Ultras South [uS] recruteaza un jucator activ, serios si level 50. Asteptam aplicatiile voastre respectand cerintele si completand toate campurile. Pentru mai multe sanse, acordati interes aplicatiei, succes!
Nick: Soufyen
Rank: 5
I took test with: Farouk
Result of theoretical test: 2/3
Result of weapons test: 0/6
Result of practical test: 0/6
Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): 10 (Accepted)
Test observer: TallatAli
Other specifications:
Hello !! how are you guys ?
it was a great and a little hard training today . Mighty and Dipper got their prizes : http://imgur.com/a/gsezI
Chad contact me in game to get you'r prize too, Good night guys .
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