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OG Loc


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My nickname: Trevor

Description of bug: In timpul misiunii lui Og Loc, unde obiectul este sa furi camioneta cu difuzoare, sagetile indicatoare pentru butoanele care trebuiesc apasate se misca fie prea incet, fie prea rapid, nu se comporta niciodata corect. Uneori, din acest motiv, esuez la aceasta misiune datorita si scorului pe minus de la care pornesc. Desi conexiunea la internet este excelenta si nu am nicio problema cu FPS-urile in joc.

Solution: Modificarea modului de functionare. In loc ca sagetile sa se miste de la dreapta la stanga, sa fie statice si sa apara pe ecran, fara a se misca.

Screenshots: https://streamable.com/hgq2cb

Edited by Trevor Philips
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Sadly, this bug occurs due to samp limitations and mostly server lag. This was tested before release in our test server with a really low player count and it worked perfectly.

This mission was updated once and the needed points were reduced from 80% to 65% which was tested and it was doable even with that server lag.

No more changes needed here.

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