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The Holy Qur'an [Book of Almighty Allah]


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Basic Information about Holy Quran


The word Quran literally means “to read” and the most readable book through-out in the world is the Holy Quran. Allah Almighty revealed the Quran through angel Jibrael Amin (Alihis salam) to the last prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the cave of Hira on Liala tul Qadr (the night of power) and Allah himself took the responsibility to keep the Holy Quran Safe and sound for the mankind till the Day of Judgment. Allah almighty gives 10 hassanat (rewards) against one word while Quran recitation.

There are 114 (one hundred and fourteen) chapters or Surahs in Holy Quran among them 86(eighty six) chapters are Makki and remaining 28(twenty eight) are Madni chapters. There are 30(thirty) paras containing 6666(Six thousand six hundred and sixty six) verses in the Quran with 7(seven) stages. There are 14(fourteen) verses on sajda (prostration) in Holy Quran and it is necessary for everyone to make a prostration when he recites those verses. Quran defines nearly 700 (seven hundred) times about prayer.

Holy Quran has many other names according to the Quran itself like al-furqan, al-kitab, al-zikr, al-noor, al- huda etc. Quran covers all the aspects of human life and it divides human into two groups (believers and disbelievers). You have to respect Quran and always do ablution before Quran recitation.

Our Holy prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the first remembered of Holy Quran. After the death of Holy prophet, Hazrat Abu bakr Siddique (Radhiallahu Anhu) order to compile Quran in the written form on advice of Hazrat Umer Farooq (Radhiallahu Anhu). Now two copies of Holy Quran from the time of Hazrat Usman Ghani (Radhiallahu Anhu) are located in Tashkent and Istanbul where anyone can see them.


Source : Wikipedia and general knowledge.

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