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4 food items that burn belly fat


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One of the body regions where we tend to put on more weight is the belly. While crunches and floor exercises help us get in shape, it's a Herculean task to get rid of the stubborn belly fat. Here are three food items that are a great help when it comes to getting your belly in shape...

Broccoli: This little green vegetable is rich in vitamin C and calcium, which increases the absorption of chemical elements in the body and boosts metabolism. The fibre and water content in broccoli is high, which means you feel full fast, won't indulge in overeating and are hydrated throughout the day. It's advisable to include broccoli in your meal at least four times a week. You can either steam or microwave the broccoli instead of boiling it for longer duration.

Cinnamon: This spice is loaded with antioxidants and has the ability to control your blood sugar. Thus, it directly affects the insulin level and controls your appetite. Once you stop craving for food, your body automatically uses up stored fat, especially from the mid-section. The best way to add cinnamon to your meal is by using it for flavouring your drinks. You can also add it to your lunch and dinner by cooking it along with the main course.

Avocado: While the fat content in avocado is slightly higher than that in other 'healthy foods', studies have found that the monosaturated fats in this fruit help in controlling cholesterol and blood sugar. They are also loaded with potassium, which helps in converting nutrients into energy. Avocados are also quite filling, as they have a higher fraction of fibre, vitamin B and amino acids. Try taking in avocados during breaks by substituting it with oily items.

Eggs: Whole eggs, especially its whites, are rich in protein. And for one to burn fat, it's important to add more protein-rich food to your diet as it keeps you feeling fuller for a longer duration. Also, eggs are low in calories, and studies suggest they are a good source of vitamin D too. You can start by adding egg whites to your breakfast.


Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/4-food-items-that-burn-belly-fat/articleshow/39953694.cms

Edited by Armaan
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