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Sons of Anarchy - Anunțuri Importante / Important Announcements

Plutonium ToV

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Vreau sa va aduc la cunostinta noile implementari din cadrul factiunii Sons of Anarchy.

*new* A fost adaugat un Maverick care poate sa fie folosit de la rank 4.

*new* A fost adaugat comanda [/imp] pentru a vedea jucatorii cu skin SoA online





I want to introduce you to the new implementations within the Sons of Anarchy faction.


*new* A Maverick was added that can be used from rank 4.

*new* Added command [/imp] to see players with SoA skin online

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Vreau sa va aduc la cunostinta ca pe luna Decembrie, datorita sarbatorilor si majoritatea petrecem mult timp cu prietneii si familia, orele pe care trebuie sa le faceti in aceasta luna este de 10.





I want to let you know that in December, due to the holidays and most of us spend a lot of time with friends and family, the hours you have to do this month are 10.

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Update Blacklist:

- în cazul reclamațiilor de tip DM, se vor respinge cererile dacă fapta s-a săvârsit în cadrul unui eveniment, a unei activități, a unei zone de clan (dacă faceți parte dintr-un clan), daca folosiți [/emergency] după sau dacă se putea să se pună în folosintă cele doua situații specifice SoA de auto aparare





Update Blacklist:


- in the case of DM-type complaints, requests will be rejected if the act was committed within an event, an activity, a clan area (if you are part of a clan), if you use [/emergency] after, or if the two specific SoA situations of self-defense could be put to use

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In primul rand la multi ani si sa aveti grija de voi. Trecem direct la samp.

Misiunea saptamanii o sa fie din nou activa, la cererea voastra, o sa incepem cu ea de saptamana viitoare (8 ianuarie😞https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/470768-sons-of-anarchy-misiunea-saptamanii/

otociclistul saptamanii o sa fie si el postat, tot pe 8 ianuariehttps://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/470767-sons-of-anarchy-motociclistul-saptamanii/

In rest, pe discord avem un sistem de giveaway, pentru cine se simte generos, o sa fie si eu generos cu alte chestii, insa revin cu detalii.



First of all, happy birthday and take care of yourself. We go directly to the samp.

mission of the week will be active again, at your request, we will start with it next week (January 8😞 https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/470768-sons-of-anarchy-misiunea-saptamanii/

The motorcyclist of the week will also be posted on January 8: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/470767-sons-of-anarchy-motociclistul-saptamanii/

For the rest, on discord we have added a new giveaway system, for those who feel generous, I will be generous too, but I will come back with details.

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Dragi motociclisti,

Sambata (3.02.2024) la ora 17:00 organizam o activitate de tip "cursa" impreuna cu (Hitmen Agency). Va asteptam in numar cat mai mare.
Premiile sunt in felul urmator:
Locul 1: 250,000
Locul 2: 150,000
Locul 3: 100.000
Locul 4: 50,000
Locul 5: 25,000


Dear motorcyclists,

On Saturday (3.02.2024) at 17:00 we organize a "race" activity together with (Hitmen Agency). We are waiting for you in as many numbers as possible.
The prizes are as follows:

1st place: 250,000
2nd place: 150,000
3rd place: 100.000
4th place: 50,000
5th place: 25,000

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Dragi motociclisti,


Regulamentul serverului, cat si cel al factiunii a fost transferat pe site-ul rules.b-zone.ro.


Dear motorcyclists,


The rules of the server, as well as that of the faction, have been transferred to the website rules.b-zone.ro



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Salut, am modificat premiile si punctele pentru Motocilistul Saptamanii.




Hi, I changed the prizes and points for the Motorcyclist of the Week.


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Salut, a fost adaugata urmatoarea regula la regulamentele generale pentru categoria Blacklist: Pentru actiunile de DM/DB jucatorul va putea fi pus pe blacklist doar daca acesta nu a fost deja sanctionat prin [/emergency] sau reclamat in cadrul factiunii si sanctionat pentru asta, pentru a evita sanctionarea dubla a jucatorilor. (sanctiuni: Faction Warn prima abatere, Rank Down daca continua).

