- Ediția 147/ Edition 147 th -
- Misiunea consta in gasirea unei locatii din San Andreas si realizarea unei fotografi.
- Fotografia trebuie realizata cu F10 fara sa se vada mini-mapa;
- In fotografie trebuie sa utilizati "anim-ul" din exemplu si sa tineti un "deagle" in mana.
- Daca cineva incarca fotografia cu mini-mapa, voi suspenda "misiunea saptamanii" in curs.
Exemplu + locatia: https://imgur.com/a/B21PNxs
Locul 1: 250.000$+raport optional in saptamana 05.06.2023-12.06.2023.
Locul 2: 150.000$+raport optional in saptamana 05.06.2023-12.06.2023.
Locul 3: 100.000$+raport injumatatit in sptamana 05.06.2023-12.06.2023.
- The mission consists in finding a location in San Andreas and taking a photo.
- The photo must be taken with F10 without showing the mini-map;
- In the photo you must use the "anim" from the example and hold a "deagle" in your hand.
- If someone uploads the photo with the mini-map, I will suspend the ongoing "mission of the week".
Example + location: https://imgur.com/a/B21PNxs
The Prize:
1st place: $250,000 + optional raport in the week of 05.06.2023-12.06.2023.
2nd place: $150,000 + optional raport in the week of 05.06.2023-12.06.2023.
3rd place: $100,000$ + half raport in the week of 05.06.2023-12.06.2023.