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Southern Pimps - Lista neagră/Black List


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Robbert. - Nu primeste nimic.

Mucus_Marcus - Blacklist.

Silviu_Yoo - Are lvl 1,v-am mai zis,nu postati persoane sub level 3.

[DoNtZ] - Blacklist.

Zmaster - Pinklist.

Catalyn_Catalyn - Nu primeste nimic,poza nu este concreta.

Prezidente1 - Nu primeste nimic,poza nu este concreta.

Edited by Ecs7azy
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  • Nickname: DH01
  • Rank: 1 - Piccotto :X
  • Nickname-ul celui reclamat: GiOvAnA
  • Motiv: I was at CNN LS, and there were a few people there, I was one of them. I got to do a /ad ( that you can see on the picture ) and I got back into the Huntley ( it says I just got in by showing the name of the car in the bottom right. ) GiOvAnA was also at CNN LS trying to make an advertisement, when I got back into the Huntley, she car-jacked me ( probably frustrated because she was waiting, and I did my /ad first... ) and attempted to flee using the Paterno family Huntley... what a newbie :P.
  • Dovezi(ScreenShots): These are in chronological order ( which means they are in order =)) )





Edited by Don NGU DH01
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Nickname: AndreyM40

Rank: 1

Nickname-ul celui reclamat: DeadPk

Motiv: Eram cu avionul pe auto-strada ls spre burger si el a intrat cu motoreta in mine. Apoi eu iam spui "va" ca expre a intrat cat era autostrada de mare.A plecat iam zis lu un membru de al lui sal cheme.A venit singur si lam intrebat ce are!! Cel care era cu el dany313 cica lam injurat da se vede in ss ca nu este aja. Si apoi a tras in mine.

Dovezi(ScreenShots): http://postimage.org/image/dhz378p7b/



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Nickname: rizEa

Rank: 2(soldato)

Nickname-ul celui reclamat: yonutz97

Motiv: tragea in mine fara motiv, si l-am intreabat vrei blacklist?,nu a zis nimik si a plecat

Dovezi(ScreenShots): http://www.just2play...csktjw0bi69.png


Edited by rizEaa
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salutare paterno !!

Vreau sa precizez si eu ceva.

Ma aflam in trafic urmarit de politie, acest membru era pe strada, mergea.

Politia a venit sa imi spuna daca ma predau iar eu am dai t pt a scrie text. Si l-am calcat cu masina, dar nu-mi amintesc sa-l fi omorat. Se vede si in poza ca era chinuita, deci a facut-o in momentul impactului. Am iesit din masina si am dat g la politist. Deci nu l-am omorat

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Guest Stormeyee

Nickname: Stormeye

Rank: 1

Nickname-ul celui reclamat: MR_MiDox

Motiv: Mi-a luat masina, si s-a plimbat ceva cu ea, fara sa-l dea jos automat.

Dovezi(ScreenShots): http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/3697/samp031nq.png



Nickname: Stormeye

Rank: 1

Nickname-ul celui reclamat: fineassifarb

Motiv: DM Aiurea

Dovezi(ScreenShots): http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/6057/samp032mf.png | http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/9016/samp033gx.png

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