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[TUTORIAL]Joburi legale si ilegale


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RO : Acest topic are ca scop informarea jucatorilor despre castigurile fiecarui job.
Joburi Legale:
Muncitor la Cariera
Pentru a lua acest job, tastati [/jobs] si selectati Muncitor la Cariera.
Acest job este relativ simplu. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa livrati material cu bulldozer-ul in anumite checkpoint-uri, aflate in cariera.
Skilll 2 - Pentru a avansa la skill 2 avem nevoie de 30 livrari.
Skill 3 - Pentru a avansa la skill 3 avem nevoie de 90 livrari.
Skill 4 - Pentru a avansa la skill 4 avem nevoie de 210 livrari.
Skill 5 - Pentru a avansa la skill 5 avem nevoie de 450 livrari.
Vehiculele specifice
Skill 1/2 si 2/3 - Vehiculul este Dozer
Skill 3/4 si 4/5 - Vehiculul este Cement Truck
Skill 5 - Vehiculul este Dumper
Salariul. Partea cea mai interesanta
Skill 1 - Intre 75/80$ pe livrare
Skill 2 - Intre 80/85$ pe livrare
Skill 3 - Intre 85/90$ pe livrare
Skill 4 - Intre 55/60$ pe livrare
Skill 5 - Intre 65/70$ pe livrare
Pentru a lua acest job, tastati [/jobs] si selectati Gunoier.
Garbage man...un job care a decazut mult in ultimul timp. Nimeni nu mai foloseste acest job din cauza paycheck-ului foarte mic si timpului acordat pentru o tura(maxim 300$ in aproximativ 12 minute)
Sofer de autobuz
Pentru a lua acest job, tastati [/jobs] si selectati Muncitor la Sofer de Autobuz.
Un job la fel de nefolosit precum si cel de gunoier. Paycheck-ul mic si curse plictisitoare.
Unii mai folosesc acest job pentru a putea lua un Bus si de a creea momente amuzante de genul Autobuzul Vesel sau Autobuzul cu Manele.
Acest job este situat in orasul San Fierro. Pentru a lua acest job, tastati [/jobs] si selectati Camionagiu. Acest job este foarte bine platit si merita sa faceti skill la el.
Pentru skill 2 este nevoie de 30 drumuri. Vehiculul va fi Linerunner. Se câştigă 400$ pe cursă.
Pentru skill 3 este nevoie de 90 drumuri. Vehiculul va fi Linerunner. Se câştigă 450$ pe cursă.
Pentru skill 4 este nevoie de 210 drumuri. Vehiculul va fi Tanker. Se câştigă 500$ pe cursă.
Pentru skill 5 este nevoie de 450 drumuri. Vehiculul va fi Tanker. Se câştigă 550$ pe cursă.
La skill 5 vehiculul este Roadtrain. Se câştigă 600$ pe cursă.
Un job foarte simplu, OK pentru cei care nu se plictisesc rapid. Este situat in orasul Los Santos.
Pentru a lua acest job, tastati [/jobs] si selectati Fermier.
Un punct de skill, adica o cursa, se acumulează la adunarea a 10 ture, iar fiecare tura se consideră completa în 60 secunde de munca.
Jucatorul trebuie să mentina o viteză de peste 30 km/h pentru a se considera ca munceste. De asemenea, jucatorul nu trebuie sa paraseasca perimetrul fermei. În caz ca paraseste ferma, jucătorul are la dispoziţie 15 secunde pentru a se întoarce.
Jucatorii AFK într-un vehicul de ferma pentru mai mult de 2 minute vor fi fortati sa îsi opreasca activitatea.
Pentru skill 2 este nevoie de 30 curse. Vehiculul va fi Tractor. Se castiga 40$ pe tura.
Pentru skill 3 este nevoie de 90 curse. Vehiculul va fi Tractor. Se castiga 45$ pe tura.
Pentru skill 4 este nevoie de 210 curse. Vehiculul va fi Combină. Se castiga 50$ pe tura.
Pentru skill 5 este nevoie de 450 curse. Vehiculul va fi Combină. Se castiga 55$ pe tura.
