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Grupul Renault confirma un Concept si noul Duster pentru Frankfurt

Andrew ROYAL

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Grupul Renault confirma un Concept si noul Duster pentru Frankfurt







» Oficialii grupului Renault au confirmat faptul ca in standul Dacia de la Salonul Auto de la Frankfurt din septembrie vom vedea noua Dacia Duster. In plus, in acelasi stand romano-francez va mai fi prezentat si un concept-car marca Renault.


» Salonul Auto de la Frankfurt 2013 isi deschide portile peste 2 luni, in septembrie. Printre noutatile acestui salon international se va numara si mult asteptatul Duster, generatia a 2-a. SUV-ul de dimensiuni compacte romanesc s-a bucurat de un urias succes in cei 3 ani de cand este pe piata si acum are nevoie de o revigorare de imagine.


» In standul Dacia vom vedea modelele actuale, inclusiv noul venit Logan MCV lansat la Geneva anul acesta, modelele noi de Logan, Sandero si Sandero Stepway. Insa surpriza mult asteptata pentru care standul va fi aglomerat la conferinta de presa de pe 10 septembrie este noul Duster.


» Dacia Duster 2014 se anunta a fi un Duster cu un exterior restilizat, care sa corespunda identitatii vizuale adoptate recent de marca romaneasca, dar si cu interior refacut si probabil chiar o motorizare noua, mai puternica. Printre optiunile care nu se regasesc acum pe Duster, vom vedea pe generatia urmatoare scaune incalzite, pilot automat, sistemul Media Nav cu ecran tactil, limitator de viteza si ESP in dotarea standard, la fel si cele 4 airbaguri.


» In standul Renault, francezii pregatesc o surpriza. E vorba de un concept, cel mai probabil electric. Momentan nu se stiu alte detalii, asa ca va trebui sa mai asteptam putin pana la deschiderea portilor de la Frankfurt. Salonul din Germania este la cea de-a 65-a editie si are loc pe 10-11 Septembrie.




Comunicatul de presa oficial in limba engleza:

Renault and Dacia welcome you to the press days at the 65th Frankfurt Motor Show on 10th and 11th September. Highlights will include new products, a press conference and interviews with company executives. World reveal of a Renault concept car Presentation of New Dacia Duster Renault press conference on Tuesday 10th September at 1.30 pm New location in Hall 8 for the Renault and Dacia stands.


This year's Frankfurt show will be an ideal opportunity to find out more about new developments:


Renault will be unveiling several key models featuring the new brand identity. The wraps will come off the latest concept car embodying Renault's vision of the premium automobile. The show will also be an opportunity for visitors to see the six concept cars in the lifecycle design strategy together for the very first time.


The electric vehicle range will be on display, including ZOE, launched recently in Germany. Innovation and motor sport will be in the limelight. The new Energy range engine will be presented alongside the recently unveiled Energy F1 2014 engine.


New Duster will be the star on the Dacia stand.


The members of the Renault Group Executive Committee will be present for the two press days:


Carlos Ghosn, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Renault group Carlos Tavares, Chief Operating Officer Jérôme Stoll, EVP, Sales & Marketing and Light Commercial Vehicles Philippe Klein, EVP, Corporate Planning, Product Planning & Programs Jean-Michel Billig, EVP, Engineering and Quality Thierry Bolloré, EVP, Manufacturing and Supply Chain Stefan Mueller, EVP, Chairman of Europe Region Several highlights are planned, including:


Tuesday 10th September, 1.30 pm to 2.00 pm: Renault press conference with Carlos Tavares, Chief Operating Officer, and Laurens Van Den Acker, Senior Vice President, Corporate Design The press conference will be broadcast live on the www.renault.com website and the www.media.renault.com media site.


Experts on all the products and topics presented will also be on hand to answer questions on the latest Renault and Dacia news.

New locations in Hall 8

Renault: Hall 8 – Stand D10

Dacia: Hall 8 – Stand D24

See you in Frankfurt on 10th September.




Sursa: http://www.4tuning.r...furt-19376.html

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