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Everything posted by BASTARDO ToV

  1. Nick: BASTARDO. Rank: LV Dispatcher Date: 15/06/2020 I had a test with: soartax.dempowa The result of the Theory Test: 0.5/3 The result of the Road Test: 5/5 The result of the Terrain test: - Final Result: Respins Other specifications: Bettter luck next time
  2. Nick: BASTARDO. Rank: LV Dispatcher Nick of the reported player: Olivia. Level of the reported player: 27 Mystats bar of the reported player: Description: DM near jail desk Proof:
  3. Nick: BASTARDO. Rank: 4 Nick of the reported player: Invincible Level of the reported player: 20 Mystats bar of the reported player: Description: Attacked me Proof: https://imgur.com/a/BNRLjv5
  4. Nickname: Bastardo. Rank: 4 Culoarea votată (doar ID-ul culorii) : 007
  5. Nickname: Bastardo. Rank: 1 Culoarea votată (doar ID-ul culorii) : 5
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