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[Tutorial] Requestevent - Ro. & En.


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Tutorial "requestevent"







Q: La ce foloseste acest tutorial?

A: Acest tutorial te invata cum sa organizezi un eveniment, locurile in care poti face un eveniment si tipurile de eveniment.





Q: Ce conditii trebuie sa indeplinesc pentru a organiza un eveniment?

A: Trebuie ai minim level 10 pentru a putea folosi comanda /requestevent. De asemeni este interzis sa ceri aprobarea eventului pe /report sau /hehlpme.




Q: Care sunt comenzile folositoare pentru crearea unui eveniment?

A: Comenzile pe care le poate folosi o persoana care doreasca sa organizeze un eveniment sunt:


• /requestevent <titlul> | <locatia> | <premiul> | <timp> | <detalii> - Primul pas pentru a incepe un eveniment.








• /event - Vedeti detalii despre evenimentul care este in desfasurare (doar daca este un eveniment in desfasurare).




• /e <mesaj> - Chatul pe care organizatorul ofera detalii precum: indicii, modificarile premiului in urma sponsorizarilor, anuntarea castigatorului.




• /stopevent - Organizatorul opreste evenimentul sau.




• /togevent - Inchide/Deschide chatul evenimentelor.




• /cancel requestevent - Anuleaza inceperea unui eveniment (se foloseste inainte de aprobarea evenimentului din partea unui admin).






Q: Ce fac dupa /requestevent?

A: Dupa comanda /requestevent trebuie sa astepti pana la aprobarea evenimentului din partea unui admin.




Q: Care este premiul minim pe care trebuie sa il acord?

A: Serverul nu impune un premiu minim, insa suma trebuie sa fie destul de mare pentru a starni interesul jucatorilor (Ex: 2.000$).




Q: Care este premiul maxim pe care trebuie sa il acord?

A: 50.000$ sau alte bunuri (case/masini) care sa valoreze cel mult 50.000$.




Q: Ce evenimente se pot organiza?

A: Pe server se organizeaza in general urmatoarele evenimente:


• Stunt - Organizatorul se afla intr-un loc greu accesibil (pe o casa/cladire/panou publicitar) iar participantii trebuie sa ajunga la el.


• Dueluri (pumni/arme) - Dueluri 1 vs 1 / 2 vs 2 cu pumni/arme, castigatorul/castigatorii merg in runda urmatoare pana raman doar 2 (in cazul 1 vs 1) sau 4 (in cazul 2 vs 2) participanti in finala.


• Last Man Standing - Participantii dintr-o incapere se lupta pentru premiu, fiecare e pe cont propriu, pana ramane in viata un singur om.


• Last Car Standing - Participantii se afla in autovehicule si se ciocnesc pana ramane o singura masina.


• Par/impar - Organizatorul are un zar, intreaba fiecare participant daca zarul va avea un numar par/impar. Participantul raspunde (Ex: par), organizatorul arunca zarul (/dice - zarul trebuie cumparat dintr-un magazin 24/7), daca numarul care a cazut corespunde cu raspunsul participantului, el trece in runda urmatoare, in caz contrar el este descalificat.


• Simon spune - Organizatorul este 'Simon'. Toate comenzile sale incep cu 'Simon spune', iar participantii trebuie sa respecte toate comenzile sale (Ex: 'Simon spune ca ultima persoana care foloseste animul /gro va muri', ultima persoana care foloseste animul va fi descalificata). Daca comanda organizatorului va fi gresita (Ex: 'Simon zice ca toata lumea sa se alinieze la perete' sau 'Simon spune ca toata lumea sa se alinieze la peerte') participantii nu trebuie sa efectueze comenzile, in caz contrar sunt descalificati.


• Trivia - Intrebarile se pun pe /e, iar raspunsurile se dau prin /sms organizatorului. Prima persoana care raspunde corect castiga. La un premiul total de 20.000$ se pot pune 20 intrebari (1.000$/intrebare).


• Etc.




Q: Care sunt cele mai bune locuri in care se pot organiza evenimente?

A: Evenimentele care necesita adunarea persoanlor intr-un loc se pot organiza in gun shop (daca e un eveniment ce necesita arme) sau intr-un club/restaurant/cazino.


• Los Santos:




• Las Venturas:




• San Fierro:









"Requestevent" Tutorial (English)




"Requestevent" Tutorial







Q: What's the purpose of this tutorial?

A: This tutorial teaches you how to organize an event, ideal places for events and different types of events.




Q: What are the required conditions for organizing an event?

A: You need to have at least level 10 to use /requestevent command. It is also forbidden to ask for the event approval on /report or /helpme.




Q: What are the helpful commands for organizing an event?

A: The commands that can be used by a player who wants to organize an event are:


• /requestevent <titlul> | <locatia> | <premiul> | <timp> | <detalii> - It's the first step for starting the event.








• /event - It shows details about the current event (just if an event is ongoing).




• /e <message> - It is the chat where the organizer gives details such as: hints, prize changes after sponsorship, the announcement of the winner.




• /stopevent - The organizer stops his event.




• /togevent - Turn on/off the event chat.




• /cancel requestevent - It cancels the beginning of an event (it must be used before getting the admin approval).






Q: What I must do after /requestevent?

A: After entering the /requestevent command you must wait until an admin accepts your event.




Q: What is the minimum prize I should give?

A: The server doesn't doesn't require a minimum prize, but it must be big enough to attract players' interest (Ex.: 2.000$)




Q: What is the maximum prize I should give?

A: 50.000$ or goods (cars/houses) that worth less than 50.000$.




Q: What events can be organized?

A: On the server there are organized events such as:


• Stunt - The organizer is in a place where is hard to reach (on a house/building/billboard) and the participants must get to him.


• Duels (fights/weapons) - 1 vs 1 / 2 vs 2 duels with fists/weapons, the winner(s) go in the next round until the final round.


• Last Man Standing - The participants are in a room and they must fight, on their own, until everyone dies except one player.


• Last Car Standing - The participants are in cars and they must hit until one car remains.


• Even/Odd - The organized has a dice and he asks every participant if the dice is going to fall even/odd. The participant answers, the organizer rolls the dice (/dice - the dice must be bought from a 24/7 shop), if the number that falls fits with the participant's answer, he goes in the next round, otherwise he is desqualified.


• Simon says - The organizer is 'Simon'. All of his commands start with 'Simon says' and the participants must listen to his commands (Ex.: 'Simon says that the last player who uses /gro is going to die', and the last person will be disqualified). If the organizer's command is wrong (Ex. 'Simon told that everyone must make a line near the wall', 'Simon says that everyone must make a line near the wal') the participants don't have to listen to his commands or they will be disqualified.


• Trivia - The organizer puts question on /e and everyone can answer by sending a /sms to the organizer. The first person who answers correct wins. At a total prize of 20.000$ you can put 20 questions (1.000$/question).


• Etc.




Q: Where are the best places for making events?

A: The events which needs gathering the participants can take place in a gun shop (if the event needs weapons) or in a club/restaurant/casino.



• Los Santos:




• Las Venturas:




• San Fierro:



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