La skill 5 vehiculul este Cropduster. Se castiga 60$ pe tura.
Acest este un job non-profit, folosit de departamente pentru a urmari suspectii cu wanted sau de oricine pentru diferite activitati ce includ comanda [/find].
Pentru a lua acest job, tastati [/jobs] si selectati Detectiv. Jobul se afla in Primaria orasului Los Santos. Aveti nevoie de level 3+ pentru a lua acest job.
Pentru a lua acest job, tastati [/jobs] si selectati Curier.
Job-ul este pozitionat în Las Venturas si poate fi luat de la level 3. Misiunea este de a conduce un vehicul avariat, fara posibilitatea de a îl repara, prin mai multe checkpointuri situate în toate cele 3 oraşe. Odata trecut printr-un checkpoint, nu se va mai putea trece a doua oară prin el. Plata se va face în functie de distanta dintre punctul de plecare si punctul de sosire.
La skill 1 si 2 se va da vehiculul Huntley cu 300 HP.
La skill 3 si 4 se va da vehiculul Feltzer cu 400 HP. La skill 5 se va da vehiculul Sabre cu 500 HP.
Pentru a lua acest job, tastati [/jobs] si selectati Curier. Acesta este un job non-profit, folosit de factiunile precum Tow Truck Company sau de persoanele care doresc sa ofere serviciile de repair/refill in schimbul unei sume mici de bani.
Pentru a lua acest job, tastati [/jobs] si selectati Avocat. Jobul este situat in Primaria orasului Los Santos. Cu acest job puteti scoate din jail o persoana cu comanda [/free] (aveti nevoie de accept, pe care il puteti lua de la orice membru al unui departament cu rank 3+).
Distribuitor de Droguri
Pentru a lua acest job, tastati [/jobs] si selectati Distribuitor de Droguri.
Detalii despre comanda /usedrugs:
Comanda /usedrugs este disponibila cu 4 tipuri de droguri, cu efecte diferite:
Marijuana - consuma 2 grame, ofera 5 HP si 2% addiction. Efect secundar: Ameteala.
Cocaine - consuma 4 grame, ofera 20 HP si 4% addiction. Efect secundar: Ameteala.
Ecstasy - consuma 8 grame, ofera 50 HP si 10% addiction. Efecte secundare: Ameteala, /fall pentru 10 secunde.
Meth - consuma 12 grame, ofera 100 HP si 20% addiction. Efecte secundare: /crack pentru 20 secunde.
Distribuitorii de droguri cu skill 3 sau 4 vor putea lua maximum 25 grame de droguri per payday, iar cei cu skill 5 vor putea lua maximum 50 grame de droguri per payday.
Pentru a avansa in skill, trebuie sa transportati droguri cu comanda [/work].
Hot de Masini
Pentru a lua acest job, tastati [/jobs] si selectati Hot de Masini.
Cateva detalii despre skill-uri:
Skill 1 poate fura masini de civili - 400$
Skill 2 (60 masini) poate fura masini personale care nu sunt incuiate - 500$
Skill 3 (120 masini) poate fura masini de gang - 600$
Skill 4 (240 masini) fura masini personale care sunt incuiate - $700
Skill 5 (480 masini) poate fura masini de departamente - 800$
Distribuitor de Arme
Pentru a lua acest job, tastati [/jobs] si selectati Distribuitor de Arme.
Pentru a creste skillul, jucatorii vor folosi comanda [/work] la unul dintre depozite. Pentru skill 1 si 2 vehiculul va fi Benson. Pentru skill 3 si 4 vehiculul va fi Topfun Van. La skill 5 jucatorii vor folosi orice tip de masina personala.
La skill 5, veti putea folosi comanda [/creategun] pentru a va crea singuri arme.
La fiecare transport de materiale [/work] jucatorii cu skill 3 şi 4 primesc wanted +1 iar cei cu skill 5 vor primi wanted +3.
Hot de buzunare
Un job adaugat recent, care, dupa parerea mea, descrie viata unui rrom chiar foarte bine.
