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About Malorne

  • Birthday 06/10/2001

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  1. Name: MalorneRank: Captain (5)Proof:https://imgur.com/a/OrdqScL Other informations: 1 Raport Optional . Thanks
  2. - Nume: Malorne - Rang: SFPD Captain - Candidatul testat: Pandatheturtle - Rezultatul probei teoretice: 3/3 - Rezultatul probei practice: N/A - Rezultatul probei SWAT: - N/A - Rezultat total: Respins - Alte precizări: Read the rules and be prepared next time!
  3. - Name: Malorne - Rang: SFPD Captain - Candidate tested: xBadboy - The result of the theoretical test: 1/3 - The result of the practical test: 0/10 was unable to present his proofs. - SWAT test result: - - Total result: Rejected - Other details: Good luck next time! Also fix your files management.
  4. - Nume: Malorne - Rang: SFPD Captain 5 - Candidatul testat: Pointless. - Rezultat: Admis - Rezultatul la proba de arme: 6/8 - Alte precizări: Felicitari
  5. - Nume: Malorne - Rang: SFPD Captain - Candidatul testat: Horhi - Rezultatul probei teoretice: 0/3 - Rezultatul probei practice: 10/10 - Rezultatul probei SWAT: N/A - Rezultat total: Admis! - Alte precizări: Felicitari! - Nume: Malorne - Rang: SFPD Captain - Candidatul testat: Stoony - Rezultatul probei teoretice: 0/3 - Rezultatul probei practice: 9.75/10 - Rezultatul probei SWAT: N/A - Rezultat total: Admis! - Alte precizări: Felicitari!
  6. I, Malorne, choose the period 06.11.2021 / 10:00 - 07.11.2021 / 10: 00, to participate in the contest
  7. - Name: Malorne - Link to the website profile / RPG bar: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/Malorne - The type of interview you want: Normal. - Name of other participants (if any): - - Link to the website profile of the participants / RPG bar: - - I was aware of the rules presented on the first page: I'm aware of those rules. - Other specifications: No.
  8. Nume: Malorne Rank:4 Echipa curentă: SWAT Echipa în care doresc: ROADS Motivul: Competition is tough on swat, especially now that College is starting to get harder and me getting lesser time to play. Alte precizări: have fun
  9. Nume: Malorne Rank: 4 Dovada: https://youtu.be/ntJVEbYOO_U Alte informatii: I'd like to have Optional Raport, If you please.
  10. - Name: Malorne - Link to the website profile / RPG bar: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/Malorne - The type of interview you want: Normal. - Name of other participants (if any): - - Link to the website profile of the participants / RPG bar: - - I was aware of the rules presented on the first page: I am aware of the rules presented there. - Other specifications: -
  11. Officer's rank: Lieutenant . Team Leader / Coach: Dabro., Mr.Jelly, Malorne, NmtCristian Date and time of training: 05.12.2021, 15:00. Members present: 13 Members Aquarrio Walker Krom [OG]Pedro Ser[G]en[T] [TLG]CaMpY. Nico[VODA] Ser[G]en[T] Konvict Xenone Membrii invoiți: 9 Members RoGvAiV Zeuspebepee DragosZEU AnaMaria MNOp. .Grati. SARKAR F9Mosti QUARESMA[] Membrii întârziați: ( N/A ) Membrii absenți: 4 Members Acedryk arjun4237 Other details: Thank you for attending! If you notice any mistake, do not hesitate to contact me.
  12. Nickname: Malorne Rank: SFPD Lieutenant (4) Current Team: Roads (R) Team where I want to go: Swat(S) Reason: Been in Roads since Rank 1, Let's try and spice things up by switching teams. Other Information: Arigatou Gozaimasu
  13. Hey, If it works, it works.
  14. Nickname: Malorne.PADAYON Meeting / Activity: Activity. Date and hour: 31/05/2021, 19:00 PM. Statistics (Present / Absent members): Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: LightclawHD - 200.000$, Sasuke.Vulcanizare - 200.000$ arjun4237 - 100.000$. Other mentions:
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