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Event [ FightStyle]

Bogdan phR

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Eventul consta in lupte [ fyght style ]

Pentru aceasta comanda putetii lua orice still de lupta de la GYM !

2.Se va tine in Alhambra , acolo vom fi pozitionatii pe linie fara ca cineva sa deranjeze eventul.

3.Se va desfasura 1 vs 1 , lupta fara arme decat cu pumni/picioare !

4.Inscrierile se fac pana maine la ora 19 :00 !





Timp: 10.03.2011 ora 19:00

Organizator: PhaReLL / [Dmg]AlleXxX

Premiu: 300.000 $


Locatia: Alhambra , club dnin LoSsatos !


Modele de postare:











*Donez suma de:



Nu avem nevoie de medic , deoarece se poate luea Heal din Alhambra !




Organizatorii : PhaReLL / [dmg]aleXxX

Bodyguarzi: Stracci !


English MOD !




Event of fighting [fyght style]

For this command putetii take any still fighting the GYM!

2.Se be held in the Alhambra, there will be pozitionatii line without anyone disturbing event.

3.Se will run 1 vs 1 fight without weapons but with fists / feet!

4.Inscrierile be made until tomorrow at 19: 00!


Time: Day: 10.03.2011 TIME: 19:00

Organizer: PhaReLL/ [dmg]alexxX


Pricee: $ 300,000


Location: ALhambra !on it).


Models of post:


* Nickname:

* Level:

* Factor:



* Sponsors:


* Nickname:

* Factor:

* donate the sum of:



* Medici (for healing)

* Nickname:

* Rank:

* Level:


Nu sunt un bun englez , am incercat ceva ! pentru toata lumea !

Edited by PhaReLL Williams
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