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Bug - /jobs


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Nick-ul tau: William
Descrierea bugului: Daca iti iei un job care pune automat un checkpoint si cobori din masina, sau chiar daca dai /quitjob nu poti folosi comanda /jobs, deoarece este un checkpoint activ, care practic nu este. :))

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Hello there buddy!


Remember me? I'm the one who parked his car in the sea like 3 times... hahaha


The best possible solution for me was to relog and that was the only thing I could do to get a new checkpoint again.


The cause of this is when you enter a vehicle and you have a checkpoint which you HAVEN'T been to yet and then exit you "lose" the checkpoint, but you don't really lose it. It just hides it self. When you then try to place a checkpoint again it says that you can't because you already have the previous one which is now hidden.


Sorry if this doesn't make sense :P But I hope I helped you.


Best regards,


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