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Red Dragon Triad - Evidenta war/War Evidence


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EVIDENTA WARS 28/01/2021
Turf: Mats Deliver LV
Time interval: 20:00-20:30
End time: 28.01.2021 20:29
Attack time: 27.01.2021 22:15
membrii sanctionati pentru scor
[CBN]MakeMeister  (-5) = 15,000$.
Turf: Caligullas LV
Time interval: 20:30-21:00
End time: 28.01.2021 20:59
Attack time: 27.01.2021 22:15


membrii sanctionati pentru scor

fearleS (-6) = 15,000$

Angel.xD[VIP] (-6) = 15,000$
PedofilescuDody  (-5) = 15,000$


Turf: Jizzy LV
Time interval: 21:00-21:30
End time: 28.01.2021 21:29
Attack time: 27.01.2021 22:15
membrii sanctionati pentru scor
savage.RAGEMODE (-9) = 15,000$
fearleS (-6) = 15,000$
PedofilescuDody = 15,000$
Turf: Intersection LV
Time interval: 21:30-22:00
End time: 28.01.2021 21:59
Attack time: 27.01.2021 22:15
membrii sanctionati pentru scor
fearleS (-6) = 15,000$
[OG].AveryoKIA (-6) = 15,000$
Total sanctiuni
fearleS = 45,000$
[CBN]MakeMeister = 15,000$
Angel.xD[VIP] = 15,000$
savage.RAGEMODE  = 15,000$

PedofilescuDody = 30,000$ + absent 1/4 wars 15,000$ = 45,000$


Membrii invoiti : Berar, SebyTSA, Away.

Membrii banati : -

Edited by AndreiSHAKALU
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EVIDENTA WARS 29/01/2021
Turf: Transfender LV
Time interval: 20:00-20:30
End time: 29.01.2021 20:29
Attack time: 28.01.2021 22:15
membrii sanctionati pentru scor
BeRaR (-5) = 15,000$
fearleS (-6) = 15,000$
membrii invoiti
membrii banati : -
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