Your nickname: Zargham.Talibanu
Server: HostName: B-Zone RPG | Marathon Season 36
Description of the bug: I was being desyncing again and again due to which i was getting /reward again and again i don't know why. I achieved it multiples time but the game server was so messed up that when i achieved it 1 or 2 time i had 1kk ( My own real money ) and that went -1kk. So i claimed the award again the admins showed have noticed it. I have returned after several years i didn't knew that the admins do not event communicate with you for even a minute before banning you. If they had informed me or reached out to me in any way or even kicked me once for not abusing the bug i won't dare to do that. In the unban request they said i was stealing from the server okay but why did i got -1kk if i was stealing? it was a server or somehow my id glitched about several things. Please notice these things. You can remove the gifts that were not rightfully mine but i don't deserve a ban. I apologize for what i did.