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Red Dragon Triad - Evidenta war/War Evidence


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 EVIDENTA WAR 14.07.2018 

Sanctiuni War
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn
EDIT: Slade are inactivitate.


Edited by AIM iLuSi0N
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 EVIDENTA WAR 17.07.2018 

Sanctiuni War
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn
EDIT: runik si alexwarmachine sunt invoiti, le-am acceptat cererile.
Edited by AIM iLuSi0N
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 EVIDENTA WAR 20.09.2018 

Sanctiuni War
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn
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 EVIDENTA WAR 24.09.2018 

Sanctiuni War
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn
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Evidenta war pe 28/09/2018

Membrii absenti(War 20:00-20:30) sebiz.z,ZubySilentWannabe,  [AIM]Voguee,[x], [AIM]CapitanuL, [AIM]PaNuTa

Membrii absenti(war 20:30-21:00)sebiz.z,ZubySilentWannabe[AIM]Voguee[AIM]PaNuTa[x],ThugLife01,[AIM]CapitanuL


Membrii absenti:  ZubySilentWannabesebiz.z, AIM]CapitanuL, [AIM]Voguee[AIM]PaNuTa

Membrii cu faction warn: sebiz.z / zubysilentwannabe / voguee / capitanul / panuta (absenti 4/4 wars)

Membrii cu amenzi: Costi2glory $5.000 (-5 la war) / Kewyv2.5TSA amenda $5.000 (-5 la war)

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 EVIDENTA WAR 01.10.2018 

Sanctiuni War
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn



MEMBRII ABSENTI 20:00-20:30 = Voguee / Nathan

MEMBRII ABSENTI 20:30-21:00 = [d]ead / Voguee / CosminT

MEMBRII CU AMENDA DE $5.000(-5 la war) : THUGLIFE01 / Janosh / NatiUK

MEMBRII CU AMENDA DE $10.000 SI AV (absent 1/2 wars): Nathan / [D]ead / CosminT


Edited by AIM iLuSi0N
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 EVIDENTA WAR 02.10.2018 

Sanctiuni War
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn



MEMBRII ABSENTI 20:00-20:30 = [D]ead / COSMINT

MEMBRII ABSENTI 20:30-21:00 = [D]eaD

MEMBRII ABSENT 21:00-21:30 = [D]ead

MEMBRII ABSENTI 21:30-22:00 = [D]ead


MEMBRII CU AMENDA DE $10.000 SI AV (absent 1/2 wars): NATHAN (X2 - 5)


Edited by AIM iLuSi0N
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 EVIDENTA WAR 11.10.2018 

Sanctiuni War
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn



MEMBRII ABSENTI 20:00-20:30 = sebiz.z / Elchico /Lorennnzo /  [cr.ambakulavara

MEMBRII ABSENTI 20:30-21:00 = sebiz.z/ black.ang3l / lorennnzo / 

MEMBRII ABSENT 21:00-21:30 = sebiz.z / chutaz / lorennnzo 

MEMBRII ABSENTI 21:30-22:00 = chutaz lorennnzo / sebiz.z / clumsy

MEMBRII CU AMENDA DE $5.000(-5 la war) : black.ang3l /  CLUMSY / elchico

MEMBRII CU FACTION WARN (ABSENTA 4/4 WARS): sebiz.z / lorennzo

Edited by AIM iLuSi0N
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47322944_428650491002507_6220656470602547200_n.thumb.png.5cc2b97e1e81b92269faa4263ed997b9.png EVIDENTA WAR 14.07.2018 

Sanctiuni War
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn


Edited by joker65
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  On 4/12/2014 at 3:42 PM, Andreilolzaa said:


Evidenta war


Acest topic are in vedere urmarirea scorurilor si a activitatii membrilor Red Dragon Triad pe parcursul unei saptamani de war-uri.
Sanctiunile vor fi acordate membrilor inactivi, cat si membrilor cu un scor foarte slab.

Sanctiuni war:

  • Fiecare membru fara invoire/inactivitate trebuie sa aiba un minim de 900 de secunde pe zona de war. In caz contrar va fi sanctionat cu un avertisment verbal.
  • Fiecare membru care nu este prezent la war-uri fara invoire/inactivitate va primi un FactionWarn.
  • Scor de -5 la war: $3.000. Neplata amenzii duce la sancționarea cu Faction Warn.

    Scor de -10 la war: $5.000. Neplata amenzii duce la sancționarea cu Faction Warn.

    Scor mai mare de -15 la war: se va sancționa direct cu Faction Warn.

In acest topic vor posta doar Liderul/Subliderul sau un membru ales de acestia care sa calculeze evidenta de pe rpg.bzone.ro/wars/viewall.
Evidentele se vor calcula zilnic de la terminarea war-ului pana a doua zi la ora 19:00.
Acest topic este facut pentru sanctionarea membrilor inactivi si pentru marirea activitatii de zi cu zi a gangului.
Responsabilul de topic:
Model de postare
Alte precizari:
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This topic is considering the scores and the activity of Red Dragon Triad members during one week of wars.
The Punishments will be given to inactive members, aswell for the members wtih a bad score.
Wars sanctions:
  • Each member without a consent/inactivity need to have a minium of 900 seconds in the war turf. In contrary he will be punished with one verbal advertisment.
  • Each member who is not present at war without a consent/inactivity will receive one FactionWarn.
  • Score of -5 at war: $3.000. Not paying the ticket will lead in receiving a Faction Warn.

    Score of -10 at war: $5.000. Not paying the ticket will lead in receiving a Faction Warn.

    Score worst than -15 at war: you will get punished directly with a Faction Warn.

In this topic will post The leader/The sub-leader or the member chosen by them. The evidence will be calculated from rpg.bzone.ro/wars/viewall.
The evidences will be calculated every day after the finish of the war until the next day at 19:00.
This topic is made with the reason of punishing the inactive members and for the increase of members activity.
The responsable of this topic:
Model for posting
Other specifications:




Edited by Dcn12345
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47363342_293163027975545_4781969407150653440_n.thumb.png.51ed3fb78e5d0fb038d953bc443691b4.png EVIDENTA WAR 04.12.2018 

Sanctiuni War
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn
Edited by joker65
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47483911_328962521026987_6906860341762719744_n.thumb.png.b4aa12a94fd162a9bd67b3f81f4e01cf.png EVIDENTA WAR 05.12.2018 

Sanctiuni War
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn


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  On 12/4/2018 at 8:09 PM, joker65 said:

 EVIDENTA WAR 06.12.2018 

Sanctiuni War
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn


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  On 12/4/2018 at 8:09 PM, joker65 said:

 EVIDENTA WAR 07.12.2018 

Sanctiuni War
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn


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 EVIDENTA WAR 29.01.2019 

Sanctiuni War
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn
S-a facut evidenta, pentru ca asa a decis uSp, membrii care au fost absenti, trebuie sa fie sanctionati.
EDIT: Evil. si Aquiraz nu vor primi nimic pentru ca aveau invoire, greseala mea.
Edited by AIM iKsyZaL
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 EVIDENTA WAR 01.02.2019 

Sanctiuni War
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn
*[Cr.CONSTANTApower, am gresit nick.
Edited by AIM iKsyZaL
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 EVIDENTA WAR 01.02.2019 

Sanctiuni War
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn
VictorM va primi fw, pentru acumulare 2x AV, unul in data de 01.02 si unul astazi, 04.02.
Janel.50inbrat are amenda 5k, am uitat sa scriu acolo. VictorM a fost absent si la primul, va primi fw.


Edited by AIM iKsyZaL
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