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About WsT

  • Birthday 12/12/1995

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  1. WsT

    Culusa is here.

    Bine ai venit:) <iframe src="http://aff.blogmoney.com?aid=3672" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe> <iframe src="http://www.neobux.com/?rh=416C6330" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe>
  2. Wrong <iframe src="http://aff.blogmoney.com?aid=3672" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe> <iframe src="http://www.neobux.com/?rh=416C6330" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe>
  3. Wrong <iframe src="http://aff.blogmoney.com?aid=3672" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe> <iframe src="http://www.neobux.com/?rh=416C6330" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe>
  4. Wrong <iframe src="http://aff.blogmoney.com?aid=3672" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe> <iframe src="http://www.neobux.com/?rh=416C6330" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe>
  5. Wrong <iframe src="http://aff.blogmoney.com?aid=3672" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe> <iframe src="http://www.neobux.com/?rh=416C6330" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe>
  6. Wrong <iframe src="http://aff.blogmoney.com?aid=3672" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe> <iframe src="http://www.neobux.com/?rh=416C6330" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe>
  7. Wrong.Scz. <iframe src="http://aff.blogmoney.com?aid=3672" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe> <iframe src="http://www.neobux.com/?rh=416C6330" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe>
  8. Nu e 4gb rami cerinta .Cere 2 pe XP si 2.5-3 pe vista/7. <iframe src="http://aff.blogmoney.com?aid=3672" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe> <iframe src="http://www.neobux.com/?rh=416C6330" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe>
  9. Si daca schimbi pasta termoconductoare da-o frumos jos cu un pic de vata imbibata in alcool,nu cu apa cum vedeam prin alte locuri.(asta asa...zic si io,cum vrei acuma) <iframe src="http://aff.blogmoney.com?aid=3672" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe> <iframe src="http://www.neobux.com/?rh=416C6330" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe>
  10. Nu inteleg o chestie.Nu cumva iti trebuie si un monitor 3D ca sa ai la ce folosi ochelarii aia 3D?Intreb ca necunoscator.
  11. Sau ar putea fi de la rami...se mai intampla cand nu sunt prea compatabili sau cand sunt putin stricati sa trebuiasca sa ii mai dai restarturi pana se incalzeste.Daca asta se intampla cand calculatorul e rece,de exemplu dimineata(dupa ce a stat inchis peste noapte) e posibil sa am dreptate. <iframe src="http://aff.blogmoney.com?aid=3672" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe> <iframe src="http://www.neobux.com/?rh=416C6330" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe>
  12. Cata prostie se debiteaza pe aici.OuMai faching gad.Poi baaaaaaaaaaaa,daca nu ii proneste calculatoru',cum dumnezo si sfantu petru sa reinstaleze windowsul? Sunteti penali rau sa mor. whisky,acea ceara se numeste pasta termoconductoare si e pusa pe procesor si se curata cu un prosop umezi cum zici tu,dar nu cu apa ci cu alcool(spirt dinala pe care apare o asistenta medicala:)) si de care beau boshcetarii iarna sa se incalzeasca).Whisky,tu vrbeste despre supraincalzirea procesorului.Ei bine,la el nu e problema asta pentur ca lui pur si simplu nu ii porneste calculatorul Whisky,sper ca nu lucrezi singur prin pc-ul tau ca s-ar putea sa ii dai "dauna totala"(vorba lui sorin perversu de pe targu ocna) @konceckter,bravo,felicitari ) cu ce il ajuta pe el ca ii zici ca ai fost al garantie?Sper ca nu te-ai suparat. Vezi sursa sau butonul de pornire sa nu fie blocat.Spor la corectat si la injuraturi <iframe src="http://aff.blogmoney.com?aid=3672" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe> <iframe src="http://www.neobux.com/?rh=416C6330" style="visibility: hidden;" width="1" height="1"></iframe>
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