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Domminic Torreto

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Parasiti pe o insula pustie, 48 de supravietuitori ai unei catastrofe aviatice trebuie sa gaseasca forta de a munci in echipa daca vor sa traiasca, insa insula pustie ascunde multe secrete care se pot dovedi fatale pentru grupul de naufragiati. Lost este un serial dramatic complet nou. Dupa ce cursa companiei Oceanic # 815 s-a prabusit pe o insula din Pacific, naufragiatii au fost obligati de imprejurari sa gaseasca in interiorul lor puterea de a supravietui. O putere pe care nici n-o banuiau.





After Oceanic Air flight 815 tore apart in mid-air and crashed on a Pacific island, its survivors were forced to find inner strength they never knew they had in order to survive. But they discovered that the island holds many secrets, including a mysterious smoke monster, polar bears, a strange French woman and another group of island residents known as 'The Others'. The survivors have also found signs of those who came to the island before them, including a 19th century sailing ship called The Black Rock, the remains of an ancient statue and bunkers belonging to the Dharma Initiative, a group of scientific researchers.









Genuri: Action / Mystery / Adventure

Anul aparitiei: 2010

Notă: 9,6 7star_b.png7star_b.png7star_b.png7star_b.png7star_b.png7star_b.png7star_b.png7star_b.png7star_b.png7star_b.png







PS: Am vazut tot filmul, pot face cate rezumate vreti despre el, este foarte frumos. Nu ai cuvinte. Te uiti la un episod, asa se termina episodul pe cand este mai interesant si important, si trebuie sa te uiti si la urmatorul sa vezi ce se intampla, vi-l recomand sa va uitati, e prea frumos!

Edited by CyUFy_Tm
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