Nick: WaleeD
Rank: 5 Captain
I took a test with: AdrenaLine
Date of test: 9/1/2018
Accepted / rejected: Accepted
Result of theoretical test: 0/3
Result of practical test: 8/8
Other specifications: Welcome to LVPD!
Nick: WaleeD
Rank: 5 Captain
I took a test with: Peleg
Date of test: 9/1/2018
Accepted / rejected: Accepted
Result of theoretical test: 0/3
Result of practical test: 8/8
Other specifications: Welcome to LVPD!
Nick: WaleeD
Rank: 5 Captain
Am dat test cu: DutchMan
Data testului: 26.08.2018
Admis / respins: Admis
Rezultatul la proba de arme: 5/8
Alte precizari: Welcome to team S.W.A.T.
Nick : WaleeD
Rang :5
Proof at/fdeposit or/accept ticket: 50$k gift for because i love LVPD and 1440$ for ticket.
Link to the complaint (if any):
Nick: WaleeD
Rank: 5 Captain
I took a test with: Tallatali
Date of test: 8/19/2018
Accepted / rejected: Accepted
Result of theoretical test: 0/3
Result of practical test: 8/8
Other specifications: Welcome!
Nick: WaleeD
Rank: 5 Captain
I took a test with: SAAiF_SfaXiaNo
Date of test: 8/19/2018
Accepted / rejected: Accepted
Result of theoretical test: 0/3
Result of practical test: 8/8
Other specifications: Welcome!
Nick: WaleeD
Rank: 5 Captain
Am dat test cu: KeNNz00r
Data testului: 17.08.2018
Admis / respins: Admis
Rezultatul la proba de arme: 5/8
Alte precizari: Welcome to team S.W.A.T.
Nick: WaleeD
Rank: 5 Captain
Am dat test cu: Sir.Dabro
Data testului: 15.08.2018
Admis / respins: Admis
Rezultatul la proba de arme: 5/8
Alte precizari: Bine ai venit in echipa S.W.A.T.
Name: xXxWaleeDxXx
Rank: 3
I want in team: ROADS/SWAT
The reason: its ok to be roads and its cool , but i kinda got bored in roads i want to try SWAT and go after wanted
Onother specifications: Thank you.
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