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F.B.I. - Rapoarte de activitate namecover | Namecover activity reports


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Raport de activitate Namecover | Namecover activity report

Saptamana | week 01.07.2021 - 07.03.2021 ~


 * Special Agent in Charge (4) Members: *

Fr4nK. Raport corect4



 * Supervisory Special Agent (3) Members: *


[AIM]Ale[K]s. - Raport corect
[uS]Alex - Raport corect
Shlayde - Raport corect


* Special Agent (2) Members: *


[FBI].Sm0k3. - Raport corect
[FBI]TiberiuK - Raport corect
Catana.[ToV] - Raport neefectuat (Recuperare  08.03- 14.03.2021 )
hassen[BTD] - Raport corect
InSaNe[ToV]  - Raport corect







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Edited by Sonnyy
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Nume: InSaNe[ToV]

Rank: 2

Actiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/gallery/HbW11Zh

Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1 x Drugs Possesion + /confiscate

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Nume: ALex

Rank:  4

Actiuni namecover:  https://imgur.com/a/zua4vAh

Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1 x Drugs Possesion + /confiscate

Alte precizari: Propun o chestie , cand suspectii gasiti cu droguri si care au primit wanted sa nu mai aibe acceisibilitate sa le bage in depozit   adica sa ramana cu ele . Pentru ca toti s au invatat sa faca chestia asta si noi suntem niste fraieri .   .

Edited by ALex
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Raport de activitate Namecover | Namecover activity report

Saptamana | week 08.03.2021 - 12.03.2021 ~


 * Special Agent in Charge (4) Members: *

 Alex Raport corect



 * Supervisory Special Agent (3) Members: *

Shlayde - Raport corect

hassen[BTD] - Raport corect

Catana.[ToV] - Raport corect ( + recuperare )

[FBI].Sm0k3. - Raport corect

[FBI]TiberiuK - Raport corect


* Special Agent (2) Members: *

InSaNe[ToV] - Raport corect

[uS]ALECSANDER. - Raport corect

[AIM]Hawkeye - Raport corect




Alte precizari:

Sa nu incepeti urmatorul raport namecover mai devreme de Luni 15.03.2021.

Don't start your next namecover report earlier than Monday 15.03.2021.




Edited by Sonnyy
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Nume: InSaNe[ToV]

Rank: 2

Actiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/gallery/Ljpbikf

Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1 x Drugs Possesion + /confiscate

Alte precizari: -

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Raport de activitate Namecover | Namecover activity report

Saptamana | week 15.03.2021 - 21.03.2021 ~


 * Supervisory Special Agent (3) Members: *

Shlayde - Recuperare (22/28.03)

hassen[BTD] - Raport corect

Catana.[ToV] - Raport corect ( Mai atent pe viitor te rog si un pagesize mai mare )

[FBI].Sm0k3. - Raport corect

[FBI]TiberiuK - Raport corect


* Special Agent (2) Members: *

InSaNe[ToV] - Raport corect

[uS]ALECSANDER. Raport corect

[AIM]Hawkeye - Raport optional




Alte precizari:

Sa nu incepeti urmatorul raport namecover mai devreme de Luni 22.03.2021.

Don't start your next namecover report earlier than Monday 22.03.2021.




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