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Rules & Informations about Complaints


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Aceasta sectiune este predestinata jucatorilor ce au fost agresati verbal sau ce au surprins persoane incalcand regulamentul oficial al serverului. Pentru a reclama un jucator/admin/helper trebuie sa tineti cont de urmatoarele criterii:

  • Titlul sa fie formulat ca in acest model 'Plangere - <nume reclamat> - Motiv (scurt si la obiect)', un exemplu este afisat aici: 'Plangere - Guess - Grieffing'.
  • Gramatica dvs. sa fie cat mai corecta si modul in care va exprimati sa fie cat mai usor pentru restul sa inteleaga.
  • Cei ce au ban permanent nu mai trebuie reclamati. In cazul in care acesta a luat unban poate fi reclamat ca orice jucator.
  • Post-ul sa respecte modelul de postare afisat mai jos.

Model de postare


Nume în joc:
Numele celui reclamat:
Descrierea situatiei:
Alte precizari:


This section is for players that have been sworn by others members of minecraft community or for those players that caught someone breaking the official rules of the server. To complain a player/admin/helper you have to respect the following rules:

  • The title may be formed like in this model 'Complain - <gulity's nickname> - Reason (as short as possible)', an example right here: 'Complain - MarkoPollo - Grieffing'.
  • Your grammar may be as correct as possible and your phrase may to be as clear as possible.
  • For those who got banned you don't have to complain him. In case of he got unbanned he can be complained as every player.
  • The post needs to respect the following model.

Model of posting


Gulity's nickname:
Describe what happened:
Other specifications:

Edited by pH Katzuno
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