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Evenimente organizate de staff - RPG1

RelaXx S4F

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In acest topic se vor posta inainte ce 1-2 zile ora si data evenimentelor organizate de staff. Aici intra evenimentele cu premiu mare, evenimentele tip Fun Hour si giveaway-uri.

In this topic will be posted the date and hour of events organized by staff, 1-2 days before. This includes big prize events, Fun Hours and giveaways.

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Pe data de 14.04.2017 (vineri), in jurul orei 20:00, pe server va avea loc un eveniment tip Fun Hour organizat de Staff. Acesta va avea loc pe Aeroport LV si va dura aproximativ 1 ora. Va asteptam sa va distrati alaturi de noi!

On 14.04.2017 (friday), around 20:00 (server time) the rpg1 staff will organize a Fun Hour event. It will take place at Airport LV and it will last about 1 hour. We are waiting for you and we are hoping that you will have fun.

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In perioada 14.04.2017 - 23.04.2017 se va organiza evenimentul Civilians B-Olympics. Probele vor avea loc in intervalul orar 14:00 - 22:00, deci asigurati-va ca sunteti online pentru a putea participa la acest eveniment!

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Azi, 18.04.2017 (marti), in jurul orei 19:00, pe server va avea loc un eveniment tip Fun Hour organizat de Staff. Acesta va dura aproximativ 1 ora. Va asteptam sa va distrati alaturi de noi!

Today, 18.04.2017 (tuesday), around 19:00 (server time) the rpg1 staff will organize a Fun Hour event. It will last about 1 hour. We are waiting for you and we are hoping that you will have fun.

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Azi, 21.04.2017 (vineri), in jurul orei 18:00, pe server va avea loc un eveniment tip Fun Hour organizat de Staff. Acesta va dura aproximativ 1 ora. Va asteptam sa va distrati alaturi de noi!

Today, 21.04.2017 (friday), around 18:00 (server time) the rpg1 staff will organize a Fun Hour event. It will last about 1 hour. We are waiting for you and we are hoping that you will have fun.

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Azi, 28.04.2017 (vineri), in jurul orei 18:00, pe server va avea loc un eveniment tip Fun Hour organizat de Staff. Acesta va dura aproximativ 1 ora. Va asteptam sa va distrati alaturi de noi!

Today, 28.04.2017 (friday), around 18:00 (server time) the rpg1 staff will organize a Fun Hour event. It will last about 1 hour. We are waiting for you and we are hoping that you will have fun.

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Azi, 06.05.2017 (sambata), in jurul orei 18:00, pe server va avea loc un eveniment tip Fun Hour organizat de Staff. Acesta va dura aproximativ 1 ora. Va asteptam sa va distrati alaturi de noi!

Today, 06.05.2017 (saturday), around 18:00 (server time) the rpg1 staff will organize a Fun Hour event. It will last about 1 hour. We are waiting for you and we are hoping that you will have fun.

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