Pentru a lua acest job, tastati [/jobs] si selectati Hot de buzunare.
Cu comanda [/pickpocket] puteti jefui buzunarele altor playeri, cu nivel mai mare sau egal cu 15. Un jucator poate fi jefuit de maxim doua ori in aceeasi ora.
Avansare in skill :
Skill 1->2 [ 60 jafuri]
Skill 2->3 [ 60 jafuri ]
Skill 3->4 [ 120 jafuri ]
Skill 4->5 [ 240 jafuri ]
Persoana jefuita va poate omora in maxim 1 minut si primeste banii inapoi. Deci aveti grija.
Avansarea in skill se rasplateste cu 10 gold per skill ( it's worth it )
În functie de skill, castigurile aproximative sunt 520$, 640$, 760$, 880$ sau 1000$. Banii sunt primiti doar daca jaful este executat cu succes (conform sansei de succes). Chiar si asa, numarul de jafuri necesare pentru a creste în skill scade indiferent de succes.
Jucatorii cu Cont Premium vor primi cu 50% mai multi bani la joburile Drugs Dealer, Arms Dealer, Car Jacker, Trucker, Quarry Worker, Transporter si Farmer.

©PROOF & cowS - B-Zone Community 2015






En: This topic is aimed at informing players about the earnings of each job.
Legal jobs
Carrer Worker
To take this job, type [/jobs] and select the Career Worker. [Picture] This job is relatively simple. All you have to do is to delivered material with bulldozer in certain checkpoint.
Skilll 2-to advance the skill 2 you need 30 deliveries.
Skill 3-to advance the skill 3 you need 90 deliveries.
Skill 4 to advance the skill 4 you need 210 deliveries.
Skill 5 -to advance the skill 5 you need 450 deliveries.
Specific vehicles
Skill 1/2 and 2/3 - The vehicle is Dozer
Skill 3/4 and 4/5 - The vehicle is Cement Truck
Skill 5 - The vehicle is Dumper
Salary. The most interesting part
Skill 1-Between 75/80 $ delivery
Skill 2- Between 80/85 $ per delivery
Skill 3- Between 85/90 $ per delivery
Skill 4- Between 55/60 $ per delivery
Skill 5- Between 65/70 $ per delivery
Gargabe man
To take this job, type [/jobs] and select Garbage Man. Garbage man ... a company that has fallen a lot lately. Nobody uses this job due to the very small paychecks and the time allowed for a ride (up to 300$ in about 12 minutes)
The bus driver
To take this job, type [/jobs] and select Bus Driver. This job is unused as well as the Garbage Man. The small paycheck and boring races. Some still use this job to be able to get a Bus to create funny moments like the Funny Bus or Bus with Manele.
Trucker job is located in the city of San Fierro. To take this job, type [/jobs] and select the Trucker. This company is very well paid and deserves to do the skill
For skill 2 you need 30 deliverys. You will use a Linerunner. Paycheck - 400$ per delivery.
For skill 3 you need 90 deliverys. You will use a Linerunner. Paycheck - 450$ per delivery.
For skill 4 you need 210 deliverys. You will use a Tanker. Paycheck - 500$ per delivery.
For skill 5 you need 450 deliverys. You will use a Tanker. Paycheck - 550$ per delivery.
At skill 5 the vehicle is Roadtrain. Paycheck - 600$ per delivery.
A very simple job, OK for those who don't get bored quickly. It is located in the city of Los Santos. To take this job, type [/jobs] and select Farmer.
A skill, meaning a race, accumulates at the Assembly of 10 laps, and each lap is considered complete in 60 seconds. The player must maintain a speed of 30 km/h to be considered as works. Also, the player must not leave the farm perimeter. If the player leaves the farm, he has 15 seconds to return. AFK players into a farm vehicle for longer than 2 minutes will be forced to stop their activities.
For skill 2 it takes 30 races. The vehicle will be a Tractor. You will earn $ 40 per lap.
For skill 3 it takes 90 races. The vehicle will be a Tractor. You will earn $ 45 per lap.
