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ToV Vendetta

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About ToV Vendetta

  • Birthday 03/10/2002

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  1. Nick: Vendetta Rank: 6 Culoarea săptămânii aleasă: Negru(negru) Perioada:21.01 - 27.01 Alte precizări: Distractie placuta!  Nick: Vendetta Rank: 6 Color choosen:Black(black) Other specifications: Have fun!
  2. Nume: Vendetta Rank: 6 Data: 21.01.2019 Am dat testul cu: OlDirtyBastard Teoretic(x/3): 0/3 Practic(x/3): 0.25/3 Anything else?: Welcome!
  3. Nick: Vendetta RPG Bar (mic): Nick-ul celorlalti participanti (daca exista): Ursan RPG Bar (mic) al celorlalti participanti (daca exista): Alte precizari: - - -
  4. Nick: Vendetta Suma: 200.000$ Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/1EE1tlH Alte precizari?: Rank 6 ❤️
  5. Nume: Vendetta Rank: 5 Data: 26.12.2018 Am dat testul cu: XSUPERGAMERX Teoretic(x/3): 3/3 Practic(x/3): x/3 Anything else?: Bafta pe viitor.
  6. Nume: Vendetta Rank: 5 Data: 20.12.2018 Am dat testul cu: zebra2222 Teoretic(x/3): 3/3 Practic(x/3): x/3 Anything else?: Bafta in continuare!
  7. Nume: Vendetta Rank: 5 Data: 18.12.2018 Am dat testul cu: Liviu__ Teoretic(x/3): 2.25/3 Practic(x/3): 1/3 Anything else?: In asteptarea statisticilor.
  8. Nume: Vendetta Rank: 5 Data: 14.12.2018 Am dat testul cu: SebiFTW Teoretic(x/3): 3/3 Practic(x/3): x/3  Anything else?: Bafta!
  9. Nume: Vendetta Rank: 5 Data: 12.12.2018 Am dat testul cu: TheINFITNIT Teoretic(x/3): 1/3 Practic(x/3): 0.75/3 Anything else?: Welcome! Nume: Vendetta Rank: 5 Data: 12.12.2018 Am dat testul cu: MrGabyYT Teoretic(x/3): 3/3 Practic(x/3): x/3 Anything else?: Bafta!
  10. Nume: Vendetta Rank: 5 Data: 11.12.2018 Am dat testul cu: Lupu.Zew Teoretic(x/3): 2.5/3 Practic(x/3): 0.5/3  Anything else?: Welcome!
  11. Nume: Vendetta Rank: 5 Data: 11.12.2018 Am dat testul cu: TheKodeBreaker Teoretic(x/3): 3/3 Practic(x/3): x/3  Anything else?: Bafta! Nume: Vendetta Rank: 5 Data: 11.12.2018 Am dat testul cu: CantStop Teoretic(x/3): 1.5/3 Practic(x/3): 0.25/3  Anything else?: Welcome!
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