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HM walidakarymco

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About HM walidakarymco

  • Birthday 03/09/1997

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  • Hobbies
    playing basketball and going to trips with my freinds and lately trying to learn romanian

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HM walidakarymco's Achievements


Explorer (5/14)



  1. I would like to say bye to everyone its been great playing with u guys i jad so much fun with u guys i wont forget my journy in bzone as for what happend to me ill explain a freind of mine somehow hacked my pass and did what he did therefor i get ban and removed from leader but thats okay cauze after all itd just a game and thats what some player need to know ITS JUST A GAME bye guys

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JoHaR
    3. HaziM


      I would say, Hard times comes to everyone. Once, my account was hacked too and I lost everything. However, Work hard. Bad experiences teaches you a good lesson. Legends never retires, they fight back. Now, after what happened to me, I am admin. Waiting for you to join RPG4!

    4. JoHaR


      HaziM! Well Said

  2. Nick: walidakarymco Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: ahmed.ali I have sanctioned with a: uninvite with 60/60fp Reason: selling licenses without test proof:http://imgur.com/a/lbXW9 Nick: walidakarymco Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: manny I have sanctioned with a: fw Reason: DM proof:http://imgur.com/a/oVFFr Nick: walidakarymco Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: manny I have sanctioned with a: fw Reason: DM proof:http://imgur.com/a/93cAS
  3. Nick: walidakarymco Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: saracammelo I have sanctioned with a: uninvite with 3/3fws Reason: inactive without a request proof:http://imgur.com/a/5i0Rg Nick: walidakarymco Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: bogdi2016 I have sanctioned with a: uninvite with 3/3fws Reason: inactive without a request proof:http://imgur.com/a/ZfUb2 Nick: walidakarymco Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: leGGend. I have sanctioned with a: uninvite with 3/3fws Reason: inactive without a request proof:http://imgur.com/a/Q229G
  4. Nick: walidakarymco Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: casi18 I have sanctioned with a: unvinvite with 3/3fws Reason: inactive for more then 3 days without a request proof:http://imgur.com/a/GalMr
  5. • Nick: walidakarymco • Rank: boss • Date of test: 05/08/2016 • Candidate: agent.. • Score (x/3): 0/3 • Anything else?: Welcome
  6. Nick: walidakarymco Rank: Boss Sanctioned the member: johnnyXD27 I have sanctioned with a: unvinvite with 3/3fws Reason: vulgar language proof:https://www.rpg2.b-zone.ro/factions/report/24546
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