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Problema MC


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Am downloadat ca la turorialul facut de snifel.

Dar cand dau dubluclick MinecraftSP imi zice asa "Could not find the main class:net.minecraft.LauncherFrame. Program will exit.


Ps: nu stiu daca aici trebuia sa postez, dar sunt nou in MC.

Sper sa ma ajutati...As vrea sa ma apuc si eu de MC

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dai de mai multe ori pana iti intra

Ce sa dau de mai multe ori?



Edit: Am instalat virtual java machine launcher si tot nu merge :|

Imi zice asa: a java exception has occured.


Ce sa fac?

Edited by MrYonutz
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Si mie mi se intampla la fel MrYonutz.. Eu dau Ok , pornesc iar Minecraft , daca da iar eroarea dau iar Ok , si tot asa pana merge..

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