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B-zone Tetrathlon By TE

TE Kistaska

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Nick: [TE]Kistaska

Level: 59

Faction: LSPD (3)

Name of Event: Tetrathlon

Time: 21/09/2014 18:00

Prize: 1st winner 25k / 2nd winner 15k / 3rd winner 10k



There will be 4 part of this event.

1. Swimming

2. Running

3. Bicycle

4. Parachute


We made the photos of the way where the participants must go. For the start they have to swimm from Palomino Creek to LV Boat rent and then run to the LV quarry where they will find some spawned Mountain Bikes. They have to use them to get up to the top of the chiliad and then from there they have to jump off from the ramp and land on the pre-marked zone.




Start / Swimming:



First Checkpoint - Start The Run





3. Mountain Bikes will be spawned here:





4. Jump off with parachute and land on the pre.marked zone:




Finish! Pre-Marked zone for landing with parachute:





Event will be hosted by The Executives


We will need a lvl5+ admin for htis event so please contact me or kistucsok on forum for details. thank you.

Edited by TE Kistaska
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