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Everything posted by Armaan

  1. Armaan

    Hellaw >:D<

    Welcome to b-zone community!!!!!!!!
  2. There's is no downtime posted and the server is still off
  3. Armaan

    Salut Tuturor!

    Welcome back to b-zone community.
  4. Armaan


    Welcome to b-zone community...!
  5. happy new year to all tattaglia members ...
  6. Armaan


    Welcome to b-zone community..>!!
  7. Armaan

    Salutare !

    Welcome to b-zone community...!!!
  8. Armaan

    Salut B-Zone !

    Welcome to b-zone Community, Enjoy Here..
  9. Armaan

    Salut B-Zone

    Welcome to b-zone community!........
  10. Armaan


    Salutare,,, welcome to b-zone !
  11. Welcome!!!!! to b-zone !
  12. Armaan

    Cerere Logo

    Display name:Gothic Signature / Avatar / Userbar / logo, etc..:LOGO text:School Instructor Member Gothic dimensions:Normal File (required):No, Just put a name only Other explanations?:as soon as possible
  13. Armaan


    Welcome....! here
  14. The Video Was Awesome. It deserves +1 from me, especially i like your intro it was good.
  15. Name in game:Gothic Level:26+ Age (real):19 Sex (male / female):Male How long play on a server? :I Don't Know Previous factions:Police Department Rank 3, F/P Rank 3, The Paterno Family Rank 1,The Stracci Family Rank1 The Tattaglia Family Rank 2, The Barzini Family Rank 1, Rank the last factor:3 Why you left / were you dismissed the former faction:I Resigned The highest rank was in any faction (faction Specify):PD And F/P =3 Why you want to join the agency? :i always want to join those factions who has something good What you consider that this agency deals? :Murder people You know you read the rules Hitman Agency and at least once Info Agency orders and skins? :actually i know everything You understand that we are an agency of assassins seriousness and jokes and nonsense and have no purpose? :Absolutely You had a history of one or more members Hitman Agency?:No Have you ever been a member Hitman:No Exit reason / dismissal of Hitman (in case you've been):-- How many hours per day given to this game, no afk? :5-6 Hours Previous nicknames:Ankit_Kumar Consider that you have the ability to fulfill a contract without any problems? :Yes. You have the ability to write grammatically correct?:Sure Picture of / stats (civil + binding occur / time when it is done) and detective skills to:http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/43/gtasa2011111205174668.jpg/ Warn'uri many of the game? (specify why):0/3 Have you ever been banned from any particular reason? (states and why):yeah i was banned for 3 TIMES WRONG PASSWORD GIVEN You're on BlackList'ul of factors? (specify which):No Are you willing to pay to be removed from the Blacklist possible?:Yes Other specifications? :No Thanks
  16. Armaan


    Welcome to B-Zone Community And Server.
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