea sa treaca)

Versuri Green Day - 21 guns(romana+engl)

de pe http://www.versuri.ro

Nothing's ever built to last(Nimic nu este cladit sa reziste la nesfarsit)

You're in ruins(Esti distrusa)


One, 21 guns(Unu,21 de gloante)

Lay down your arms(Iti strapung bratele)

Give up the fight(Renunti la lupta)

One, 21 guns(Unu,21 de gloante)

Throw up your arms into the sky(Iti arunca bratele pana la cer)

You and I(Tu si cu mine)


Did you try to live on your own(Ai incercat sa traiesti pe cont propriu?)

When you burned down the house and home?(Cand tiai ars casa si caminul?)

Did you stand too close to the fire?(Ai stat prea aproape de foc?)

Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone(Ca un mincinos cerand iertare unei pietre)


When it's time to live and let die(Cand este timul sa te duci sa sa mori)

And you can't get another try(Si nu mai poti avea o alta sansa)

Something inside this heart has died(Ceva din aceasta inima este mort)

You're in ruins(Esti distrusa)


One, 21 guns(Unu,21 de gloante)

Lay down your arms(Iti strapung bratele)

Give up the fight(Renunti la lupta)

One, 21 guns(Unu,21 de gloante)

Throw up your arms into the sky(Iti arunca bratele pana la cer)

You and I(Tu si cu mïne)


Si scz pt double post

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am glumit =)))
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