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About KiritoPeZona

  • Birthday 01/26/2001

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KiritoPeZona's Achievements


Contribuitor (4/14)

  • 300 Reactions Given
  • 15 Topics Rare
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  • 1 Poll Rare
  • 7 Consecutive Logs

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  1. Nume: [Ducele]Kirito Rang: Lieutenant (4) Candidatul testat: Sebi.. Rezultatul probei teoretice: 1.5/3 Rezultatul probei practice: 9/10 Rezultatul probei SWAT: - Rezultat total: Admis Alte precizări: Felicitări!
  2. Nume: [Ducele]Kirito Rang: Lieutenant (4) Candidatul testat: Zinc Rezultatul probei teoretice: 1/3 Rezultatul probei practice: 0/10 Rezultatul probei SWAT: - Rezultat total: Respins Alte precizări: Succes data viitoare
  3. Nume: [Ducele]Kirito Rang: Lieutenant (4) Candidatul testat: .Sokiable Rezultatul probei teoretice: 1.5/3 Rezultatul probei practice: 8/10 Rezultatul probei SWAT: - Rezultat total: Admis Alte precizări: Felicitări! Nume: [Ducele]Kirito Rang: Lieutenant (4) Candidatul testat: FacRaport Rezultatul probei teoretice: 3/3 Rezultatul probei practice: - Rezultatul probei SWAT: - Rezultat total: Respins Alte precizări: Succes data viitoare
  4. - Nume:[Ducele]Kirito - Linkul catre profilul de website / RPG bar: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/[Ducele]Kirito - Tipul de interviu dorit: Normal - Numele celorlalți participanți (dacă există): - - Linkul catre profilul de website al participanților / RPG bar: - - Am luat la cunoștință regulile prezentate pe prima pagină: Da. - Alte precizări: -
  5. Nume: [Ducele]Kirito Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/mccvyTg Alte informatii: - Feedback: -
  6. Nume: [Ducele]Kirito Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/ljFUISz Alte informatii: - Feedback: -
  7. Nume: [Ducele]Kirito Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/NBZfvOn Alte informatii:- Feedback: 10/10
  8. Name: [Ducele]Kirito Rank: SFPD Captain Candidate: Visa Result: Passed Result at arms test: 8/8 Other information: Congratulations ❤
  9. Name: [Ducele]Kirito Rank: SFPD Captain Candidate: WarroN. Result: Passed Result at arms test: 8/8 Other information: Congratulations ❤
  10. Name: [Ducele]Kirito Rank: SFPD Captain Candidate: Marcoo Result theoretical test: 0.5/3 Result practical test: 10/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Admis Other information: Felicitari!
  11. Name: [Ducele]Kirito Rank: SFPD Captain Candidate: Philips.80inbrat Result theoretical test: 1.5/3 Result practical test: 8/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Admis Other information: Felicitari!
  12. Name: [Ducele]Kirito Rank: SFPD Captain Candidate: Ciprian.S Result theoretical test: 1.5/3 Result practical test: 9/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Admis Other information: Felicitari!
  13. Name: [Ducele]Kirito Rank: SFPD Captain Candidate: ZeusPBP Result theoretical test: 1/3 Result practical test: 10/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Admis Other information: Felicitari!
  14. Name: [Ducele]Kirito Rank: SFPD Captain Candidate: KyTz Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: - Result SWAT test: - Total result: Picat Other information:-
  15. Name: [Ducele]Kirito Rank: SFPD Captain Candidate: Andre4EVER.1337 Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: - Result SWAT test: - Total result: Picat Other information:- Name: [Ducele]Kirito Rank: SFPD Captain Candidate: NEDE Result theoretical test: 2/3 Result practical test: 10/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Admis Other information: Felicitari.
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