For skill 4 it takes 210 races. The vehicle will be a Combine. You will earn $ 50 per lap.
For skill 5 it takes 450 races. The vehicle will be a Combine. You will earn $ 55 per lap.
At skill 5 vehicle is the Cropduster . They earn $ 60 per lap.
This job is a nonprofit one, used by departments to track suspects with wanted or anyone for various activities that include command [/find]. To take this job, type [/jobs] and select the detective. This job is located in the Town Hall of Los Santos. Need level 3+ to get this job.
To take this job, type [/jobs] and select Courier. This job is located in Las Venturas and can be taken from level 3. The mission is to drive a vehicle damaged, without the possibility of repair. Once you've passed through a checkpoint, will no longer be able to pass the second time through him. Payment is made depending on the distance between the point of departure and point of arrival.
At skill 1 and 2 you will have a Huntley with 300 HP.
At skill 3 and 4 you will have a Feltzer with 400 HP.
At skill 5 you will have a Sabre with 500 HP.
To take this job, type [/jobs] and select Mechanic. It is a non-profit job(almost), used by factions such as the Tow Truck Company or people who want to offer the services of repair/refill for a small amount of money.
To take this job, type [/jobs] and select Lawyer. This job is located in the Town Hall of Los Santos. With this job you can get out of jail a person by typing [/free] (you need an accept, which you can get from any member of a Department with rank 3).
Illegal Jobs
Drugs Dealer
To take this job, type [/jobs] and select Drugs Dealer.
Details about /usedrugs command:
The command /usedrugs now supports 4 types of drugs with different effects:
Marijuana - takes 2 grams, offers 5 HP and 2% addiction. Secondary Effects: Dizziness.
Cocaine - takes 4 grams, offers 20 HP and 4% addiction. Secondary Effects: Dizziness.
Ecstasy - takes 8 grams, offers 50 HP and 10% addiction. Secondary Effects: Dizziness, /fall for 10 seconds.
Meth - takes 12 grams, offers 100 HP and 20% addiction. Secondary Effects: /crack for 20 seconds.
To advance in skill, need to transporting drugs with the command [/work].
Car Jacker
To take this job, type [/jobs] and select the Car Jacker.
A few details about your skills:
Skill 1 can steal civilian cars-$ 400
Skill 2 (60 cars) can steal personal cars that are not locked-$ 500
Skill 3 (120 cars) can steal cars of a gang-$ 600
Skill 4 (240 cars) can steal personal cars that are locked-$ 700
Skill 5 (480cars) can steal cars departments-$ 800
Arms Dealer
To take this job, type [/jobs] and select the Arms Dealer. To increase skill, players will use the command [/work] at one of the warehouses.
For skill 1 and 2 vehicle will be Benson.
For skill 3 and 4 the vehicle will be Topfun Van.
At skill 5 you can use any type of personal car.
At skill 5 you can use the command [/creategun] to create weapons for yourself. Every consignment of material [/work] players with skill 3 and 4 receive wanted and those with skill 1-5 will receive wanted 3.
A company recently added, which, in my opinion, describes the life of a Gypsy very good. To take this job, type [/jobs] and select the Pickpocket. With the command [/pickpocket] you can steal money from other players, with level equal to or greater than 15. A player can be robbed of maximum two times in the same hour.
Advancement in skill:
Skill 1-> 2 [60 robberies]
Skill 2-3 > [60 robberies] Skill 3-4 > [120 robberies]
Skill 4-5 > [240 robberies]
The robbed person can kill the thief within 1 minute and get his money back. So beware. Advancement in skill is reward with 10 gold per skill (it's worth it)
According to skill, approximate earnings are 520$, 640$, 760$, 880$, or 1000$. Money is only receive robbery is executed successfully (according to the chance of success). Even so, the number of robberies needed to grow in skill declines regardless of success.
Players with Premium accounts will receive 50% more money at her Drugs Dealer, Arms Dealer, Car Jacker, Trucker, Quarry Worker, Transporter and Farmer.
©PROOF & cowS - B-Zone Community 2015

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