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South HancKs

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South HancKs last won the day on April 9 2023

South HancKs had the most liked content!


About South HancKs

  • Birthday 02/19/2001

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Sahline, Monastir, Tunisia
  • Hobbies
    playing football

Contact Methods

  • Skype
    HancKs :D
  • Discord

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South HancKs's Achievements


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  • 300 Reactions Given
  • 100 Reactions Given
  • 50 Reactions Given
  • 10 Reactions Given
  • 14 Consecutive Logs

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  1. Nume în joc: HancKs.rTv Contract: https: https://imgur.com/xUrgulJ
  2. Nume în joc: HancKs.rTv Contractul ales: https://imgur.com/9Azi2HF
  3. Nick: HancKs.rTv Chosen contract: https://imgur.com/VWpW8jE
  4. Nume în joc: HancKs.rTv Contract: https://imgur.com/9bCp6ev
  5. Nume în joc: HancKs.rTv Contractul ales: https://imgur.com/zTVy4SM
  6. Nume in joc: HancKs.rTv Contract ales: https://imgur.com/ca6zzLT
  7. Nume în joc: HancKs.rTv Contract: https://imgur.com/8ZVPvDm
  8. - Name: HancKs.rTv - Rank: 5 - I want in team: SWAT - It's first time when i join this team: Yes/No: yes - Other mentions: nothing

  10. Activitati Obligatorii: LMS + Par/Impar + Duele Deagle + Car shield | 09.04.2023 | Ora: 15:00 Organizatori: Hancks + Zeom + Pointless  Membri prezenţi Private (1) 19dani. Maty Thommy Greet.rtv Chillows NotoriousMajesTIK - Second Lieutenant (2) Michael.HYENA ArmandoTiganu PAUL.COMUNISTUL First Lieutenant (3) - Captain (4) - Major (5) Focs EduardGH3 Derek.TW Colonel (6) Gunnter General (Leader) bbomber83 Membri prezenti: 17 (din care 1 liderul + 1 subleader si 3 organizatori) Membri învoiţi Private (1) inegalabilul TurCu Zenko._. Second Lieutenant (2) costi.prv Cuzo.. LaliteTiganu Moscowking First Lieutenant (3) Karev Captain (4) MDrqgos Eldon NoBulan. Eduard[ToV] Clodius ( INACTIVITY ) Major (5) SwiftBrotherHD 5crappY. aleksander Total : 16 Membri întârziaţi Private (1) Second Lieutenant (2) First Lieutenant (3) - Captain (4) Areta Major (5) - Total : 1 Membri absenţi Private (1) - Second Lieutenant (2) - First Lieutenant (3) - Captain (4) Espada Major (5) _Sergio. Total : 2 Areta Present at 15:21 = AV+FINE
  11. *Nume: HancKs *Rang: 3 *Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/sLxKuZP *Alte specificatii: raport namecover optional,
  12. *Nume: HancKs *Rang: 3 *Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/IQfn7Aq *Alte specificatii: raport namecover optional,
  13. Name: HancKs Rank: 3 Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/gUhOdvo Number of namecover actions: x1 possession of drugs Other specifications?: Peace
  14. Name: HancKs Rank: 2 Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/BmMVKhz Number of namecover actions: x1 possession of drugs Other specifications?: .
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