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Andr666 last won the day on September 6

Andr666 had the most liked content!

About Andr666

  • Birthday 12/30/2003

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    ¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯

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Andr666's Achievements


Mentor (12/14)

  • 1 Review Rare
  • 3000 Posts Rare
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  • 60 Consecutive Logs Rare

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  1. Discord ID: andr6699 (Andr666) Gradul/Gradele dorite: Peaceful Member Faction Link catre profilul RPG: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/andr.
  2. Nickname: andr. Rang: 5 Culoarea votată (doar ID-ul culorii): 121
  3. luati gold de aici ca sunt reduceri tari rau!!


  4. Nick: [oS]andr. Rang: Shift Supervisor (5) Data: 09.11.2024 Am dat test cu: Aditu23 Teorie (x/3): 3/3 Practic (x/5): - Teren (x/4): - Rezultat final (Trecut / Picat) : Picat Alte precizări: Next time poate fi mai bine.
  5. luati gold de aici ca sunt reduceri tari rau!!


  6. luati gold de aici ca sunt reduceri tari, tap tap rapid!!


  7. Nick: [oS]andr. Rang: Shift Supervisor (5) Data: 02.11.2024 Am dat test cu: OuouMaster Teorie (x/3): 0.5/3 Practic (x/5): 2/5 Teren (x/4): - Rezultat final (Trecut / Picat) : Trecut Alte precizări: Bine ai venit stimate domnu ouou.
  8. ba esti cam ouou :D @ OuouMaster

    1. OuouMaster


      De asemenea domnule! 


  9. Nickname: andr. Rang: 5 Culoarea votată (doar ID-ul culorii): 44
  10. Nick: [oS]andr. Rang: Shift Supervisor (5) Data: 31.10.2024 Am dat test cu: .lamporo Teorie (x/3): 0.5/3 Practic (x/5): 2/5 Teren (x/4): - Rezultat final (Trecut / Picat) : Trecut Alte precizări: Welcome back p'aci la noi kiss
  11. Nick: [oS]andr. Rang: Shift Supervisor (5) Data: 29.10.2024 Am dat test cu: Stevens Teorie (x/3): 0.5/3 Practic (x/5): - Teren (x/4): - Rezultat final (Trecut / Picat) : Picat Alte precizări: Crash in timpul testului - Nu a revenit dupa 5/10 minute. "am pare rau amice sorry "
  12. luati gold de aici ca sunt reduceri tari, tap tap rapid!!


  13. Un update exceptional de frumos si cu o noua masina decorata, pacat de mine ca m-am lasat de Youtube si postez tot mai rar ca asa beneficiam si eu lejer de grad si reducerii!! Multumim!
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