Hello, the following rule has been added to the general rules for the Blacklist category: For DM/DB actions, a player can be placed on the blacklist only if they have not already been sanctioned through [/emergency] or reported within the faction and punished for it, in order to avoid double punishment of players. (sanctions: Faction Warn for the first offense, Rank Down if it continues).

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Salutare dragi membrii SoA,

In data de 01.09.2024 la ora 22:00 (Duminica) adica de zilele comunitatii o sa organizam o activitate cu prezenta OPTIONALA, nu veti fi sanctionati daca lipsiti adica. Activitatea consta in "Duele". Cum se va desfasura? Ei bine o sa ne strangem in training room si o sa aleg cate 2 jucatori pe rand care sa se dueleze. Care sunt premiile? Ei bine am decis sa ofer primului castigator un raport optional pe saptamana urmatoare (Adica pe cea incepand cu 02.09 pana pe 08.09), 200.000$ si posibilitatea de a purta in saptamana respectiva ce skin doreste din garderoba SoA (inclusiv cel de lider), locul 2 o sa primeasca raport injumatatit si 150.000$, iar locul 3 o sa primeasca doar 100.000$. Va astept in numar cat mai mare pentru a ne amuza si sa mai schimbam putin atmosfera. Activitatea se va desfasura in Training Room-ul de la factiunea noastra, v-as ruga sa ajungeti macar cu 10 minute inainte de incepere pentru a ne organiza.

Hello dear SoA members,

On 01.09.2024 at 22:00 (Sunday), on community days, we will organize an activity with OPTIONAL attendance, you will not be penalized if you are absent. The activity consists of "Duels". How will it unfold? Well, we will gather in the training room and I will choose 2 players at a time to fight. What are the prizes? Well, I decided to offer the first place an optional report for the following week (I mean the one starting from 02.09 to 08.09), $200,000 and the possibility to wear in that week whatever skin he wants from the SoA wardrobe (including the leader), the 2nd place will receive a halved report and $150,000, and the 3rd place will receive only $100,000. I hope you will come in a large number to amuse us and change the atmosphere a little more. The activity will take place in the Training Room of our faction, I would ask you to arrive at least 10 minutes before the start in order to organize ourselves. 

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Incepand cu
saptamana urmatoare (09.09.2024-) o sa adaugam posibilitatea jucatorilor ce sunt pe primul loc la motociclistul saptamanii sa poarte un skin exclusiv lor, acesta are id-ul 248 si il puteti gasi deja pe /skins. Skinul arata asa: click.


next week (09.09.2024-) we will add the posibility for the players ranked first as the biker of the week to wear an exclusive skin just for them, the skin got the id 248 and you can already find it on /skins, for more details about it check the biker of the week topic to see how it looks. The skin looks like this: click.

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Vin cu o precizare asupra unei noi reguli adaugate in special pentru noii candidati in factiune si pentru testeri, regula suna asa: "
candidatul are voie sa sustina testul de intrare doar cu testerul specificat, dupa 48h daca nu il sustine cu acesta poate sa dea cu oricare alt tester".

I come with a new rule added specially for the new candidates and the testers, the rule sounds like this: "
the candidate is allowed to take the entrance test only with the specified tester, after 48 hours if he does not take it with this one, he can take it with any other tester".

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Vin cu o adaugare in regulamentul misiunii saptamanale si al motociclistului si anume: 

Daca jucatorul ce a castigat misiunea/motociclistul saptamanii nu isi revendica premiul in urmatoarea saptamana (exceptie cand are inactivitate) premiul ramane in seif si nu se mai acorda acestuia.



I come with a new  addition into the weekly mission and biker:

If the player who won the weekly mission/biker does not claim their prize the following week (except when they have an inactivity), the prize remains in the vault and is no longer awarded to them.

Edited by Kobe.
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In urma unei decizii legate de raportul de activitate in factiune s-a ales modificarea acestuia, noul raport este asa:


Rank 1: 25 de puncte

Rank 2: 20 de puncte

Rank 3: 15 puncte

Rank 4: 15 puncte

Rank 5: 10 puncte


Decizia a fost luata pentru a simplifica putin raportul la rankurile mai mici fiind si mai usor sa primesti wanted la acestea.

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