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Los Santos Taxi - Anunţuri importante / Important announcements


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Am facut o modificare regulamentului. Rog toti membrii sa se uite in topicul respectiv.


Din acest moment, orice rank 4- (4, 3, 2, 1) care posteaza aici vor fi sanctionati in game.

In acest topic vor putea posta doar Liderul si Sub-Liderul factiunii, rank 5 putand posta doar cand le zice liderul sau in situatii foarte speciale.

Edited by GF RelaXx
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Am adus mai multe modificari topicului de rapoarte, va rog sa il mai cititi o data integral pentru a descoperii schimbarile.

Modificarile aduse rapoartelor vor intra in viguare de luni, 8.06.2015!


De asemenea, am facut unele modificari si topicului de legende, si cu aceasta ocazie am adaugat si niste membri de baza ai factiunii in acest topic.

Edited by GF RelaXx
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Culoarea acestei saptamani este: ALBASTRU

O folositi pana sambata 23:59


This week's colour is: BLUE

You can use it until saturday 23:59

Edited by Typhoon22
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Au fost adaugate noi locatii obligatorii in topicul "Testul de intrare / Test Log", locatiile noi au "*" langa numele acestora. Locatiile noi trebuie invatate!

Was added new mandatory locations in "Testul de intrare/ Test Log" topic, new locations have a "*" next to theirs name. News locations need to be learn.

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Culoarea acestei saptamani este: MARO

O folositi pana sambata 23:59


This week's colour is: BROWN

You can use it until saturday 23:59


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#Update 24.06.2015

Adaugate 2 noi reguli:

7.Membrii Taxi LS sunt obligati sa nu porneasca de pe loc pana cand clientul nu a urcat in masina si pana acesta nu zice locatia finala. (Daca taximetristul a parcat ilegal taxi-ul, acesta poate parca regulamentar in cel mai apropiat loc posibil, asta numai dupa ce clientul urca.) - Cine se abate de la aceasta regula va primi FW

8.Taximetristul este obligat sa roage de minim 3 ori clientul sa zica locatia (si in engleza), daca dupa cele 3 intrebari (~15 secunde) clientul nu zice nimic (locatie), taximetristul ii poate da /eject. - Cine se abate de la aceasta regula va primi FW

Noile reguli se afla la categoria "X. Comenzi" si au o alta culoare decat celelalte.

2 new rules was added

9.LS Taxi Members are obliged to don't move taxi from his place until the customer has got in the car and said a final location. (If the taxi is parked illegally, the taxi driver may move the taxi to a legally place in the nearest possible, that only after the clientcustomer climb.) - Who deviate from this rule will receive FW

10.The taxi driver is obliged to ask at least 3 times the customer for a location (in Romanian too), if after 3 questions (~ 15 seconds) the customer does not say anything (location), the taxi driver can /eject him from the taxi. - Who deviate from this rule will receive FW

New rules are in "X. Fares" category and have a special color.

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Ambele regulamente au fost refacute in totalitate. Recomand citirea lor din nou pentru a descoperi noutatile.

The faction rules was modified. Is recommended to read them again to discover the changes.

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#Update 27.06.2015

- Din acest moment rank 4+ (testerii) sunt obligati sa anunte pe /f cand incep si cand termin un test si sa faca ss la acest anunt. [Exemplu: Incep test log cu a ID] si [Exemplu: a trecut/picat testul, punctaj x/3 si x/5].

- Rank 4 incepatori sunt obligati sa anunte pe langa faptul ca incep un test si faptul daca sunt asistati sau nu de un rank 5+ [Exemplu: Incep test log cu a ID, sunt asistat de b] sau [Exemplu: Incep test log cu a ID, nu sunt asistat].

- Noii testeri nu au voie sa dea teste pana nu sunt simulati de un rank 5+.

- Rank 5+ sunt obligati de asemenea sa faca poze la anunturile date de un rank 4 cand incepe test, daca acestia asista la testul dat de membrul cu rank 4.

- Rank 5+ sunt rugati sa simuleze noii testeri cat mai repede de la promovarea acestora, ca acestia sa poata incepe sa dea teste.

- Marit numarul de comenzi care trebuie facut de rank 4.

- Adaugat un numar de comenzi care trebuie facut de rank 5.

- Modificat modelul de postare a unui test dat pentru a pune un spatiu unde trebuie sa puneti pozele facute la aceste anunturi.

- Adaugat un nou raport de activitate pentru rank 5.


- From this moment rank 4+ (testers) are forced to annnounce on /f when they start and when they finish a test and to make a ss to this announcement. [Exemple: I start a test log with a ID] and [Exemple: a passed/failed the test, score x/3 and x/5].

- New rank 4 are forced to announce if they are assisted or not by a rank 5+ [Exemple: I start a test log with a ID, I am assisted by b] or [Exemple: I start a test log with a ID, I am not assited].

- The new testers are not allowed to have tests until are simulated by a rank 5+.

- Rank 5+ are forced too to make ss at announcements written by a rank 4 when he start a test log, if he assist at this test.

- Rank 5+ are asked to simulate new testers fastest possible, so this can test accepted players.

- Number of commands which are needed at rank 4 was raised.

- Was added a number of commands for rank 5.

- Modified posting model of a given test to put a space where to put photos taken at these announcements.

- Added a news activity report for rank 5.

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Culoarea acestei saptamani este: VIOLET

O folositi pana sambata 23:59


This week's colour is: PURPLE

You can use it until saturday 23:59


Edited by Typhoon22
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#Update 29.06.2015

Rank 1-6 pot detine orice job (job-uri ilegale incluse).

