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Ghiceste Cladirea / Guess the building

South Flacko

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Acest event consta in a ghici niste cladiri din niste poze doar cu cateva detalii, gen peretii sau ceva din jur. Primul care ghiceste cladirea care se afla intr-o poza pe care o voi da eu va castiga premiul de 1.500$. Acest event se va face pe runde. Rundele sunt in fiecare seara de la ora 18:00 - 20:00. Va trebui sa completati dupa acest model:



Factiune + Rank:



Parere event:


Cine nu respecta acest model nu va fi luat in seama.




This event consists in guessing some pictures of some buildings just a few details, like walls or something around. The first to guess the building that is a picture that I will give will win $ 1,500 prize. This event will be on rounds. The rounds are every evening from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.. You have to fill after this model:
Faction + Rank:
Event Review:
Who does not respect this model will not be taken into account.
Edited by Roby69 PATRONU
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