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F.B.I. - Model de testare | Model for testing


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Pentru test contactati un rank 5+, liderul sau subliderii pot da teste fara observator.

Testul pentru intrarea in factiune este structurat in felul urmator:



1 - Proba teoretica

2 - Duele ( duelurile le vor da 1v1 cu cei care va testeaza ) - 2 duele deagle ; 2 duele mp5 ; 2 duele m4.

3 - Proba practica - Cei acceptati vor trebui sa faca 3 arresturi insotit de un rank 5+


Proba 1: rezultat maxim 0/3 ; rezultat minim 2.5/3

proba 2: rezultat maxim 0/6 ; rezultat minim 3/6

proba 3: rezultat maxim 0/3 ; rezultat minim 3/3


Calcul punctaj total: 12 - ( Greseli proba 1 + greseli proba 2 + greseli proba 3 ) = punctaj total.




1 - Theoretical evaluation.

2 - Duels ( 1 vs 1 with your tester ) - 2 deagle duels, 2 mp5 duels and 2 m4 duels

3 - Practical evaluation - The tested player must arrest 3 times, a rank 5 will observ this step.


Act 1 : maximum results 0/3 ; minimum results 2.5/3

Act 2 : maximum results 0/6 ; minimum results 3/6

Act 3 : maximum results 0/3 ; minimum results 3/3



Expected total points: 12 - ( Mistakes in act 1 + mistakes in act 2 + mistakes in act 3 ) = total points




Edited by Radu FBI
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