Rank 1-6 can have any job (illegal jobs included).

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Ultimii 2 playeri acceptati pentru teste mai au 24 de ore pentru a se prezenta la test sa vor fi respinsi! Am marit perioada cu inca 1 zi.



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#Update 08.07.2015


2.2 Rank 1-3 sunt obligați să dețină job-ul mechanic în intermediul orelor 12:00-18:00.


2.2 Rank 1-3 must to have mechanic job between 12:00-18:00.


De asemenea am decis inceperea unui concurs, acesta se va numi Cabbie of the Month. Concursul este simplu, taximetristul care va avea cele mai multe comenzi efectuate intr-o luna va fi rasplatit cu 15.000$ la primul salariu dupa terminarea lunii respective.


Pentru acest concurs am fost nevoit sa inaintez postarea rapoartelor si postarea salariilor cu 1 saptamana, asa ca va rog sa fiti online pentru a primii ambele salarii.




And I decided to make a new contest that will be named ''Cabbie of the month''. The contest is very simple, the taxi driver that will have the most activity report points in a month will get $15,000 at the first paycheck after the month ended.

For this contest I had to post the activity reports and the sallaries 1 week earlier from how it was before, so please be online to recive both paychecks.

Edited by GF RelaXx
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Culoarea acestei saptamani este: ROZ

O folositi pana sambata 23:59


This week's colour is: PINK

You can use it until saturday 23:59


Edited by Typhoon22
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Candidatii care trebuie sa primeasca /invite vor primi pe data de 18.07 cand voi reveni din inactivitate.

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Fare nou! /fare 20 indiferent de ora! Voi updata si regulamentul in curand.


New fare! /fare 20 at any hour. I will update the rules soon.

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Culoarea acestei saptamani este: NEGRU

O folositi pana sambata 23:59


This week's colour is:BLACK

You can use it until saturday 23:59

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Am adaugat 2 noi topic-uri.


Primul este "Los Santos Taxi - Amenzi / Fines".

- Toti membrii sunt rugati sa citeasca acest topic si sa ii dea follow pentru a nu fi sanctionati daca nu isi platesc amenzile primite

- Rank 5+ sunt rugati sa invete amenzile pentru a le putea acorda.

- Amenzile pot fi platite doar mie, nu si altcuiva.

- Banii stransi din amenzi vor fi folositi in folosul factiunii, eu nu voi pastra nici un ban.


Al doilea este "Los Santos Taxi - Evenimente / Events".

- Toti membrii pot propune un event care va fi organizat pe /requestevent in fiecare duminica.

- Astept propunerile voastre pentru saptamana 27.07.2015 - 02.08.2015



I added 2 new topics.


First is "Los Santos Taxi - Amenzi / Fines".

- All members need to read the content and to follow this topic to don't be sanctioned if they don't pay the fines.

- Rank 5+ members need to learn the fines.

- The fines cand be payd only to me.

- The money will be use for faction, I don't keep 1$.


The second are "Los Santos Taxi - Evenimente / Events"

- All members can propose a event what will be organised on /requestevent every Sunday.

- I wait your proposal for 27.07.2015 - 02.08.2015 week.

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Culoarea acestei saptamani este: aceasta nuanta de gri

O folositi pana sambata 23:59


This week's colour is: this kind of gray

You can use it until saturday 23:59




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Culoarea acestei saptamani este: aceasta nuanta de verde

O folositi pana sambata 23:59


This week's colour is: this kind of green

You can use it until saturday 23:59


Edited by Typhoon22
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#Update 13.08.2015

12.12 Testerii facţiunii nu au voie să treacă playerii acceptaţi pentru teste ca "Trecuţi la teste" sau "Respinşi la teste" după ce termină de dat testele, adică nu au voie să le dea invite (de la rank 0 la 1) sau să îi dea afară din facţiune (respins la teste), în caz contrar, membrului cu rank 4 i se va lua dreptul de a mai testa playerii acceptaţi pentru teste sau chiar va primi rank down. Testerii trebuie în continuare să posteze pe forum dacă candidatul a trecut/picat testul.

12.12 Testers are not allowed to pass the candidates as "Passed" or "Failed" after they are done with the tests, it means they are not allowed to invite them (from rank 0 to 1) or to kick them from the faction (tests failed) or the tester will not be able to test the candidates anymore and he will even get rank down. The testers still need to post on the forum if the candidate passed/failed the test.

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#Update 15.08.2015


12.13 Candidaţii (Rank 0) NU AU VOIE să folosească nici un vehicul al facţiunii şi nici să nu facă comenzi până nu primesc rank 1.

12.13.1 Candidaţii prinşi că fac comenzi riscă să fie picaţi la testele facţiunii.

12.13.2 Candidaţii prinşi că merg sau abuzează de maşinile facţiunii vor fi respinşi la teste şi adaugaţi pe Black List-ul facţiunii.

12.13.3 Candidaţii prinşi că merg sau abuzează de maşinile celorlalte companii de taxi vor fi sancţionaţi cum scrie mai sus.

12.13 The candidates (Rank 0) ARE FORBBIDEN to use a faction vehicle and to do commands before get rank 1.

12.13.1 The candidates who do commands would fail the tests.

12.13.2 The candidates who drive or abuze by faction vehicles will fail the tests and will be added on the faction Black List.

12.13.3 The candidates who drive or abuze by other taxi companys vehicles will be sanctionated how write above.

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Culoarea acestei saptamani este: aceasta nuanta de albastru

O folositi pana sambata 23:59


This week's colour is: this kind of blue

You can use it until saturday 23:59


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