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Verdant Family - Asasini / Assassins

F4L Carter.

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Regulament Asasini:

  • Pentru a face parte din aceasta echipa trebuie sa aveti rank 2 si sa treceti de un test teoretic si unul practic.
  • Echipa de asasini actioneaza doar la comanda liderului / subliderului gruparii si a lui Capo Crimini / Consigliere Verdant Family.
  • Echipa de asasini nu reprezinta o grupare de Death Match-eri notorii, ci o grupare organizata si disciplinata, cu datoria de a omorî dusmanii familiei cu profesionalism.
  • Echipei de asasini îi este interzis sa foloseasca injurii / jigniri, chiar si atunci când primesc injurii / jigniri din partea celor omorâti. Faceti ScreenShot si trimiteti un PM liderului gruparii.
  • Echipa de asasini nu are voie sa omoare în Safe-Zone sau în Spawn-ul respectivului (Spawn Kill).
  • Echipa de asasini nu are voie sa faca Drive-By ca sofer sub nici o forma, doar ca pasager, atunci când exista un sofer, si doar cu armele MP5 / AK47/M4.
  • Echipa de asasini poate folosi urmatoarele vehicule: Sentinel , Huntley, FCR-900.
  • Echipa de asasini este obligata sa faca ScreenShot în momentul uciderii unui player de pe BlackList si în momentul primirii sumei de bani necesara de la un player pentru excluderea de pe BlackList.
  • Echipa de asasini este obligata sa duca la bun sfârsit o asasinare, odata ce-i este încredintata.
  • În cazul în care un player aflat pe BlackList doreste sa fie exclus si doreste sa plateasca suma de bani necesara, aveti datoria de a-l informa ca trebuie sa contacteze liderul /subliderul gruparii asasinilor sau liderul / subliderul Verdant Family.
  • Playeri cu 1/2 avertisment vor fi omorati de 3 ori pe zi , playeri cu 2/2 avertisment vor fi omorati de cate ori considera leaderul/subleaderul gruparii ca este nevoie.
  • Liderul / subliderul gruparii este obligat sa posteze dovada ca un jucator de pe BlackList a fost omorat.
  • Liderul / subliderul gruparii au obligatia sa posteze dovada platii Blacklist in acest topic cu poza aferenta de pe website.

Model de postare achitare BlackList:

Functia (lider/sublider):

Am primit suma de la:

Stare player/Level (BlackList):
ScreenShot cu banii primiti:
ScreenShot cu /fdeposit:

Model de postare al unui jucator de pe BlackList omorat:


Functia (lider/sublider):

Nick-ul jucatorului omorat:
Stare player/Level
Numarul de kill-uri:

Echipa cu care ai fost :
ScreenShot cu doavada:







Observatie: La war si voi trebuie sa aveti jobul de Arms Dealer.
Skinul corespunzator membrilor Assasin:


Skinul corespunzator liderului si subliderului Assasin:



  • Suma de bani poate fi incasata doar de liderul / subliderul gruparii asasinilor sau Capo Crimini / Consigliere Verdant Family. Cine incalca aceasta regula va fi sanctionat cu Faction Warn.
  • Nu aveti voie sa mergeti dupa BlackList fara liderul / subliderul gruparii.
  • In acest topic posteaza doar liderul / subliderul gruparii.
  • Sanctiunile le pot da liderul / subliderul

English version:

To make part of the same team you must have rank 2 and to pass a theoretical and practical test.

Team of assasins act by the command of the leader/subleader of the group or by the command of the leader/subleader of Verdant Family.
The team of assasins doesn’t represent a group of notorious death matchers,but an organized and disciplined group , with the obligation to kill with professionalism the enemies of the family .
Team of assasins aren’t allowed to use strong language and insults,even if they recieve insults from those thar are killed. Make a screenshot and send a PM to the leader of the group.
The assasins team aren’t allowed to kill in Safe-Zone or in the spawn of the one they want to kill.
Assasins team aren’t allowed to make Drive-By as a driver in any form,only as a passager,or when a driver exists,and only with the guns MP5/ Ak47/M4
Assasins team can use the followings vehicles: Sentinel,Huntley,FCR-900
Assasins team is obligated to make screenshot in the moment of killing a player from the BlackList and in the moment of getting the ammount of money necessary from a player for removing him from the BlackList.
Assasins team is obligated to carry out an assasination once it is entrusted.
In case when a player wants to be removed from the BlackList and wants to pay the ammoung of money necessary,you have the duty of informing him that he must contact the leader/subleader of the assasins group or the leader/subleader of Verdant Family
The players with 1/2 warnings will be killed 3 times a day, and the players with 2/2 warnings will be killed whenever the leader/subleader of the group thinks is needed.
The leader/subleader of the group is obligated to post the prooft that a player from the BlackList has been killed
Posting model of paying the BlackList
Function (Leader/subleader):
BlackList at (Verdant Family/School Instructors Ls):
Player condition/level(BlackList):
Screenshot with the money recieved:
Screenshot with /fdeposit:
Posting model of a player killed from the Blacklist
Function (leader/subleader):
BlackList at (Verdant Family/School Instructors Ls):
Player condition/level (BlackList):
Numbers of kills:
The team you have been with:
ScreenShot with the proof:
Observation: At the war you must have Arms Dealer as a job.
The skin corresponding to the assasins members:


The money can be collected by the leader/subleader of the assasins group or by the leader/subleader of the Verdant Family. Who doesn’t respect this rule will be sanctioned with Faction Warn
You are not allowed to go after Blacklist without the leader/subleader of the group
In this topic can post only the leader/subleader of the group
The sanctions can be given by the leader/subleader

Edited by Askhanar
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Nick: Tonyy

Echipa: NorthSide

Am primit suma de la: JohnnyBravowu

Stare player/Level: Orange list, lvl 10

ScreenShot: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/834/samp055rw.png/

ScreenShot cu /fdeposit: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/708/samp056gc.png/

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Nick: Frouzz

Echipa: North Side

Am primit suma de la: Rigardo

Stare player/Level: Level 7 (1/2 AV ) Orange list.

ScreenShot: http://i47.tinypic.com/30a76nb.png

ScreenShot cu /fdeposit: http://i47.tinypic.com/w8480j.png


Nick: Frouzz

Echipa: North Side

Am primit suma de la: KeZ_DoN

Stare player/Level: Level 10 (1/2 AV) Orange list.

ScreenShot: http://i46.tinypic.com/28aj9g5.png

ScreenShot cu /fdeposit: http://i49.tinypic.com/316am1v.png

Edited by Frouzz 93
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